Obs of a Prnnl Lrnr Obsrvr who happens to be a dctr There is no cure for curiosity-D Parker
Monday, 31 July 2017
BANKHEAD "If I had to live my life again, I'd make the same mistakes, only sooner."
macrocephaly x neurodept x PTEN
Children with macrocephaly, particularly males, are at a higher risk of neurodevelopmental disorders, rather than progressive etiologies, such as hydrocephalus and neurodegenerative disorders. The data provide a basis for routine health checks for young children in Japan, including the follow-up management and possible screening of PTEN mutations in children with ASDs and macrocephaly.
We now know that the prefrontal cortex is one of the last brain regions to develop, and its connections with other cortical and subcortical targets are very slow to form. These processes are especially slow in the human, and evidence of continued development has been documented through adolescence and adulthood. This slow-paced and sustained development renders the prefrontal cortex and its connections vulnerable to environmental insults (e.g., early psychosocial adversity), but at the same time offers great potential for extensive learning from positive, enriching environments, and the optimization of neural processes that will facilitate regulated behavior. Its end-product is an incredibly rich emotional regulation repertoire in the mature adult.
Every year, at least 700,000 people die worldwide from infections that no longer respond to antibiotics. That toll could balloon to 10 million by 2050.
Every year, at least 700,000 people die worldwide from infections that no longer respond to antibiotics. That toll could balloon to 10 million by 2050.
In infants aged 0–3 months with a first febrile UTI, the presence of E. coli and normal renal US findings allow to safely avoid VCUG. Performing VCUG only in infants with UTI secondary to non-E. coli bacteria and/or abnormal US would save many unnecessary invasive procedures, limit radiation exposure, with a very low risk (<1 a="" high-grade="" missing="" of="" span="" vur.="">
social referencing. 49-51 Children routinely look to the parent for guidance in navigating the emotional and physical landscape. Social referencing is a powerful means of regulating emotions and has been used to explain the intergenerational transmission of emotional knowledge, including the transmission of anxious behaviors and reactions

SMITH Death is the ugly fact which Nature has to hide, and she hides it well."
Death is the ugly fact which Nature has to hide, and she hides it well."
In mindfulness practice, one learns to let go of the thoughts and feelings that arise, no matter what they are. By contrast, in focusing we consciously choose to stay with a felt sense.
In mindfulness practice, one learns to let go of the thoughts and feelings that arise, no matter what they are. By contrast, in focusing we consciously chooseto stay with a felt sense.
Focusing, sometimes referred to as “felt-sensing,” is a way of allowing our bodies to guide us to deeper self-knowledge, to psychological healing, and to working more skillfully with the difficulties with which life presents us. Many meditators, after learning the practice of Focusing, remark that it feels like a “missing link” in their contemplative practice

What am I afraid of? You name it. There’s the existential fear of untimely death, or of sudden, unforeseen abandonment. Then there are the more banal fears of financial ruin and loud noises. Statistics and my clinical experience suggest that I’m not alone. According to the National Institute of Mental Health, 19 million Americans suffer from chronic fear-related disorders. It seems we’re living in a time of pervasive fear: of the enemy within, of destructive leaders at the helm, of disease and other crises brought on by our suffering and neglected planet
Sunday, 30 July 2017
The overall intention at every level of the cosmic evolutionary process is to support the
emergence of higher level systems that minimize local entropy, and this requires that
conflicts among system components be minimized. Each level sets the foundation for
the next, in a sequential process that seeks increasing complexity and increasing local
minimization of entropy. At each level, the component units respond with
communication and cooperative behaviors responsive to the systemic intention. Stars
dance with each other to create galaxies. Atoms embrace each other to create chemistry.
Chemicals interact in incvressingly sophisticated ways to build living systems. Living
systems evolve in complexity and functional capacities in colonies. Cells work
collaboratively to support the healthy functioning of the entire organism of which they
are a part. Self-reflective consciousness emerges, perhaps in the synchronous
coordination of quantum behaviors within neuronal microtubules.vi Self-reflective
conscious beings cooperate, and create institutions, to achieve mutually beneficial ends.

emergence of higher level systems that minimize local entropy, and this requires that
conflicts among system components be minimized. Each level sets the foundation for
the next, in a sequential process that seeks increasing complexity and increasing local
minimization of entropy. At each level, the component units respond with
communication and cooperative behaviors responsive to the systemic intention. Stars
dance with each other to create galaxies. Atoms embrace each other to create chemistry.
Chemicals interact in incvressingly sophisticated ways to build living systems. Living
systems evolve in complexity and functional capacities in colonies. Cells work
collaboratively to support the healthy functioning of the entire organism of which they
are a part. Self-reflective consciousness emerges, perhaps in the synchronous
coordination of quantum behaviors within neuronal microtubules.vi Self-reflective
conscious beings cooperate, and create institutions, to achieve mutually beneficial ends.
Every break in the grand symmetries of the cosmos manifests intention. At each break,
there is a change of state (movement) and a direction (selection process leading to an
end state). This intentionality is an attraction for and movement to a stable pointer
state (“attractor”). In the case of convergent evolution, we see specific multiple
evolutionary lines developing common physiological features, such as eyes, wings or
fins. As each line seeks to respond to similar environmental opportunities and
challenges through mutation and selection, they are attracted to similar pointer state.
At the component level of a system, the individual units follow simple behavioral rules
as they respond to the environmental pressures and constraints within the system.
Their collective behavior drives the search process for end states that satisfy the
systemic intention, those states to which the system is attracted. This process is
oriented towards a goal, but the goal is aspirational, not prescriptive. Galaxies emerge
in a cosmic gravitational dance - each unit of mass influencing the others as they
collectively follow an elaborate pathway to stable galactic structures. The goal is not to
create spiral or other specific shapes but to minimize local entropy. The system
searches through available configurations, constrained by mathematical laws and prior
history, attracted to one that achieves that goal.

there is a change of state (movement) and a direction (selection process leading to an
end state). This intentionality is an attraction for and movement to a stable pointer
state (“attractor”). In the case of convergent evolution, we see specific multiple
evolutionary lines developing common physiological features, such as eyes, wings or
fins. As each line seeks to respond to similar environmental opportunities and
challenges through mutation and selection, they are attracted to similar pointer state.
At the component level of a system, the individual units follow simple behavioral rules
as they respond to the environmental pressures and constraints within the system.
Their collective behavior drives the search process for end states that satisfy the
systemic intention, those states to which the system is attracted. This process is
oriented towards a goal, but the goal is aspirational, not prescriptive. Galaxies emerge
in a cosmic gravitational dance - each unit of mass influencing the others as they
collectively follow an elaborate pathway to stable galactic structures. The goal is not to
create spiral or other specific shapes but to minimize local entropy. The system
searches through available configurations, constrained by mathematical laws and prior
history, attracted to one that achieves that goal.
There is a critical difference between intentionality and agency. Intentions are
behaviors that can be observed. Agency is a quality that must be inferred. Intentions
may or may not be due to the actions of an autonomous, conscious agent.
that symmetry breaking is guided from the top level down to the lower, through a
coordination of effects. The higher-level structure sets constraints, a kind of
information, that guides the emergence of the higher order complexity. While the
underlying systemic properties are the cause, the nature of the emergence is structured
in specific ways from the top down.

coordination of effects. The higher-level structure sets constraints, a kind of
information, that guides the emergence of the higher order complexity. While the
underlying systemic properties are the cause, the nature of the emergence is structured
in specific ways from the top down.

There are flaws in this model of causation. One broad criticism is that bottom-up
causation leaves no place for free will, implying that our universe and our lives are stuck
on a deterministic treadmill. Determinism denies the possibility that choices can change
the way things happen in the physical world. A more narrowly focused critique is that
bottom-up causation cannot adequately explain how novel properties and behaviors,
such as galaxy formation, life, or consciousness, emerge from the lower-level systems,
the stars, organic chemicals, or neural networks.

causation leaves no place for free will, implying that our universe and our lives are stuck
on a deterministic treadmill. Determinism denies the possibility that choices can change
the way things happen in the physical world. A more narrowly focused critique is that
bottom-up causation cannot adequately explain how novel properties and behaviors,
such as galaxy formation, life, or consciousness, emerge from the lower-level systems,
the stars, organic chemicals, or neural networks.

The common understanding of causation follows a reductionist view: The interactions of
the smallest structures cause the macro effects we actually see --- everything flows from
past physical states in conformity with the laws of physics. A white billiard ball strikes a
red billiard ball causing it to move. This action-reaction event is caused by the physical
properties of the billiard balls, properties that are in turn caused by the molecular
components of the balls. These components and their behaviors, in turn, are caused by
fundamental quantum particle/wave behaviors at the very foundation of the
universe. In essence, the smallest structures cause the macro effects we actually
see. These effects include all the features of the world as we know it: the stars and
galaxies of the cosmos; all the chemical and physical phenomena including biology andlife; the workings of computers; and the workings of the human mind. All of these things
are caused by the minute quantum stuff of the universe. Causation is a bottom-up

the smallest structures cause the macro effects we actually see --- everything flows from
past physical states in conformity with the laws of physics. A white billiard ball strikes a
red billiard ball causing it to move. This action-reaction event is caused by the physical
properties of the billiard balls, properties that are in turn caused by the molecular
components of the balls. These components and their behaviors, in turn, are caused by
fundamental quantum particle/wave behaviors at the very foundation of the
universe. In essence, the smallest structures cause the macro effects we actually
see. These effects include all the features of the world as we know it: the stars and
galaxies of the cosmos; all the chemical and physical phenomena including biology andlife; the workings of computers; and the workings of the human mind. All of these things
are caused by the minute quantum stuff of the universe. Causation is a bottom-up

Consider the stream of experiences that make up our lives. Many of those experiences
seem to be random --- some believe they are all random. But there are many events in
individual human lives that are transformational – being born to our parents at a
particular time and place; surviving an accident; working hard to achieve an award;
meeting a mentor that shapes your career; falling in love; making a decision to try
something new; being diagnosed with cancer; having children; experiencing the death of
a loved one. In light of who we each turn out to be, such experiences are not accidents
but essential features of the trajectory of our life.
seem to be random --- some believe they are all random. But there are many events in
individual human lives that are transformational – being born to our parents at a
particular time and place; surviving an accident; working hard to achieve an award;
meeting a mentor that shapes your career; falling in love; making a decision to try
something new; being diagnosed with cancer; having children; experiencing the death of
a loved one. In light of who we each turn out to be, such experiences are not accidents
but essential features of the trajectory of our life.
Consider the number of quantum perturbations in the early history of the universe. This
is an immense number, 10^10^10^7 by one estimatei. Each of these perturbations
represents an inflection point where the trajectory of the universe changed. Under the
multiverse theory, each resulted in alternate universes, and our particular universe is
merely one trajectory among the exceedingly many. Our existence is contingent on that
specific trajectory, but it is simply a random occurrence. Max Tegmark theorizes that
the entire multiverse contains infinite sets of universes.ii If this is the case, then any
specific trajectory within the infinite set has an effective probability of zero.
is an immense number, 10^10^10^7 by one estimatei. Each of these perturbations
represents an inflection point where the trajectory of the universe changed. Under the
multiverse theory, each resulted in alternate universes, and our particular universe is
merely one trajectory among the exceedingly many. Our existence is contingent on that
specific trajectory, but it is simply a random occurrence. Max Tegmark theorizes that
the entire multiverse contains infinite sets of universes.ii If this is the case, then any
specific trajectory within the infinite set has an effective probability of zero.
Yet all the interesting structures mentioned above that come into being as the universe
evolves, seem to be acting counter to the Second Law. If the universe is running down
by transitioning from the low entropy conditions of the Big Bang to states of increasing
homogeneity and higher entropy, then where do the remarkable cosmological features
of stars and galaxies, the complex phenomena of chemistry and biology, and the capacity
for life and human consciousness come from?
The simple answer is that local structure and order emerges by exporting entropy to the
larger environment. The examples above are not closed systems. The closed system of
the entire universe as a whole continues to run down, possibly towards an icy and
inevitable death, but as it does, local pockets of increasing organization and structure
emerge. This counter-entropic process is explained in the theory of non-linear dynamic
systems. When energy is in flux, stable structures tend to emerge in the otherwise
chaotic flow by dissipating energy. When we open the drain at the bottom of a sink the
water molecules rush for the drain, bouncing and jostling in a disorganized chaos. As
the molecules become organized and dissipate the energy caused by the pull of gravity,
in the form of friction to the sink and drain surfaces, a whirlpool emerges. The flowing
water seeks out a stable structure that maximizes the efficient local dissipation of energy
and local minimization of entropy.
evolves, seem to be acting counter to the Second Law. If the universe is running down
by transitioning from the low entropy conditions of the Big Bang to states of increasing
homogeneity and higher entropy, then where do the remarkable cosmological features
of stars and galaxies, the complex phenomena of chemistry and biology, and the capacity
for life and human consciousness come from?
The simple answer is that local structure and order emerges by exporting entropy to the
larger environment. The examples above are not closed systems. The closed system of
the entire universe as a whole continues to run down, possibly towards an icy and
inevitable death, but as it does, local pockets of increasing organization and structure
emerge. This counter-entropic process is explained in the theory of non-linear dynamic
systems. When energy is in flux, stable structures tend to emerge in the otherwise
chaotic flow by dissipating energy. When we open the drain at the bottom of a sink the
water molecules rush for the drain, bouncing and jostling in a disorganized chaos. As
the molecules become organized and dissipate the energy caused by the pull of gravity,
in the form of friction to the sink and drain surfaces, a whirlpool emerges. The flowing
water seeks out a stable structure that maximizes the efficient local dissipation of energy
and local minimization of entropy.
The Second Law of Thermodynamics stipulates that any closed physical system
inevitably progresses toward higher entropy states, described in lay terms as increasing
homogeneity or “sameness”. Release inert gas into a box and it will eventually fill the
box in an even distribution, assuming no outside influence. A block of ice melts and
becomes a puddle of water. An egg falls and breaks and cannot be reassembled. In each
case the original structure has been lost and the material is mixed up. Entropy has
inevitably progresses toward higher entropy states, described in lay terms as increasing
homogeneity or “sameness”. Release inert gas into a box and it will eventually fill the
box in an even distribution, assuming no outside influence. A block of ice melts and
becomes a puddle of water. An egg falls and breaks and cannot be reassembled. In each
case the original structure has been lost and the material is mixed up. Entropy has
On at least one planet, Earth, some of those chemicals reacted with others, creating a complex mix of substances. New behaviors appeared, including self-replication, autocatalysis and metabolic processing. Complex colonies of reproducing units began to grow, and cooperative symbiotic behaviors developed. Single celled organisms emerged and evolved into increasingly complex forms. Eventually, mammals and primates appeared, with sophisticated intelligence. Consciousness expanded, enabling reflective capacities in language and tool making. One species, humans, was able to build civilizations and science.
On at least one planet, Earth, some of those chemicals reacted with others, creating a
complex mix of substances. New behaviors appeared, including self-replication,
autocatalysis and metabolic processing. Complex colonies of reproducing units began to
grow, and cooperative symbiotic behaviors developed. Single celled organisms emerged
and evolved into increasingly complex forms. Eventually, mammals and primates
appeared, with sophisticated intelligence. Consciousness expanded, enabling reflective
capacities in language and tool making. One species, humans, was able to build
civilizations and science.
complex mix of substances. New behaviors appeared, including self-replication,
autocatalysis and metabolic processing. Complex colonies of reproducing units began to
grow, and cooperative symbiotic behaviors developed. Single celled organisms emerged
and evolved into increasingly complex forms. Eventually, mammals and primates
appeared, with sophisticated intelligence. Consciousness expanded, enabling reflective
capacities in language and tool making. One species, humans, was able to build
civilizations and science.
According to our modern cosmology, the universe unfolded in a cascade of transitions and broken symmetries from the primordial state of the Big Bang. The emergence of the Higgs field, conveying mass, is one early transition, as are the appearances of the other Page 2 of 9 fundamental physical forces. This cascade led to the universe of standard particle physics as we know it today. With physics in place, the universe continued its evolution. Atoms formed, with proton-neutron nuclei and clouds of electrons in precise energy states, all behaving in obedience to the laws of physics. Stars began to burn, galaxies coalesced and planetary objects appeared. Elements combined to form complex chemicals that spread throughout the universe.
According to our modern cosmology, the universe unfolded in a cascade of transitions
and broken symmetries from the primordial state of the Big Bang. The emergence of the
Higgs field, conveying mass, is one early transition, as are the appearances of the other
fundamental physical forces. This cascade led to the universe of standard particle
physics as we know it today. With physics in place, the universe continued its evolution.
Atoms formed, with proton-neutron nuclei and clouds of electrons in precise energy
states, all behaving in obedience to the laws of physics. Stars began to burn, galaxies
coalesced and planetary objects appeared. Elements combined to form complex
chemicals that spread throughout the universe.
and broken symmetries from the primordial state of the Big Bang. The emergence of the
Higgs field, conveying mass, is one early transition, as are the appearances of the other
fundamental physical forces. This cascade led to the universe of standard particle
physics as we know it today. With physics in place, the universe continued its evolution.
Atoms formed, with proton-neutron nuclei and clouds of electrons in precise energy
states, all behaving in obedience to the laws of physics. Stars began to burn, galaxies
coalesced and planetary objects appeared. Elements combined to form complex
chemicals that spread throughout the universe.
Added sugars in your diet do not make you healthier . . . but you already knew
that. Added sugars, whether from table sugar, honey, agave nectar, or maple
syrup, do not contain the vitamins, minerals, and phytochemicals that contribute
to your overall health, but they do contain lots of empty calories.
Added sugar promotes overconsumption via pleasure and reward pathways in
the brain. This creates an unhealthy psychological relationship with your food and
creates hard-to-break habits, leading to further overconsumption and sugar
“addiction.” Overconsumption leads to hormonal and metabolic dysregulation,
which are inflammatory in the body, and promote disorders like insulin
resistance, diabetes, and obesity. In addition, sugar disrupts the delicate balance
of gut bacteria, which promotes digestive issues and inflammation in the gut.
weapons effect"
Research shows that the mere presence of weapons increases aggression.
The Fibonacci Sequence, the Golden Ratio, fractals...these are the basis of how the Universe creates patterns. It would be far more surprising if the galaxy layout was wildly different from everything else. From the smallest in the quantum world, to the largest structures we can detect, it's all the same math that governs it. It's not really "mysterious", it's "just" math. It seems mysterious to us, and supernatural, but it's not. Even Einstein had problems accepting quantum mechanics and the uncertainty principal; he was still fighting against it the day he passed away. Yet we humans have proven "quantum teleportation" (which is a really bad name) over vast distances, recently all the way from ground to orbit.
The Fibonacci Sequence, the Golden Ratio, fractals...these are the basis of how the Universe creates patterns. It would be far more surprising if the galaxy layout was wildly different from everything else. From the smallest in the quantum world, to the largest structures we can detect, it's all the same math that governs it. It's not really "mysterious", it's "just" math. It seems mysterious to us, and supernatural, but it's not. Even Einstein had problems accepting quantum mechanics and the uncertainty principal; he was still fighting against it the day he passed away. Yet we humans have proven "quantum teleportation" (which is a really bad name) over vast distances, recently all the way from ground to orbit.
biology exists within mind should have any less predictive power than the idea that mind emerges from biology
biology exists within mind should have any less predictive power than the idea that mind emerges from biology
Perhaps philosophically a brain within a mind is more parsimonious, but a mindbody that can integrate all of the chaotic input that enters through the senses and interoceptive network of the body needs to make predictions based on statistical patterns in order to function on just 100 watts.
Perhaps philosophically a brain within a mind is more parsimonious, but a mindbody that can integrate all of the chaotic input that enters through the senses and interoceptive network of the body needs to make predictions based on statistical patterns in order to function on just 100 watts.
Entanglement isn't communication as there can be no transfer of information faster than the speed of light (as far as we know). Entanglement is random chance.
Entanglement isn't communication as there can be no transfer of information faster than the speed of light (as far as we know). Entanglement is random chance.
You're making two mistakes - 1) assuming that the speed of light is a limitation and there isn't an, as yet unknown, faster method of transmission over large distances 2) assuming that a 'conscious' universe has to exist on the same timescale as the human mind. Our lives are simply a fleeting moment in the scheme of things and of no consequence to the greater universe
You're making two mistakes - 1) assuming that the speed of light is a limitation and there isn't an, as yet unknown, faster method of transmission over large distances 2) assuming that a 'conscious' universe has to exist on the same timescale as the human mind. Our lives are simply a fleeting moment in the scheme of things and of no consequence to the greater universe
life can be considered as a computation that aims to optimize the storage and use of meaningful information
life can be considered as a computation that aims to optimize the storage and use of meaningful information
“natural selection has been hugely concerned with minimizing the thermodynamic cost of computation. It will do all it can to reduce the total amount of computation a cell must perform.” In other words, biology (possibly excepting ourselves) seems to take great care not to overthink the problem of survival. This issue of the costs and benefits of computing one’s way through life, he said, has been largely overlooked in biology so far.
“natural selection has been hugely concerned with minimizing the thermodynamic cost of computation. It will do all it can to reduce the total amount of computation a cell must perform.” In other words, biology (possibly excepting ourselves) seems to take great care not to overthink the problem of survival. This issue of the costs and benefits of computing one’s way through life, he said, has been largely overlooked in biology so far.
The total number of neurons in the human brain falls in the same ballpark of the number of galaxies in the observable universe.
The total number of neurons in the human brain falls in the same ballpark of the number of galaxies in the observable universe.
A direct estimate of the number of cells or neurons in the human brain was not available in the literature until recently. Cortical gray matter (representing over 80 percent of brain mass) contains about 6 billions neurons (19 percent of brain neurons) and nearly 9 billion non-neuronal cells. The cerebellum has about 69 billion neurons (80.2 percent of brain neurons) and about 16 billion non-neuronal cells. Interestingly enough, the total number of neurons in the human brain falls in the same ballpark of the number of galaxies in the observable universe.
A direct estimate of the number of cells or neurons in the human brain was not available in the literature until recently. Cortical gray matter (representing over 80 percent of brain mass) contains about 6 billions neurons (19 percent of brain neurons) and nearly 9 billion non-neuronal cells. The cerebellum has about 69 billion neurons (80.2 percent of brain neurons) and about 16 billion non-neuronal cells. Interestingly enough, the total number of neurons in the human brain falls in the same ballpark of the number of galaxies in the observable universe.
What drives the emergent cascade across time and across levels, from the smallest to the largest of scales? Following the lead suggested by the authors, one answer is to consider the relationally of system components (stars, molecules of water, neurons in the brain) and the hierarchy of levels (physics - chemistry - biology). All of these components and systems are in motion, and there is a direction, function or purpose to this movement, what I call "cosmic intentionality" (not to be confused with conscious intention). As the mathematics of complexity suggests, each complex dynamic system is drawn to particular "attractor states" - stable configurations that maximize efficiency. In addition, the behaviors of the individual units of the system that are most successful as the system emerges are cooperative behaviors --- stars or water molecules learn to "dance" together. And finally, within the unit level and between units and system, the relationships are reciprocal --- each influences the other.
The cosmic intentionality thus involves attraction - cooperation - reciprocity. When we talk about relationships that embody these qualities, we use the word "love"
Perhaps the Analogy is also a Qualia, as in the universe somehow as an organism with an autonomic metabolism, "bootstraps-thinks" or germinates itself into existence as part of a larger, infinite Multiversal p-adic tree, generative ecosystem?
Saturday, 29 July 2017
“Feeling awe makes people happier and less stressed, even weeks later”
“Feeling awe makes people happier and less stressed, even weeks later”
Nature is a more powerful source of awe than religion

Keltner and others have found that even mild awe can change our attitudes and behaviour. For example, people who watched a nature video that elicited awe – rather than other positive emotions such as happiness or pride – were subsequently more ethical, more generous and described themselves as feeling more connected to people in general.
Keltner and others have found that even mild awe can change our attitudes and behaviour. For example, people who watched a nature video that elicited awe – rather than other positive emotions such as happiness or pride – were subsequently more ethical, more generous and described themselves as feeling more connected to people in general.
hen asked how many hours’ sleep someone should have, Napoleon Bonaparte is said to have replied: “Six for a man, seven for a woman, eight for a fool.”
hen asked how many hours’ sleep someone should have, Napoleon Bonaparte is said to have replied: “Six for a man, seven for a woman, eight for a fool.”
Attānañce piyaṃ jaññā
na naṃ pāpena saṃyuje,
na hi taṃ sulabhaṃ hoti
sukhaṃ dukkaṭakārinā.
na naṃ pāpena saṃyuje,
na hi taṃ sulabhaṃ hoti
sukhaṃ dukkaṭakārinā.
If you hold yourself dear
then don't fetter yourself with evil,
for happiness isn't easily gained
by one who commits a wrong-doing.
then don't fetter yourself with evil,
for happiness isn't easily gained
by one who commits a wrong-doing.
Friday, 28 July 2017
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