Tuesday 28 February 2017


Tidying is a special event. Don’t do it every day. This usually
elicits a moment of stunned silence. Of course, there are countless perspectives on tidying, and even
though I have undertaken an exhaustive study of the subject, I don’t claim to know every method that
exists. Therefore, what I say here applies only to my own method. Still, let me repeat: tidying should
be done just once. Or, to put it more accurately, the work of tidying should be completed once and for
all within a single period of time.
If you think tidying is an endless chore that must be done every day, you are gravely mistaken.
There are two types of tidying—“daily tidying” and “special event tidying.” Daily tidying, which
consists of using something and putting it back in its place, will always be part of our lives as long as
we need to use clothes, books, writing materials, and so on. But the purpose of this book is to inspire
you to tackle the “special event” of putting your house in order as soon as possible.

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