Sixteen percent of ALL survivors had VIPN. VIPN should be increasingly recognised as a late effect of chemotherapy, as it significantly affects physical and social function quality of life.
Obs of a Prnnl Lrnr Obsrvr who happens to be a dctr There is no cure for curiosity-D Parker
Tuesday, 31 January 2017
milk consumption was associated with a borderline increase in fracture risk in men.
milk consumption was associated with a borderline increase in fracture risk in men.
A pizza that has radius “z” and height “a” has volume Pi × z × z × a.
A pizza that has radius “z” and height “a” has volume Pi × z × z × a.
There are scientific reasons for these “bottoms.” Experiences that are either very frightening or terrifying, creates an “emotional memory,” which is a memory that is permanently stamped on the brain. This memory overrides the normal learning process, long-term potentiation (LTP). What this means, is that this memory is easier recalled than others and may even stamp out other memories.1
When a “bottom” happens, the survival part of the bran (the limbic system – same system activated by drugs) is now your friend. But instead, it is now awakened and takes a hard look inward at primary survival.
The five-year-olds tended to view their own gender as the brilliant one, but this changed in the six- and seven-year-olds: At these ages, girls were more likely to pick the male characters as the brilliant ones. And this was true across different socioeconomic groups, races and ethnicities.
The five-year-olds tended to view their own gender as the brilliant one, but this changed in the six- and seven-year-olds: At these ages, girls were more likely to pick the male characters as the brilliant ones. And this was true across different socioeconomic groups, races and ethnicities.
Monday, 30 January 2017
Elton John sang: “[T]here are times when we all need to share a little pain...When all hope is gone, sad songs say so much.”
Elton John sang: “[T]here are times when we all need to share a little pain...When all hope is gone, sad songs say so much.”
The fact that sad music’s appeal spans historical periods and cultures suggests that music-evoked sadness serves important functions. Research has suggested that sad music plays a role in emotional regulation. It evokes pleasant emotions such as bliss and awe, along with sadness, and is more likely than happy music to arouse the intensely pleasurable responses referred to as “chills.” Accompanied by the release of hormonessuch as oxytocin and prolactin, associated with social bonding and nurturance, sad music can facilitate recovering positive mood. Reminiscent of the psychoanalytic construct of catharsis, contemporary notions of venting explain recovery in terms of satisfying the need to release emotional distress in order to allow for cognitive distancing, reappraisal, and insight.
The Rule of 72
Want to know how long it will take for your money to double at a certain interest rate? Skip the financial calculator and use the rule of 72 to estimate the effects of compound interest.
- Just divide the number 72 by your target interest rate, and you get the approximate number of years that it will take for your money to double.
- If you were to invest in a 0.9% CD, it would take about 80 years for your money to double.
On the other hand, if you were to invest in a mutual fund with a 7% return, it would take your original funds about 10.28 years to double.
Ignorance is only bliss for a short time; sooner or later reality catches up with it.
Ignorance is only bliss for a short time; sooner or later reality catches up with it.
Pets are a child’s best friend, not their siblings
- Pets are a child’s best friend, not their siblings
Sunday, 29 January 2017
Anyone who has been properly beaten will tell you that the real pain does not come until about eight or ten seconds after the stroke.
Anyone who has been properly beaten will tell you that the
real pain does not come until about eight or ten seconds after
the stroke.
Eat open-faced sandwiches to cut back by one slice; Go ‘animal-style’ and replace the whole hamburger bun with lettuce;
BUN:creatinine elevation: causes
Azotremia (pre-renal)
Bleeding (GI)
Catabolic status
Diet (high protein parenteral nutrition)
Any emotion, if it is sincere, is involuntary. Mark Twain
Any emotion, if it is sincere, is involuntary.
Mark Twain
To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment.” ― Ralph Waldo Emerson
To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment.”
― Ralph Waldo Emerson
Always forgive your enemies - nothing annoys them so much." -- Oscar Wilde
Always forgive your enemies - nothing annoys them so much."
-- Oscar Wilde
-- Oscar Wilde
A reader lives a thousand lives before he dies. The man who never reads lives only one. — George R.R. Martin
A reader lives a thousand lives before he dies. The man who never reads lives only one.
— George R.R. MartinReading also helps you lose yourself in a fictional character through a process called experience-taking (PDF), "the imaginative process of spontaneously assuming the identity of a character in a narrative and simulating that character’s thoughts, emotions, behaviors, goals, and traits as if they were one’s own." And it may actually lead to real life changes.
Reading also helps you lose yourself in a fictional character through a process called experience-taking (PDF), "the imaginative process of spontaneously assuming the identity of a character in a narrative and simulating that character’s thoughts, emotions, behaviors, goals, and traits as if they were one’s own." And it may actually lead to real life changes.
Five days a week, for thirty-six years, I have travelled the eight-twelve train to the City. It is never unduly crowded, and it takes me right in to Cannon Street Station, only an eleven and a half minute walk from the door of my office in Austin Friars
Five days a week, for thirty-six years, I have travelled the
eight-twelve train to the City. It is never unduly crowded, and it
takes me right in to Cannon Street Station, only an eleven and
a half minute walk from the door of my office in Austin Friars
One research study found that reading for just six minutes can help reduce stress levels by as much as 68%—more effective than going for a walk, drinking a cup of tea or listening to music
One research study found that reading for just six minutes can help reduce stress levels by as much as 68%—more effective than going for a walk, drinking a cup of tea or listening to music
A mind needs books like a sword needs a whetstone, if it is to keep its edge. That is why I read so much. Tyrion Lannister
A mind needs books like a sword needs a whetstone, if it is to keep its edge. That is why I read so much.
Tyrion LannisterTo acquire the habit of reading is to construct for yourself a refuge from almost all the miseries of life. —W. Somerset Maugham
To acquire the habit of reading is to construct for yourself a refuge from almost all the miseries of life. —W. Somerset Maugham
The herbs curcumin and berberine increase insulin sensitivity, reduce blood sugar levels and may help prevent diabetes.
The herbs curcumin and berberine increase insulin sensitivity, reduce blood sugar levels and may help prevent diabetes.
Drinking coffee or tea may help reduce blood sugar levels, increase insulin sensitivity and reduce the risk of diabetes.
Drinking coffee or tea may help reduce blood sugar levels, increase insulin sensitivity and reduce the risk of diabetes.
Minimizing processed foods and focusing on whole foods with protective effects on health may help decrease the risk of diabetes.
Minimizing processed foods and focusing on whole foods with protective effects on health may help decrease the risk of diabetes.

Consuming foods high in vitamin D or taking supplements can help optimize vitamin D blood levels, which can reduce your risk of diabetes.
Consuming foods high in vitamin D or taking supplements can help optimize vitamin D blood levels, which can reduce your risk of diabetes.
Consuming a good fiber source at each meal can help prevent spikes in blood sugar and insulin levels, which may help reduce your risk of developing diabetes.
Consuming a good fiber source at each meal can help prevent spikes in blood sugar and insulin levels, which may help reduce your risk of developing diabetes.
Avoiding sedentary behaviors like excessive sitting has been shown to reduce your risk of getting diabetes.
Avoiding sedentary behaviors like excessive sitting has been shown to reduce your risk of getting diabetes.
Avoiding large portion sizes can help reduce insulin and blood sugar levels and decrease the risk of diabetes.
Avoiding large portion sizes can help reduce insulin and blood sugar levels and decrease the risk of diabetes.
Following a ketogenic or very-low-carb diet can help keep blood sugar and insulin levels under control, which may protect against diabetes.
Following a ketogenic or very-low-carb diet can help keep blood sugar and insulin levels under control, which may protect against diabetes.
Carrying excess weight, particularly in the abdominal area, increases the likelihood of developing diabetes. Losing weight may significantly reduce the risk of diabetes.
Carrying excess weight, particularly in the abdominal area, increases the likelihood of developing diabetes. Losing weight may significantly reduce the risk of diabetes.
Drinking water instead of other beverages may help control blood sugar and insulin levels, thereby reducing the risk of diabetes.
Drinking water instead of other beverages may help control blood sugar and insulin levels, thereby reducing the risk of diabetes.
Performing physical activity on a regular basis can increase insulin secretion and sensitivity, which may help prevent the progression from prediabetes to diabetes.
Performing physical activity on a regular basis can increase insulin secretion and sensitivity, which may help prevent the progression from prediabetes to diabetes.
Eating foods high in refined carbs and sugar increases blood sugar and insulin levels, which may lead to diabetes over time. Avoiding these foods may help reduce your risk.
Eating foods high in refined carbs and sugar increases blood sugar and insulin levels, which may lead to diabetes over time. Avoiding these foods may help reduce your risk.
Saturday, 28 January 2017
The thematic conflict between passion and restraint can be seen with hot and
cold imagery within the novel. At Gateshead, for example, the young Jane loses
her temper with Mrs Reed, who has lied about her to Mr Brocklehurst. Mrs.
Reed's ‘eye of ice’ symbolising a cold heart and a lack of compassion looks
‘freezingly’ at Jane. This contrasts with Jane’s description of herself as a ‘ridge
of lighted heath, alive, glancing, devouring’. This triplet suggests life, movement
and passion. We have a sense of wildness as she enjoys rebelling ag
With the middle and upper classes, respectability and a good reputation were
extremely important. As a single Victorian woman, Jane has no family to make
enquiries on her behalf about the propriety of working as a governess at
Thornfield Hall. This is an essential plot device for chapter 10: had enquiries
been made, it is likely that she would not have accepted a position looking after
an illegitimate child, who is reputed to be the daughter of a supposedly single
man with a history of mistresses.
The pathetic fallacy signifies a change in mood, as Jane’s tone becomes more
positive. Her adjectives (‘freely’, ‘picturesque’, ‘sweet’, ‘unblown’, ‘ripe’ ‘pearl-like’
and ‘young’) have positive connotations, illustrating her new attitude to being a
pupil at Lowood. The nature imagery also reflects this stage of her life: the
‘pearl-like eggs’ are as yet unhatched, reminding the reader that Jane is still a
young girl, full of potential. Likewise, the ‘ivy sprays’ are ‘young’, which might
represent Jane who, like ivy, is growing and searching to establish a place for
herself in the world.
The gothic genre combines Romanticism with fiction and horror. In gothic
literature, characters usually include a virtuous orphaned heroine (who faints a
lot) and a murderous villain with terrifying eyes. Tales are set in the past, often
in remote foreign castles or monasteries with secret subterranean passages.
A year after the publication of ‘Jane Eyre’, Charlotte and Ann went to London
(Emily refused to accompany them) to quash a rumour that the three novels
were written by the same person. Their publisher George Smith was greatly
surprised to learn that they were young women. He coped admirably by
introducing them to his mother and taking them to the theatre.
Charlotte Brontë was 31 years old when ‘Jane Eyre’ was published under the
male pseudonym of Currer Bell. It was one of the earliest novels written from
the perspective of a female, and it became an immediate best seller.
Azithromycin given to women in labor decreases infections in both women and newborns during the puerperal period
Azithromycin given to women in labor decreases infections in both women and newborns during the puerperal period
LUCRETIUS "The fall of dropping water wears away the Stone."
"The fall of dropping water wears away the Stone."
Friday, 27 January 2017
That something could be a brain region called the ventral striatum, an area activated when people are told to focus on things of value. Cole has found in as-yet-unpublished research that people with more activity in this area show similar patterns of gene expression to those with high levels of eudaemonic well-being. Focusing on something positive and bigger than yourself may activate the ventral striatum, which can inhibit areas like the amygdala, which usually promotes the stress response. Another indication of this comes from research showing that higher scores on a scale of purpose correlated with less amygdala activation.

“If people with purpose live longer, there must be some biology underpinning that”
The study of how purpose influences our health largely began with Viktor Frankl, an Austrian psychiatrist who survived four Nazi concentration camps. He noticed that some of his fellow prisoners were far more likely to survive than others. “Woe to him who saw no more sense in his life, no aim, no purpose, and therefore, no point in carrying on. He was soon lost,” he later wrote. After the second world war, Frankl dedicated his work to understanding the role of purpose and developed a therapy based on his findings.
One day, but not yet. Just because life is ultimately meaningless doesn’t stop us searching for meaning while we are alive. Some seek it in religion, others in a career, money, family or pure escapism. But all who find it seem to stumble across the same thing – a thing psychologists call “purpose”.
One day, but not yet. Just because life is ultimately meaningless doesn’t stop us searching for meaning while we are alive. Some seek it in religion, others in a career, money, family or pure escapism. But all who find it seem to stumble across the same thing – a thing psychologists call “purpose”.
Always bear in mind that your own resolution to succeed is more important than any other." -- Abraham Lincoln
Always bear in mind that your own resolution to succeed is more important than any other."
-- Abraham Lincoln
-- Abraham Lincoln
Does he think his good health might be inherited? “I’m three-quarters Welsh peasant and one-quarter French peasant,” he notes. “Tough people. Plenty of my relatives checked out in their 90s, although my parents didn’t live to a great age. My father had a very stressful career and my mother had cancer and died in her mid-60s. I’ve never had that kind of career stress.” Later, Walters emails me with a warning: “Remember, even the healthiest of whales has barnacles growing on it, and bears the scars from scraping against undersea rocks. I recall a Hindu sage who once said: ‘The body itself is a disease.’”
On average, each of us will get around 200 colds in a lifetime
On average, each of us will get around 200 colds in a lifetime
Spirituality is a broader concept than religion and encompasses a person’s search for meaning, relationships with a higher power, with nature, and with other people ... Ultimately, spirituality involves a sense of unity with a reality more enduring than the individual self.
Spirituality is a broader concept than religion and encompasses a person’s
search for meaning, relationships with a higher power, with nature, and
with other people ... Ultimately, spirituality involves a sense of unity
with a reality more enduring than the individual self.
How strange this fear of death is! We are never frightened at a sunset.” GEORGE MACDONALD
How strange this fear of death is! We are never frightened at a sunset.”
“ While sudden deaths are attractive among the healthy, in reality they leave many things undone, and they are often the hardest deaths for families to accept (Byock, 1997, p. 53).
“ While sudden deaths are attractive among the healthy, in reality they
leave many things undone, and they are often the hardest deaths for
families to accept (Byock, 1997, p. 53).
Awareness of Dying
Glaser and Strauss (1967) describe types of awareness of dying. In closed
awareness, the patient is unaware of impending death while the staff and/or
family engage in tactics to avoid disclosure. This occurs when the patient
does not recognize the signs, the physician avoids the subject, the family
guards the secret, and the entire staff keeps the conversation focused on a
superficial level. Closed awareness prevents any choice or end-of-life planning
for the patient and makes reconciliation with friends and family impossible.
In many traditional cultures, speaking of death is believed to do more
harm than good. For instance, Greek physicians and nurses fear that revealing
the truth to patients will provoke unhealthy emotions (Georgaki,
Kalaidopoulou, Liarmakopoulos, and Mystakidou, 2002). Only 11% of Greek
physicians disclose the diagnosis of cancer to all their patients and 66% of
nurses find it difficult to speak openly to a patient about death.
In suspicion awareness, the patient suspects his prognosis but the family
and staff do not confirm this, and continue to use tactics to avoid the subject.
This occurs because of fear that troubling emotions will be expressed. If the
situation is not acknowledged, feelings are avoided.
In mutual pretense, all parties are aware of dying but agree to act as if the
person is going to live. Neither wants to disturb the other with discomforting
news. Tact and silence dominate the environment. Rituals focusing on wellness
continue and discussion is about safe subjects. If a nurse or family member
witnesses the person crying, he or she will avoid calling attention to the
situation and attempt to change the subject. Many cultures, particularly nonWestern
cultures, place a high value on avoiding the awareness that death is
coming closer. In 1886, Leo Tolstoy (1981, pp. 102–103) wrote about the lies
required to maintain mutual pretense:
Ivan Ilyich suffered most of all from the lie, the lie which, for some
reason, everyone accepted: that he was not dying but simply ill,
and that if he stayed calm and underwent treatment he could
expect good results. Yet he knew that regardless of what was done,
all he could expect was more agonizing suffering and death. And
he was tortured by this lie, tortured by the fact that they refused to
acknowledge what he and everyone else knew, that they wanted
to lie about his horrible condition and to force him to become a
party to that lie. This lie, a lie perpetrated on the eve of his death, a
lie that was bound to degrade the awesome, solemn act of his
dying to the level of their social calls. . . . He saw that no one pitied
him because no one even cared to understand his situation. Finally, open awareness occurs when both staff/family and patient
acknowledge dying. The patient then has the opportunity to bring closure to
his life, say good-bye, say, “I’m sorry,” and state final wishes. Open awareness
invites closure not only for the patient, but for loved ones as well.
“The whole of life is nothing but a journey to death.” Seneca, 64 A.D.
“Life follows upon death. Death is the beginning of life. Who knows
when the end is reached?” Chuang-Tsze, 400 B.C.
“All the time you live, you steal it from death; it is at her charge.”
Montaigne, 1580
“All flesh weareth out like a garment. For the covenant from the
beginning is that thou shalt die the death.” Ben Sira, 190 B.C.
“The first breath is the beginning of death.” Thomas Fuller, 1732
“Death borders upon our birth, and our cradle stands in the grave.”
Bishop Joseph Hall, 1608
late Isaac Asimov, “Life is pleasant. Death is peaceful. It’s the transition that’s troublesome.” “ When people come to understand their condition as terminal, the picture changes dramatically. They begin to live with a stopwatch, counting the moments remaining before death
late Isaac Asimov, “Life is pleasant. Death is peaceful. It’s the transition
that’s troublesome.”
“ When people come to understand their condition as terminal, the picture
changes dramatically. They begin to live with a stopwatch, counting the
moments remaining before death
“A man may by custom fortify himself against pain, shame, and suchlike accidents; but as to death, we can experience it but once, and all are apprentices when we come to it.” MICHEL DE MONTAIGNE, ESSAYS, 1580–1588
“A man may by custom fortify himself against pain, shame, and suchlike accidents;
but as to death, we can experience it but once, and all are apprentices when we
come to it.”
We must stop, listen, and look into the faces of those close to death
We must stop, listen, and look into the faces of those close to death
Palliation can be defined as lessening pain and symptoms without curing.
Palliation can be defined as lessening pain and symptoms without
hospice nurse secured her bag over her shoulder and inched along
the ramp that sloped down to the tiny weathered houseboat. A stoopshouldered
man with red eyes and a red nose greeted her and pulled her
into a smoky bedroom. He was Earl, the patient’s husband. His wife was
a new referral to hospice for an expanding brain tumor. His words tumbled
out of his mouth, “Yesterday she was fine. Today she’s choking on
water. She won’t talk to me. She can’t stand up. What can I do? What
does it mean? It’s a nightmare.” The nurse investigated further to learn
that Marge had eaten Swiss steak and peas the evening beforehand and
was able to walk to the kitchen table. She had been able to speak in brief
sentences and could follow instructions. The nurse examined her headto-toe
to identify a flat expression, moon face, no ability to follow
instructions, evidence of urinary incontinence, cyanosis, mottling in her
lower legs, BP 76/30, and periods of 30 second apnea.
Nursing interventions included calling the physician to report her
terminal status and ask him to consider prescribing an increased dose
of dexamethasone that might reduce the swelling around the tumor. He
had a long-standing collaborative relationship with the nurse, and
agreed to increase the dose in hopes of achieving temporary improvement.
The nurse sat down at the kitchen table with Marge’s sister, her
son, and Earl to discuss the disease course, possible reasons for Marge’s
deterioration, and what to expect. They concocted a thick frozen yogurt
shake that she was able to swallow. This meant that the dexamethasone,
analgesics, anti-convulsants, and laxatives could be administered
by this route until she stopped swallowing. The family returned to the
bedroom to learn how to care for an incontinent bedridden patient. The
nurse ordered a hospital bed and diapers from a medical supply house.
The signs of imminent death were reviewed with Earl, and the nurse
gave him the hospice on-call nurse number. Before she could leave, the
nurse facilitated an emotional 20-minute family discussion of whether
or not they would call 911 if she stopped breathing. They all agreed that
they would call the hospice instead of the paramedics. They agreed to a
visit from the hospice chaplain and considered beginning 24-hour continuous
care because death was imminent.
The overriding principle behind hospice was the notion that patients needed and deserved an alternative to an aggressive, cure-oriented, hospital-based system of care that generally failed to address the real issues of concern to the dying
The overriding principle behind hospice was the notion that patients
needed and deserved an alternative to an aggressive, cure-oriented,
hospital-based system of care that generally failed to address the real
issues of concern to the dying
high level of nurse expertise in pain and symptom
management to markedly improve end-of-life quality:
She needed to be on TPN because they still hoped she would be
getting better and that her fistula would heal. She had a lot of
shortness of breath and rales. She had edema from head to toe.
Her legs were like planks. They were doing periodic paracentesis
for the ascites. It was obvious to me that she was getting too much
fluid. So, I called the doctor and we reduced the dextrose and
lipids and the total volume she received. She lost 15 pounds in a
week and a half, and her lungs cleared.
This man had been on increasing doses of MS Contin and was
on sublingual morphine for breakthrough pain and finding no
relief from an intractable left shoulder pain that appeared to me to
be likely due to bony mets. He also had a nerve component with
sharp, shooting pain that went down his fingertips, and at times
left him without function of his left side. It incapacitated him completely,
left him grumpy and distanced from his family. We started
him on Trilisate 750 mg every 12 hours. We use Trilisate as our
NSAID for pain because it doesn’t affect platelet aggregation.
Twenty-four hours after starting the Trilisate, he was having side effects from the morphine: somnolence, constricted pupils, respiratory
depression. So we backed off on the morphine and let the
Trilisate work. He remained comfortable for several weeks until he
started having sharp, shooting pains. We put him on Tegretol, and
he started getting out of bed. This man had been in bed for months
hearing being the last sense to be lost before dying.
hearing being the last sense to be lost before dying.
Here is an example
from the author’s experience with an extended Filipino family:
The dominating sound, overcoming gunfire coming from the T.V., is
the 40-in-a-minute rasping, gurgling breaths from the emaciated
shrunken occupant of the bed. I touched this family patriarch tentatively,
as family members ranging from toddlers to young adults
gathered around the bed. They had placed a Crucifix in his hands.
His pupils were fixed, one midpoint and one constricted. His lips
were cracked and his tongue covered with brown-red debris. With
and without a stethoscope, his lungs were overcome with wheezing
and crackles. His heart was regular at 124, but failing to move the
blood all the way into the periphery. His feet and legs were icy purple
without pulses. Maybe 100 cc of thick dark brown urine sat stagnant
in the bag hanging from the side of the bed. Until today, they
had been giving him liquids like orange juice, which it sounded like
he was unable to swallow, so that it went right into his lungs and led
to fits of coughing. He was without any signs of suffering. I
reviewed basic care measures with the oldest son, particularly care
of his mouth and lips, turning, and how to use morphine under the tongue if he had any signs of distress with breathing. I talked about
hearing being the last sense to be lost before dying. Death appeared
imminent, so I urged them to say their good-byes and pray together.
Hearing my prediction, the family decided to call the priest.
• Learn who the dying person is. Listen to his or her story.
• Honor the dying person’s wishes.
• Question preoccupation with complicated medical interventions
that ignores the reality of death approaching.
• Question inappropriate technology that is burdensome and futile.
• Create a comforting person-centered environment for caring.
• Insist on physical, emotional, and spiritual comfort.
• Refuse to participate in the conspiracy of silence about dying.
• Prevent isolation and abandonment of the dying. Encourage
providers and loved ones to draw near
Turning fatal conditions into expensive chronic illnesses strains societal ability to afford care and creates a growing population of sick people.
Turning fatal conditions into expensive chronic illnesses strains societal
ability to afford care and creates a growing population of sick people.
Don’t just contradict them — try a more radical approach. Extreme agreeing could be the answer to getting people to change their minds, psychological research suggests.
Don’t just contradict them — try a more radical approach.
Extreme agreeing could be the answer to getting people to change their minds, psychological research suggests.
Thursday, 26 January 2017
Today, barely more than a century later, the world record for a marathon is 2 hours, 2 minutes, and
57 seconds—nearly 30 percent faster than Hayes’s record time—and if you’re an eighteen- to thirtyfour-year-old
male, you aren’t even allowed to enter the Boston Marathon unless you’ve run another
marathon in less than 3 hours, 5 minutes. In short, Hayes’s world-record time in 1908 would qualify
him for today’s Boston Marathon (which has about thirty thousand runners) but with not a lot to spare
While the principles of deliberate practice were discovered by studying expert performers, the
principles themselves can be used by anyone who wants to improve at anything, even if just a little
bit. Want to improve your tennis game? Deliberate practice. Your writing? Deliberate practice. Your
sales skills? Deliberate practice. Because deliberate practice was developed specifically to help
people become among the best in the world at what they do and not merely to become “good enough,”
it is the most powerful approach to learning that has yet been discovered.
We cannot avoid conflict. Like good music, life expresses itself through conflict and resolution. ~ David Nichtern
We cannot avoid conflict. Like good music, life expresses itself through conflict and resolution. ~ David Nichtern
Sleeping on your side removes waste from the brain most efficiently, a new study finds.
As a result, sleeping in a lateral position may help reduce the chance of developing Alzheimer’s and other neurological diseases
If you score high in any of these 5 personality aspects, you are probabilistically more likely to have high well-being across multiple aspects of your life.
1. Enthusiasm
People who score high in enthusiasm are friendly, sociable, emotionally expressive, and tend to have lots of fun in life. Enthusiasm independently predicted life satisfaction, positive emotions, less negative emotions, environmental mastery, personal growth, positive relations, self-acceptance, purpose in life, engagement, positive relationships, meaning, and achievement.
2. Low Withdrawal
People who score high in withdrawal are easily discouraged and overwhelmed, and tend to ruminate and be highly self-conscious. As a result, they are susceptible to depression and anxiety. Lower levels of withdrawal predicted greater life satisfaction, positive emotions, and less negative emotions. Lower levels of withdrawal also predicted greater autonomy, environmental mastery, personal growth, positive relationships, self-acceptance, meaning and purpose, relationships, and achievement.
3. Industriousness
People who are industrious are achievement-oriented, self-disciplined, efficient, purposeful, and competent. Industriousness is strongly correlated with "grit"- passion and perseverance for long-term goals. Industriousness was correlated with life satisfaction, positive emotions, less negative emotions, and more autonomy, environmental mastery, personal growth, positive relationships, self-acceptance, meaning and purpose, engagement, and achievement.
4. Compassion
People who are compassionate feel and care about others' emotions and well-being. Compassion was correlated with more positive emotions, and more environmental mastery, personal growth, positive relationships, self-acceptance, meaning and purpose, engagement, and achievement.
5. Intellectual Curiosity
People who score high in intellectual curiosity are open to new ideas, enjoy thinking deeply and complexly, and tend to reflect a lot on their experiences. Intellectual curiosity predicted autonomy, environmental mastery, personal growth, self-acceptance, purpose, and accomplishment. Interestingly, intellectual curiosity was not predictive of the more 'emotional' variables, such as life satisfaction, positive and negative emotions, positive relationships, and engagement with life.
well being
11 Dimensions of well-being:
- High Positive emotions (high frequency and intensity of positive moods and emotions)
- Low negative emotions (low frequency and intensity of negative moods and emotions)
- Life satisfaction (a positive subjective evaluation of one's life, using any information the person considers relevant)
- Autonomy (Being independent and able to resist social pressures)
- Environmental mastery (Ability to shape environments to suit one's needs and desires)
- Personal growth (Continuing to develop, rather than achieving a fixed state)
- Positive relations (Having warm and trusting interpersonal relationships)
- Self-acceptance (Positive attitudes toward oneself)
- Purpose and meaning in life (A clear sense of direction and meaning in one's efforts, or a connection to something greater than oneself)
- Engagement in life (being absorbed, interested, and involved in activities and life)
- Accomplishment (goal progress and attainment, and feelings of mastery, efficacy, and competence)
Wednesday, 25 January 2017
Here is a
good gauge to judge if something is
high or low in calories:
Low-Calorie Food = 40
calories per serving
Moderate-Calorie Food =
100 calories per serving
High-Calorie Food = 400
calories or more per serving
Try to go to bed at the
same time every night and wake up
at the same time every morning
Hold the Salt but Not the Spice. Salt (sodium) causes water retention and, often, a bloated feeling. Further, too much sodium can cause high blood pressure. Instead, use a variety of spices to keep your taste buds satisfied and happy while providing easy and simple dishes with a whole new flavor
Hold the Salt but Not the Spice.
Salt (sodium) causes water
retention and, often, a bloated
feeling. Further, too much sodium
can cause high blood pressure.
Instead, use a variety of spices to
keep your taste buds satisfied and
happy while providing easy and
simple dishes with a whole new
Instead of eating yogurt that is already sweetened, eat plain yogurt sweetened with fresh fruit (mash the fruit to release the natural sugars).
Instead of eating yogurt
that is already sweetened, eat plain
yogurt sweetened with fresh fruit
(mash the fruit to release the natural
To ensure you eat just enough, eat mindfully and eat small meals throughout the day
To ensure you eat just enough, eat
mindfully and eat small meals
throughout the day
Appetite. Evaluate your appetite on a scale of 0 to 5: 0 represents “extremely hungry,” 5 “extremely full.” Whenever possible, strive never to be a 0 or a 5. If hunger sets in, aim for a rating no lower than 1; after you have eaten, you shouldn't be fuller than a 4.
Appetite. Evaluate your
appetite on a scale of 0 to 5: 0
represents “extremely hungry,”
5 “extremely full.” Whenever
possible, strive never to be a
0 or a 5. If hunger sets in, aim
for a rating no lower than 1;
after you have eaten, you
shouldn't be fuller than a 4.
found that individuals who pre-plated their food ate approximately 14 percent less than those who took smaller amounts and returned for seconds and thirds.
found that individuals
who pre-plated their food ate
approximately 14 percent less than
those who took smaller amounts
and returned for seconds and thirds.
By reducing plate diameter from 12 to 10 inches, people ate 22 percent fewer calories. Consider joining the Small Plate Challenge, which asks consumers to use a 10-inch plate for their biggest meals.
reducing plate diameter from 12 to 10
inches, people ate 22 percent fewer
calories. Consider joining the Small
Plate Challenge, which asks consumers
to use a 10-inch plate for their biggest
- Low glycemic index (GI of 55 or less): Most fruits and vegetables, beans, minimally processed grains, pasta, low-fat dairy foods, and nuts.
- Moderate glycemic index (GI 56 to 69): White and sweet potatoes, corn, white rice, couscous, breakfast cereals such as Cream of Wheat and Mini Wheats.
- High glycemic index (GI of 70 or higher): White bread, rice cakes, most crackers, bagels, cakes, doughnuts, croissants, most packaged breakfast cereals
"Law of the Alibi: If you tell the boss you missed work because you had a flat tire, the very next morning you will have a flat tire." -- Author Unknown
"Law of the Alibi: If you tell the boss you missed work because you had a flat tire, the very next morning you will have a flat tire."
-- Author Unknown
-- Author Unknown
Medicine Buddha
Meaning of the Mantra Tayata = Gone beyond (beyond Samsara and Nirvana) Om = Om: jewel holder, wish fulfilling one, auspicious one Bhekandze Bhekandze = calling Medicine Buddha twice Maha Bhekandze = Greatness of Medicine Buddha Randza Samungate =Perfectly liberated or awakened Soha = Dissolve in me
Meaning of the Mantra Tayata = Gone beyond (beyond Samsara and Nirvana) Om = Om: jewel holder, wish fulfilling one, auspicious one Bhekandze Bhekandze = calling Medicine Buddha twice Maha Bhekandze = Greatness of Medicine Buddha Randza Samungate =Perfectly liberated or awakened Soha = Dissolve in me
With thanks to my parents who allowed me to dream, and with hopes for the
dreams my children will have.
While for the most part I’m in terrific physical shape, I have ten tumors in my liver and I have only a few months left to live
The Last Lecture.” Maybe you’ve seen one. It has become a common exercise on college campuses. Professors are asked to consider their demise and to ruminate on what matters most to them. And while they speak, audiences can’t help but mull the same question: What wisdom would we impart to the world if we knew it was our last chance? If we had to vanish tomorrow, what would we want as our legacy?
“All right,” I said. “That is what it is. We can’t change it. We just have to decide how we’ll respond. We cannot change the cards we are dealt, just how we play the hand.”
We didn’t buy much. But we thought about everything. That’s because my dad had this infectious inquisitiveness about current events, history, our lives. In fact, growing up, I thought there were two types of families: 1) Those who need a dictionary to get through dinner. 2) Those who don’t.
That lesson has stuck with me my whole life. When you see yourself doing something badly and nobody’s bothering to tell you anymore, that’s a bad place to be. You may not want to hear it, but your critics are often the ones telling you they still love you and care about you, and want to make you better.
could see that the man had a slight smile on his face, the kind of absentminded smile a person might have when he’s all alone, happy in his own thoughts. Robbee found herself thinking: “Wow, this is the epitome of a person appreciating this day and this moment.”
My personal take on optimism is that as a mental state, it can enable you to do tangible things to improve your physical state. If you’re optimistic, you’re better able to endure brutal chemo, or keep searching for late-breaking medical treatments.
While for the most part I’m in terrific physical shape, I have ten tumors in my liver and I have only a few months left to live
The Last Lecture.” Maybe you’ve seen one. It has become a common exercise on college campuses. Professors are asked to consider their demise and to ruminate on what matters most to them. And while they speak, audiences can’t help but mull the same question: What wisdom would we impart to the world if we knew it was our last chance? If we had to vanish tomorrow, what would we want as our legacy?
“All right,” I said. “That is what it is. We can’t change it. We just have to decide how we’ll respond. We cannot change the cards we are dealt, just how we play the hand.”
We didn’t buy much. But we thought about everything. That’s because my dad had this infectious inquisitiveness about current events, history, our lives. In fact, growing up, I thought there were two types of families: 1) Those who need a dictionary to get through dinner. 2) Those who don’t.
That lesson has stuck with me my whole life. When you see yourself doing something badly and nobody’s bothering to tell you anymore, that’s a bad place to be. You may not want to hear it, but your critics are often the ones telling you they still love you and care about you, and want to make you better.
could see that the man had a slight smile on his face, the kind of absentminded smile a person might have when he’s all alone, happy in his own thoughts. Robbee found herself thinking: “Wow, this is the epitome of a person appreciating this day and this moment.”
My personal take on optimism is that as a mental state, it can enable you to do tangible things to improve your physical state. If you’re optimistic, you’re better able to endure brutal chemo, or keep searching for late-breaking medical treatments.
Get Stressed, Eat, Repeat. Why Eating Becomes Habit.
Get Stressed, Eat, Repeat. Why Eating Becomes Habit.
"Accepting the reality of change gives rise to equanimity". – Allan Lokos
"Accepting the reality of change gives rise to equanimity". – Allan Lokos
Whenever life gets me down, I turn to two things: mindfulness or gratitude
- Food. There's billions of people that don't have enough food to eat everyday. Do you?
- Shelter. If you have a home to go back to and sleep in, out of the elements, you can count yourself lucky.
- Clothing. Most people reading this have one pair of clothes, at least. That's something to be grateful for.
- Family. Do you have family members? Any of whom you like? If so, this is a big one. You're very fortunate if you have a loving family. Many don't.
- Friends. If you have even one friend, that's something worth celebrating. Without friendship, life is tricky. So if you have a friend out there somewhere, meet or call them if you can. And say thank you.
- Job. Do you have a job that pays you money? If so, that's wonderful. There are more and more with no job at all. Even if you don't like your job, at least you have some money coming in.
- Health. I hope you have some health, if not everything. Health is so precious and yet so easy to take for granted when things are going lovely jubly.
- You're alive on planet earth. I'm pretty sure you're alive and on earth. If so, that's a miracle itself, don't you think? What a beautiful planet we live on, with beaches, forests, mountains and lakes. Millions of different animals, countless plants, birds, trees.
- Access to the internet. If you're online, you're connect with millions, if not billions, of other people. That's amazing, isn't it?
The poetry of little things that ignites the greatest moments of bliss.
A smile from a little child,
A chuckle from a stranger.
The warmth of a knitted family
The entwining of old friends
The humming from the sea shores
A smile from a little child,
A chuckle from a stranger.
The warmth of a knitted family
The entwining of old friends
The humming from the sea shores
H1 H2 H3 H4
H1 H2 H3 H4
Tuesday, 24 January 2017
The most effective (improvement) method of all: deliberate practice. It is the gold standard, the ideal to which anyone learning a skill should aspire.” – Anders Ericsson
The most effective (improvement) method of all: deliberate practice. It is the gold standard, the ideal to which anyone learning a skill should aspire.” – Anders Ericsson
study nature in a non-scholastic way I contemplate the veins in leaves the back of an octogenarian hand
study nature
in a non-scholastic way
I contemplate the veins in leaves
the back of an octogenarian hand
in a non-scholastic way
I contemplate the veins in leaves
the back of an octogenarian hand
Marriage among INDUS is no simple matter. The parents of the bride and the bridegroom often
bring themselves to ruin over it. They waste their substance, they waste their time. Months are
taken up over the preparations in making clothes and ornaments and in preparing budgets for
dinners. Each tries to outdo the other in the number and variety of courses to be prepared.
Women, whether they have a voice or no, sing themselves hoarse, even get ill, and disturb the
peace of their neighbours. these in their turn quietly put up with all the turmoil and bustle all the
dirt and filth, representing the remains of the feasts, because they know that a time will come
when they also will be behaving in the same manner.
Of these parents I was born at Porbandar, otherwise known as Sudamapuri, on the 2nd October,
1869, I passed my childhood in Porbandar. I recollect having been put to school. It was with some
difficulty that I got through the multiplication tables. The fact that I recollect nothing more of those
days than having learnt, in company with other boys, to call our teacher all kinds of names, would
strongly suggest that my intellect must have been sluggish, and my memory raw.
Monday, 23 January 2017
So much of science is just rediscovered common sense from a basis of abject ignorance and prejudice.
So much of science is just rediscovered common sense from a basis of abject ignorance and prejudice.
Darwin, who meticulously described the laughter of his infant son as part of his work on facial (and other) expressions of emotions, which he thought served as strong and clear communicative signals without requiring - and more difficult to edit than -language
Ego depletion is our tendency to make easy, impulsive, selfish choices and superficial judgements when our System 2 is exhausted. This occurs when people have to show self-control (e.g. holding back an emotional response) and/or are engaged in cognitive effort (e.g. mental maths or dealing with complex problems).
Ego depletion is our tendency to make easy, impulsive, selfish choices and superficial judgements when our System 2 is exhausted. This occurs when people have to show self-control (e.g. holding back an emotional response) and/or are engaged in cognitive effort (e.g. mental maths or dealing with complex problems).
SLEEPWELL Eat walnuts/almonds/bananas/sweet potatoes tonight”
Eat walnuts/almonds/bananas/sweet potatoes tonight”
Sunday, 22 January 2017
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