Friday 26 July 2024




The notion of collapse depends upon the idea that any quantum state can be written as a superposition (a weighted combination) of component states in Hilbert space. Those building-block states, corresponding to unambiguous values of particular physical features, are known as “eigenstates.” Depending on which physical property is under consideration, a quantum state can be expressed as a superposition of position eigenstates, momentum eigenstates, or eigenstates associated with other observables. The complete array of eigenstates associated with a particular property is called a “basis”: a position basis, momentum basis, or otherwise. The choice of basis is akin to constructing a wood cabin with either all horizontal beams or all vertical beams, but not both types at once. Similarly, once a quantum state is expressed in a position basis, it constitutes a weighted combination of only position eigenstates. Alternatively, if framed in a momentum basis, it is a different weighting of only momentum eigenstates. 


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