Wednesday 8 June 2022


 DWM As well as lowering levels of “bad” cholesterol (low-density lipoprotein), cranberries could prevent dementia by improving memory and enhancing brain function.


"I think my capacity to change has given me tremendous happiness, because who I am today I am completely content to be."

-- Jamie Lee Curtis



 Ban Non Wat holds the remains of the oldest known domesticated chickens, dating between 1650 and 1250 BCE. From there, it would take until 800 BCE for chickens to arrive in the Mediterranean.


DWM  women burned more fat and improved blood pressure readings by exercising in the morning compared to men who burned more fat at night.




Mahodadhi is the ancient and Hindu name for Bay of Bengal. The world famous Puri Jagannath Temple is located on the north of Mahodadhi. It is said that the Darubrahma (the divine log) was first spotted here floating at Bankimuhana near the seacoast. Another belief in Hinduism is that the fossilized hip bone of Sri Krishna which was stuffed into a log and thrown in the Arabian Sea at Dwaraka; it ultimately came floating to Puri. The Mahodadhi at Puri thus assumes great sanctity in Hindu religion and is called Tirtharaja, the holiest of the seas


Pilgrims touch the holy water of the Mahodadhi and offer coins and coconuts as a mark of devotion. Puri is said to be the Pada Gaya. Pilgrims perform valedictory funeral rites here. A number of monasteries, including the Satalahadi Matha, are located here.

The theological concepts in the Vedas centred around a supreme god evolved into a concept of impersonal divine reality in the Upanishads. This ultimate reality is called by different names such as sat, pure existence; brahman, the great one; and Atman, the cosmic Self.


The Taittiriya Upanishad says: ‘This is the Self, the Spirit, and from the Spirit, ether was born; and from the ether, air; and from the air, fire; and from the fire, the waters; and from the waters, earth; and from the earth, herbs and plants; and from the herbs and plants, food; and from food, man was born.’ This is an illustration of the physical origin of the universe in the Upanishads.

The Brihadaranyaka Upanishad gives a more profound description of the creation. It says: ‘All this universe was then undifferentiated. It became differentiated by name and form: it was known by such and such a name, and such and such a form. … This Self has entered into these bodies up to the very tips of the nails. … He who meditates on one or another of Its aspects does not know, for It is then incomplete. … The Self alone is to be meditated upon, for in It all these become unified.’

Adi Shankaracharya explains in his commentary to the above mantra that the Self is superimposed by avidya, the primordial ignorance, with the differences of agent, action, and result. That is when the name and form consisting of this universe pass from undifferentiated to differentiated state. The creation in essence is an apparent modification involving superimposition. The Self remains the same unaffected and unmodified in this process. This is the reason why the Upanishad instructs us to mediate on the Self alone, since it is the only reality in the midst of apparent modifications that has taken the form of a universe.


If you don't know where you're going, you might not get there.” — Yogi Berra


Questioner: “You say that what is to happen will happen and what is not to happen will not happen; if that is so, why should it be said that good deeds must be done?”
Bhagavan: “If something good is done, it results in happiness. Hence people say good deeds must be done.”
Questioner: “Yes. That is why elders say that sorrow is adventitious.”
Bhagavan: “That is so. Sorrow is adventitious. It is only happiness that is natural. Every living being desires happiness because his natural state is the embodiment of happiness. All 'sadhanas' (spiritual efforts) are for overcoming adventitious sorrow. When a headache comes on casually, you have to get rid of it by medicine. If it is a permanent ailment of the body, attached to it from birth to death, why should you try to get rid of it? Just as boils and other diseases of the body are cured by a doctor’s treatment, sorrows which are the result of various difficulties can be overcome by 'sadhana' specially aimed at them. This body itself is a disease. The root cause of it is ignorance. If for that ignorance the medicine called 'jnana' is administered all inherent diseases will disappear at once.”
Questioner: “Is it possible to get immediate results by 'sadhana'?”
Bhagavan: Some yield immediate results and some do not. That depends upon the intensity or otherwise of the 'sadhana'. If good acts or evil acts are done with great intensity the results will manifest themselves immediately; otherwise the results are slow. The results, however, necessarily follow. It cannot be helped.
(From 'Letters from Sri Ramanasramam', Letter 205)

  1. happening as a result of an external factor or chance rather than design or inherent nature.

In the New Testament we can read about Peter, who was a fisherman. He cast his net into the water to catch fish, but if the fish were intelligent they would escape. The whole world is a net in which you have been caught. Consequently, you are in bondage- the bondage of money, and material possessions, the bondage of physical pleasures, the bondage of strong likes and dislikes as well as the bondage of anger, pride, cruelty and other negative emotions. You are not free. Yet all delusions, illusions and errors come from within. By practicing Kriya Yoga, you can escape from the net and stay close to the fisherman’s feet. Only then you will remain free. If you think that you are intelligent or have a lot of pride and anger, offer them up to God. Only if you remain focused on the fontanel will you discover your real talent, along with wisdom and intelligence. You have to go beyond mind, thought, intellect and worldly awareness.
- - - Paramahamsa Hariharanandaji Maharaj -




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