The common understanding of causation follows a reductionist view: The interactions of
the smallest structures cause the macro effects we actually see --- everything flows from
past physical states in conformity with the laws of physics. A white billiard ball strikes a
red billiard ball causing it to move. This action-reaction event is caused by the physical
properties of the billiard balls, properties that are in turn caused by the molecular
components of the balls. These components and their behaviors, in turn, are caused by
fundamental quantum particle/wave behaviors at the very foundation of the
universe. In essence, the smallest structures cause the macro effects we actually
see. These effects include all the features of the world as we know it: the stars and
galaxies of the cosmos; all the chemical and physical phenomena including biology andlife; the workings of computers; and the workings of the human mind. All of these things
are caused by the minute quantum stuff of the universe. Causation is a bottom-up

the smallest structures cause the macro effects we actually see --- everything flows from
past physical states in conformity with the laws of physics. A white billiard ball strikes a
red billiard ball causing it to move. This action-reaction event is caused by the physical
properties of the billiard balls, properties that are in turn caused by the molecular
components of the balls. These components and their behaviors, in turn, are caused by
fundamental quantum particle/wave behaviors at the very foundation of the
universe. In essence, the smallest structures cause the macro effects we actually
see. These effects include all the features of the world as we know it: the stars and
galaxies of the cosmos; all the chemical and physical phenomena including biology andlife; the workings of computers; and the workings of the human mind. All of these things
are caused by the minute quantum stuff of the universe. Causation is a bottom-up

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