Saturday 19 May 2012


///////////////////////////It is easier to fight for one's principles than to live up to them."
– Alfred Adler

////////////////////////Coley and Carr suggest that some of these black holes, if they actually exist, might have been created by the collapsing Universe as part of the Big Crunch, and then somehow escaped being pulled into the pinpoint singularity comprised of everything else. And then, after the Big Bang, they simply assimilated with the newly formed Universe.


/////////////////////////////////University of Missouri researchers found that thoughts of mortality can lead to decreased militaristic attitudes, better health decisions, increased altruism and helpfulness, and reduced divorce rates.

/////////////////////////////////to terror management theory, people deal with their awareness of mortality by upholding cultural beliefs and seeking to become part of something larger and more enduring than themselves, such as nations or religions," said Jamie Arndt,

//////////////////////////////////SUCCESS BEGETS SUCCESS, SUFFRNG BEGETS SUFFRNG

/////////////////////////////////ALTRUISM BEGETS ALTRUISM, CRIME BEGEST CRIME

////////////////////////////////////hat bilinguals' rich experience with language "fine-tunes" their auditory nervous system and helps them juggle linguistic input in ways that enhance attention and working memory.

/////////////////////////////////JINKO JANA THA  VO TO CHAL DIYE , GAMO- LEX MESS /70

///////////////////////////////ALHZHMR-ApoE4 works through an intracellular protein (Cyclophilin A) that makes the brain vulnerable to an attack.

/////////////////////////////////////Although time spent reading and time spent watching TV both expend few calories, one is associated with lower weight, and the other with higher weight.

//////////////////////////////...........Leisure-time activities involve more than the calories burned; they also reflect differences across social groups in motives and means for good health.

More highly educated people tend to both read more and weigh less.

//////////////////////BG THNK

//////////////////////////////his data suggests you have a better chance of keeping off excess pounds if you indulge in leisure-time interests that have intellectual or emotional weight.



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