Sunday 3 June 2012


//////////////////////////////That's when, 375,000 years after the Big Bang, the Universe finally cooled enough that protons could hang on to electrons, forming hydrogen atoms and emitting photons in the process. These photons, stretched out and cooled by the expansion of the Universe, have been with us ever since. And, with just a regular old TV set, you can capture some of them.

/////////////////////////////CLOVES (which stands for Congenital Lipomatous Overgrowth, Vascular malformations, Epidermal nevis, Spinal/skeletal anomalies/scoliosis

six and 60 percent of cells in each individual's affected tissues contained mutations in a gene called PIK3CA, a component of a key molecular pathway regulating cell division and growth. Even though the precise mutations differed slightly between the patients, each mutation—a simple replacement of one DNA base for another, altering the structure of the protein PIK3CA encodes—has the effect of activating the pathway in the absence of external signals promoting growth.

////////////////////////////////////War and Peace, by Leo Tolstoy

Because what else is there?

////////////////////////////////////The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, by Mark Twain

Because a boy can disappear, a boy can survive on his own, a boy can become part of a nation's hopes for itself.

//////////////////////////////////AVC.......modernism and post-modernism define the 20th century in western culture. Modernism first emerged in the late 19th century and was a reaction against the romanticism that had defined western civilization in the 19th century. Modernism embraced the industrialization of society and the emergence of breakthrough scientific thinking. In art and architecture, modernism brought simplicity and and new artistic forms.

Post-modernism was the post-war (WWII) reaction to modernism. It re-embraced historical contexts but in a modern form. Post-modernism was complex, ironic, and ambiguous.

pseudo-modern cultural phenomenon par excellence is the internet.

text messaging and emailing is vapid in comparison with what people of all educational levels used to put into letters. A triteness, a shallowness dominates all. The pseudo-modern era, at least so far, is a cultural desert.

////////////////////////////All people operate from the same two motivations: to fulfil their desires and to escape their suffering.

Life is a subjective experience and that cannot be escaped

////////////////////////////Theoretical physics is mathematics and invention. Experimental physics is observation and discovery


///////////////////////////////////////STROKE=Once considered exclusively a disorder of blood vessels, growing evidence has led to the realization that the biological processes underlying stroke are driven by the interaction of neurons, glia, vascular cells, and matrix components, which actively participate in mechanisms of tissue injury and repair.

///////////////////////////////////////Laugh, and the world laughs with you;
Weep, and you weep alone.
For the sad old earth must borrow it's mirth,
But has trouble enough of its own



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