The overall intention at every level of the cosmic evolutionary process is to support the
emergence of higher level systems that minimize local entropy, and this requires that
conflicts among system components be minimized. Each level sets the foundation for
the next, in a sequential process that seeks increasing complexity and increasing local
minimization of entropy. At each level, the component units respond with
communication and cooperative behaviors responsive to the systemic intention. Stars
dance with each other to create galaxies. Atoms embrace each other to create chemistry.
Chemicals interact in incvressingly sophisticated ways to build living systems. Living
systems evolve in complexity and functional capacities in colonies. Cells work
collaboratively to support the healthy functioning of the entire organism of which they
are a part. Self-reflective consciousness emerges, perhaps in the synchronous
coordination of quantum behaviors within neuronal Self-reflective
conscious beings cooperate, and create institutions, to achieve mutually beneficial ends.

emergence of higher level systems that minimize local entropy, and this requires that
conflicts among system components be minimized. Each level sets the foundation for
the next, in a sequential process that seeks increasing complexity and increasing local
minimization of entropy. At each level, the component units respond with
communication and cooperative behaviors responsive to the systemic intention. Stars
dance with each other to create galaxies. Atoms embrace each other to create chemistry.
Chemicals interact in incvressingly sophisticated ways to build living systems. Living
systems evolve in complexity and functional capacities in colonies. Cells work
collaboratively to support the healthy functioning of the entire organism of which they
are a part. Self-reflective consciousness emerges, perhaps in the synchronous
coordination of quantum behaviors within neuronal Self-reflective
conscious beings cooperate, and create institutions, to achieve mutually beneficial ends.
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