Monday, 16 November 2015


1. Non - judgemental
2. Non - striving (focussing on the process instead of the goal, not forcing anything)
3. Acceptance (seeing and acknowledging people, situations or things for what they are) 
4. Patience (letting things unfold in their own pace)
5. Trust (in one's self, one's body, intuition, etc)
6. Openness (attending to each and every stimuli [internal or external] at the present moment)
7. Letting go (of unwanted emotions and attachments)
8. Gentleness (with self and others)
9. Generosity
10. Empathy (understanding others' feelings, putting yourself in their shoes and being able to communicate that to them) 
11. Gratitude
12. Loving kindness (includes forgiveness and unconditional positive regard to self and others)

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