Thursday 25 March 2021




When you rest in quietnessand your image of yourselffades, and your image of theworld fades, and your ideas of others fade, what's left?A brightness, a radiant emptinessthat is simply who you are.~ Adyashanti


butterfly on red flower in water

From one point of view we can say that we have human bodies and are practicing the Buddha’s teachings and are thus better than insects.  But we can also say that insects are innocent and free from guile, whereas we often lie and misrepresent ourselves in devious ways in order to achieve our ends or better ourselves.  From this perspective, we are much worse than insects.  No matter who we ate with, we often think things like, “I am stronger than he,” “I am more beautiful than she,”  “I am more intelligent,” and so forth—we generate much pride.  This is not good.  Instead, we should always remain humble.



You can develop the right attitude toward others if you have kindness, love and respect for them, and a clear realization of the oneness of all human beings.  Compassion and loving kindness are the hallmarks of achievement and happiness.  The essence of all spiritual life is your attitude towards others. Once you have pure and sincere motives all the rest follows.  Irrespective of whether we are believers or agnostics, whether we believe in God or karma, everyone can pursue moral ethics.  Do your best and do it according to your own inner standard—call it conscience—not just according to society’s knowledge and judgement of your deeds.



The Buddha used to say to his monks that if they didn’t eat enough they would weaken their bodies and this is a mistake; but he would also tell them that by living a life that was too comfortable they would exhaust their merit.  In this way, he was exhorting us to reduce our desires, to be satisfied with what we have and develop spiritually, but at the same time to keep healthy.  Whether one eats too much or too little, in either case one will eventually fall ill.  We should avoid any extremes in our daily life


B Our true enemies are the mental poisons of ignorance, hatred, desire, jealousy and pride.  They are the only things that are capable of destroying our happiness.  Anger and hatred, in particular, are at the root of much of the suffering in this world, from family quarrels to large-scale conflicts.  They render any pleasant situation unbearable.  No religion praises their virtues; they all emphasize love and kindness.  We only have to read the many descriptions of paradise to realize that they are about peace, beauty, exquisite gardens, and flowers, but never, as far as I know, about conflicts and wars.  So anger is not attributed any positive qualities.


A  The individual attempts to establish

itself as eternal by identifying with its own activity, "I am this"

(aham idam) , and by appropriating the objects of its experience,

"This is mine" (mama idam).


A the main practice of knowledge

involves three stages : hearing (sravat/a) Advaitic metaphysics;

reflecting (manana) upon them ; and constant meditation (nididhyasana)

upon the essential truths of these teachings, expressed

in terms of the great sayings (mahiivakya) such as 'Thou Art




Though it is true that there are techniques you can use to manifest the life of your dreams, it’s important to remember that everything you do is manifesting. It’s not just about the things you do on purpose, it’s about the way you think, talk, and live your entire life.

1. Start Your Day with Positivity

The morning, right as you are waking up, is a magical time for your mind. As you are waking up and putting yourself together for the day, your mind is making a big transition from the unconscious, abstract world of sleeping and dreaming to the more rational, concrete reality of day-to-day life. What you are thinking, feeling, and believing during this time has a profound rippling effect on your entire day.

2. Balance the Scale

No matter who you are or what you do, you are always going to encounter a certain degree of negativity throughout your day as you interact with the world and feel it interacting with you.

Understand that you do not become a master of the Law of Attraction by avoiding negativity to the point that you are in denial. Yes, we always do what we can do to stay in a positive environment and think positive thoughts, but sometimes we must also jump into the mud and get some work done. No mud, no lotus.

Fortunately for us, positive thoughts, feelings, and beliefs are much, much stronger than negative ones. What this means is that you can help balance the scale of what you are manifesting throughout your day-to-day life by taking just a few minutes (ideally around 10) each day to intentionally think only positive thoughts.

3. Give Yourself the Present Moment

Take a break from the constant stream of thoughts running through the mind (in yoga this is called “chitta vritti” – mind chatter, or the “monkey mind”) by bringing yourself back to the present moment. Being fully present drastically accelerates the progression of the manifestation process.

In the present moment one can truly find peace, and deeply authentic joy. And it is this that will truly manifest the happiness, fulfillment and abundance that we crave at the depth of our being – and not the objects, money, events, or other external things that we tend to latch onto. True happiness is a STATE, not an external object, event, or circumstance.

4. The Magical Question

Before you lay down to go to sleep, there is one very simple and magical question that you can ask yourself that has the potential to refocus your mind, both at the conscious and subconscious level, on gratitude, blessings, and goodness. The question is this: What was the best thing that happened to me today?

The fact that it is a question is powerful in and of itself, because a question encourages the subconscious mind to answer it. By asking ourselves the right questions, we elicit responses in the deeper parts of our mind that make a HUGE difference in what we manifest in our day-to-day lives.


In spirituality, many people talk about awareness, but how can one discover awareness and understand it directly?

Are you aware right now reading these words?

Sure you are…

This is awareness you are asking to understand.

There is nothing to understand.

Awareness simply is. It is not under your control. You can not remove or change awareness.

So, you are aware all the time. There is no moment in life you have not been aware of.

If there is no awareness of yourself (which is basicaly the same) you would not know that you exist.

Without knowing (being aware of) life is not existent.

Awareness needs objects to know itself.

So through pure simple knowing of every experience, you experience awareness too.

Awareness and experience are not two things. There is only one total “aware field", in which (as which) objects come into existence.

So just sit down and watch, listen, feel, how one experience after another is simply known.

You dont need to do anything for it…

:) Enjoy your meditation, enjoy yourself.


Thus the doctrine of the radical discontinuity between absolute

and phenomenal consciousness that Sankara and his followers

uphold does not lead to an ultimate duality between these two

orders. Instead, the higher order consciousness persists as the

underlying, unifying and intelligent ground of all phenomenal

states of consciousness. "Reality is consciousness"l and consciousness

is "like a thread, that courses through and holds together

a collection of pearls"2 but which is never identical with them.


richest 1% of Americans own nearly 32% of the nation’s wealth, while the bottom 50% own just 2%?[


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