Saturday 4 May 2013


/////////////////Red: I have no idea to this day what those two Italian ladies were singing about. Truth is, I don't wanna know. Some things are best left unsaid. I like to think they were singing about something so beautiful it can't be expressed in words, and makes your heart ache because of it. I tell you, those voices soared higher and farther than anybody in a gray place dares to dream. It was like some beautiful bird flapped into our drab little cage and made those walls dissolve away, and for the briefest of moments, every last man at Shawshank felt free.

////////////////////////Don't carry a grudge. While you're carrying a grudge, the other guy's out dancing."
– Buddy Hackett

//////////////////////SLVRY THE PERMANENT AGONY

///////////////////“If you learn from a loss you have not lost.” ~Austin O’Malley

/////////////////////////////THE GOLDFISH MEMORY=Losing one of my pets has been a chance for me to reflect on the value of the present

////////////////////////////“We meet but briefly in life, if we touch each other with stardust, that is everything.”  ~Unknown

//////////////////////////////// every  normal  person can  speak  grammatically  (in the sense of systematically) and ungrammatically (in the sense of nonprescriptively), just  as  there is  no  contradiction  in saying  that  a  taxi  obeys  the  laws  of  physics  but  breaks  the  laws of Massachusetts.

//////////////////////////The single largest language family, Indo-European has about 150 languages and about three billion speakers.  Languages include Hindi and Urdu (400 million), Bengali (200 million), Spanish (300 million), Portuguese (200 million), French (100 million), German (100 million), Russian (300 million), and English (400 million) in Europe and the Americas.  With English, one can reach approximately one billion people in the world.

//////////////////////////Everyone speaks a dialect


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