Thursday 11 August 2022





‘Enlightenment’ is beyond ‘mind,’ so it cannot be ‘understood’ by anyone, regardless of intelligence level.

There is absolutely no practices for ‘enlightenment;’ practices do not lead to ‘enlightenment’ nor have anything to do with it. So once again, level of intelligence could not be a factor


All Life ask for is to Be Life/ Be Love/ Be Awareness. Be whole. 🙏❤️ And strangely enough the one asking is the one asking from




The ego does two things, and it does them marvelously, insidiously, and in complete obscurity, hidden from your view.

First of all, it suffers. The suffering of the ego is profound, and when you suffer in life, only a tip of the iceberg of this suffering rises to the level of consciousness. Even if you are happy, the suffering of the ego exists. Even after self-realization it continues, even in Samadhi it continues. But of course, the ego is the master of disguise, so it denies its suffering. It uses every trick in the book, every excuse it can find to deny its suffering it will use. It doesn’t want to be looked at, it hates to be seen. The scariest thing for the ego is to be seen, there is nothing more scary. For the ego to be seen is the ultimate horror, for it leads to its annihilation. Once you see the ego, you also realize that it doesn’t exist and it never has. It cannot let that happen, no! So it will do everything in its power so that you do not see it, it will hide from you.

The second thing it does is coming up with masterful justifications of its ugly acts. Everything that ego does is ugly - everything. It knows no beauty, no love, no relaxation, no enjoyment. Only judgment, hatred, tension and discontent. It loves vengeance. So the ego always, always gives you extremely convincing arguments for how every ugly thing you do is someone else’s fault. You’re not in control of your behavior, no. You just couldn’t help it. It was a good thing you hit that person, it’s called justice. It’s a good thing to kill for your government, it’s called honor. The misbehaving children must be punished. Everyone is always at fault! They deserved it. They asked for it. They are immoral. They aren’t honest and loving like you are, so they deserve what’s happening to them, you’ll even help it happen. It is all their fault. And of course, in its pinnacle of madness - they deserve to die.

When the ego turns on itself, you become its object of hatred. You deserve what’s happening to you. You are immoral. You are not worthy of love. It is all your fault. And in its pinnacle of madness - you deserve to die.

The lies the ego tells you are profound. No one deserves to die - only the ego deserves to die. People are innocent, their egos are not.

The ego is a master of deception, the master of pretense. It is scared of being discovered, it has protected itself by the layers and layers of fear and resistance. So when you lie down to meditate, give it some time - and it will become uncomfortable. You would think, there should be nothing easier in this life than simply doing nothing for a while. Animals do it all the time, look at them cats! Just do nothing for a few hours, enjoy yourself, how hard can it be? But the ego always drives you to do something, to fix something, to achieve something - to distract you from itself, to distract you from taking a look at yourself, at your inability to enjoy your own existence without a constant fight. The ego is constantly at war with something. And so as you attempt to do so, to simply spend a few hours doing absolutely nothing, suddenly it becomes hugely uncomfortable! A great restlessness arises, a great fear, unpleasantness! Oh my, what is going on with me? Where is this all coming from? Why is this so hard, so difficult? Where is all this going? No, no, we need to stop, we need to get up and do something productive! That’s too much, not today, not today, not now, tomorrow! Let us read a spiritual book instead. We will feel somewhat soothed and we can get on with our life! We will build such a beautiful life, everyone will envy us! But of course, it doesn’t tell you that it will build it in an ugly way, manipulatively, coercively, deceitfully. And thus, you will never be truly happy with it, you will always be yearning for more.

The moment the ego is truly seen it is doomed.


The word Bhole as usual signifies innocence.

Bhandari refers to “the reservoir “

Thus One who is the “accumulation of Innocence”..

Similar words include



Bhole Baba….etc.

It signifies the Highest Atman is without pretense and is appeased in Himself as “ShiVam”.

The One who is tricked easily even knowing of it …but no one likes to deceive Him, just like the innocent child. … who is adorable in every way…


(7:29) Those who, clinging to Me, seek release from (the debilities of) old age and from (the finality of) death become true knowers of Brahman (the Absolute), of Adhyatma (the Overself), and of all the secrets of karma.
The debilities of old age are notorious. They include increasing illness, physical and mental debility, and perhaps senility. It is always sad to see someone who was once robust and full of energy decline to decrepitude, outwardly and inwardly. People often spend their life savings on medical care in their last years. Those who cling to God are the most likely to die with dignity. The Overself watches over them in old age better than any human doctor could do. Inwardly—it is evident to those who know them intimately—they are unchanged and, indeed, spiritually robust—“ever the same,” as the great woman saint Anandamayee Ma declared.
Those with any lingering doubts as to the “whys” of life—the disparities of fortune; their seeming injustices; the endless intricacies of karma—find all their questions answered in Brahman: the great Overself of all beings.



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