Sunday 12 May 2013


//////////////////////////University College, London, set out to explain how we experience beauty in visual art. Ten people were shown 300 paintings while their heads were in an fMRI machine. They were asked to label the paintings as neutral, beautiful or ugly. The paintings they thought were beautiful led to increased activity in their frontal cortex, while the ugly paintings led to a similar increase in their motor cortex."

/////////////////////////BT= future when neurohumanities and neuroaesthetics have become so adulated that they rise up and out of the academy. Soon enough, they may seep into writers’ colonies and artists’ studios, where 'culture producers' confronting a sagging economy and a distracted audience will embrace 'Neuro Art'

/////////////////////////............ it implies that the brain is—at its core—a general-purpose machine that can be tuned to specific tasks."

////////////////////////.............When people participate in market transactions, their moral standards fall substantially, supporting behavior they claim to oppose, such as child labor, workforce exploitation, or meat production involving cruelty to animals.

////////////////////////////...............The best outcome for a healthy pregnancy is to be wanted, planned and have access to prenatal care with appropriate nutrition and delivered by a skilled attendant ... followed by access to modern contraception for appropriate child spacing.

/////////////////////////MCHAT - AUTISM IN TODDLER SCREEN QAIRE 16-30 MO AGE



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