Wednesday 4 March 2009


//////////////Change alone is eternal, perpetual, immortal.
—attributed to Arthur Schopenhauer

//////////////Low-Income Countries Bear Biggest Burden of Stroke
A new analysis of global surveillance data shows that rates of stroke mortality and burden vary between countries, but lower-income countries appear to be most affected.
Medscape Medical News 2009

//////////////////////////////Study: Sodium, potassium ratio affects heart health
A team of researchers has found that consuming twice as much potassium as sodium may halve a person's risk of dying from cardiovascular disease

///////////////////The Northwestern researchers measured brainstem processing of three acoustic correlates (pitch, timing and timbre) in musicians and non-musicians to a scientifically validated emotion sound. The musicians, who learn to use all their senses to practice and perform a musical piece, were found to have "finely tuned" auditory systems.
This fine-tuning appears to lend broad perceptual advantages to musicians. "Previous research has indicated that musicians demonstrate greater sensitivity to the nuances of emotion in speech," says Ashley, who explores the link between emotion perception and musical experience. One of his recent studies indicated that musicians might even be able to sense emotion in sounds after hearing them for only 50 milliseconds.

/////////////////////////The greatest discovery of all time is that a person can change his future by merely changing his attitude.
Posted: 04 Mar 2009 03:00 AM PST
~ Oprah winfrey

/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////Statins Lower Stroke Severity, Improve Recovery (March 4, 2009) -- Researchers have shown that patients who were taking statins before a stroke experienced better outcomes and recovery than patients who weren't on the drug -- even when their cholesterol levels were ideal. ... > full storyStatins Lower Stroke Severity, Improve Recovery (March 4, 2009) -- Researchers have shown that patients who were taking statins before a stroke experienced better outcomes and recovery than patients who weren't on the drug -- even when their cholesterol levels were ideal. ... > full story

//////////////////////////////////Causes Of Rheumatic Heart Disease Discovered
ScienceDaily (Mar. 2, 2009) — Each year, around 15 million children fall ill with rheumatic heart disease worldwide; half a million of them die as a consequence. At the beginning of the medical cases of these children stands a simple throat infection with streptococcus – spherical bacteria responsible for causing a range of different infections. However, it is only certain streptococcal strains that trigger a whole chain of reactions in the body that culminates in the life-threatening rheumatic heart disease. These bacteria carry a special protein sequence, the so-called PARF motif, on their surface.

Singh Chhatwal and his colleague Patric Nitsche-Schmitz of the Helmholtz Centre for Infection Research (HZI) in Braunschweig illustrate the role played by PARF in the development of rheumatic heart disease. With this knowledge they are developing a test system that is able to recognise and prevent the disease at an early stage.
"PARF means 'peptide associated with rheumatic fever'," explains Nitsche-Schmitz. "It is a small section from a bacterial surface protein , which is used by the streptococcus to adhere to our cells and cause disease." Rheumatic fever develops from harmless sore throats amongst children in India, Australia and Africa in particular. The reason: inadequate medical treatment.

///////Rh F-parf

//////////////TV Viewing Before The Age Of 2 Has No Cognitive Benefit, Study Finds (March 2, 2009) -- In the first longitudinal study of its kind, researchers show that TV viewing before the age of two does not improve a child's language and visual motor skills. The findings suggest that maternal, child and household characteristics are more influential in a child's brain development. ... > full story


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