Wednesday, 29 September 2021


By most scientific accounts, the current structure of our human brain is Middle Paleolithic, or more simply 200,000 years old. For a perspective of the world during that time, our ancestors were wandering around in what is now modern day Ethiopia, and there may have been as few as 10,000 of us. We were a rugged, small, nomadic race that somehow foraged through the tail-end of our evolution with a limited life expectancy of only 15 years. A far cry from what we experience today, the world was dangerous, unforgiving and harsh. So dangerous, in fact, according to the Toba catastrophe theory,  as early as 70,000 years ago the human race became almost extinct.


Early humans didn’t have the same peace of mind. Literally. Dan Siegel, M.D., founder of the discipline of interpersonal neurobiology, modeled nine functions of the prefrontal cortex:

  1. Regulating of the autonomic nervous system — staying calm and engaged
  2. Quelling the fear response
  3. Regulate emotions –resilience is not blocked by fear or shame
  4. Attunement — the felt sense of another’s experience, someone else
    “getting” ours
  5. Empathy — You know what I know, and I know that you know
  6. Response flexibility — pause, options, evaluate options, appropriate decision
  7. Insight — self-awareness
  8. Intuition — the “gut” feeling
  9. Morality
“Let’s see who can hear the sound of the two-ton, pre-historic murder beast in the bush before it bites your face off.

updating software on 200ky old human brain 


“… the behavior of others provides a rich source of information that individuals can use to improve their behavior without direct experience.”

Vitamin B6 has a potential role in preventing cytokine storms in COVID-19 patients, research suggests.


Tuesday, 28 September 2021



The misunderstanding is that it was the “I” that awakened when in fact it was the absence of the “I” that caused the awakening.


Awakening is the absence of the “me” dream (in my case, the “Antti” dream).


There is no “I” that wakes up from the dream.

Rather, the “I” is the dream that covers up awakeness.

This is why all efforts the “I” takes to bring awakeness back fail - they only reinforce the dream of the separate “I”.


ধ্বংস বলিতে কি বুঝায়? ইহার অর্থ কারণে লয়, কারণে প্রত্যাবর্তন—যে সকল উপাদান হইতে কোন বস্তু নির্মিত হইয়াছিল, সেগুলি আদিম অবস্থায় চলিয়া যায়। ধ্বংস-শব্দের এই অর্থ ব্যতীত সম্পূর্ণ অভাব বা বিনাশ-অর্থ যে অসম্ভব, তাহা স্পষ্টই দেখা যাইতেছে। কপিল অনেক যুগ পূর্বে ধ্বংসের অর্থ যে ‘কারণে লয়’ করিয়াছিলেন, বাস্তবিক উহা দ্বারা যে তাহাই বুঝায়, আধুনিক পদার্থবিজ্ঞান অনুসারে তাহা প্রমাণ করা যাইতে পারে। ‘সূক্ষ্মতর অবস্থায় গমন’ ব্যতীত ধ্বংসের আর কোন অর্থ নাই।
আপনারা জানেন, বৈজ্ঞানিক পরীক্ষাগারে কিরূপে প্রমাণ করা যাইতে পারে—জড় বস্তুও অবিনশ্বর। আপনাদের মধ্যে যাঁহারা রসায়নবিদ্যা অধ্যয়ন করিয়াছেন, তাঁহারা অবশ্যই জানেন, যদি একটি কাঁচনলের ভিতর একটি বাতি ও কষ্টিক (Caustic Soda) পেন্সিল রাখা যায় এবং সমগ্র বাতিটি পুড়াইয়া ফেলা হয়, তবে ঐ কষ্টিক পেন্সিলটি বাহির করিয়া ওজন করিলে দেখা যাইবে যে, ঐ পেন্সিলটির ওজন এখন উহার পূর্ব ওজনের সহিত বাতিটির ওজন যোগ করিলে যাহা হয়, ঠিক তত হইয়াছে। ঐ বাতিটিই সূক্ষ্ম হইতে সূক্ষ্মতর হইয়া কষ্টিকে প্রবিষ্ট হইয়াছে।
অতএব আমাদের আধুনিক জ্ঞানোন্নতির অবস্থায় যদি কেউ বলে যে, কোন জিনিস সম্পূর্ণ বিনাশ প্রাপ্ত হয়, তবে সে নিজেই কেবল উপহাসাস্পদ হইবে। কেবল অশিক্ষিত ব্যক্তিই ঐরূপ কথা বলিবে, আর আশ্চর্যের বিষয়—সেই প্রাচীন দার্শনিকগণের উপদেশ আধুনিক বিজ্ঞানের সহিত মিলিতেছে।
প্রাচীনেরা মনকে ভিত্তিস্বরূপ লইয়া তাঁহাদের অনুসন্ধানে অগ্রসর হইয়াছিলেন, তাঁহারা এই ব্রহ্মাণ্ডের মানসিক ভাগটি বিশ্লেষণ করিয়াছিলেন এবং উহাদ্বারা কতকগুলি সিদ্ধান্তে উপনীত হইয়াছিলেন আর আধুনিক বিজ্ঞান উহার ভৌতিক (Physical) ভাগ বিশ্লেষণ করিয়া ঠিক সেই সিদ্ধান্তে উপনীত হইয়াছেন। উভয় প্রকার বিশ্লেষণই একই সত্যে উপনীত হইয়াছে।

জয় স্বামী বিবেকানন্দ।
স্বামী বিবেকানন্দের বাণী ও রচনা থেকে।

a Lose yourself completely - return to the root of the root of your own soul - Rumi


Sunday, 26 September 2021


 As little as 10 minutes spent in nature is enough to make people feel happier, a study shows.



VK, he said, was guilty merely of its “usual opportunism”


"Do the best you can in every task, no matter how unimportant it may seem at the time. No one learns more about a problem than the person at the bottom."

-- Sandra Day O'Connor


Friday, 24 September 2021






Within each of us is basic, innate goodness. At times, however, this goodness can be overshadowed by confusion, anger, greed, and other afflicted emotions. A bodhisattva is one who strives to continually recognize the basic goodness of all beings, including oneself, regardless of how they act. In the Tibetan Buddhist tradition, this process includes taking this commitment formally in what is called the bodhisattva vows


Both extraverts and introverts report greater well-being after a week spent being more talkative, assertive and spontaneous.


Almost half a century ago, Stephen Hawking made a startling discovery about these monsters, summoned into existence by general relativity, Albert Einstein’s theory of gravity. It implied that black holes break the fundamental time symmetry of physics, destroying information and preventing, even theoretically, the reversal of a sequence of events from the future back to the past.

This has become known as the black hole information paradox. It highlights a profound disconnect between general relativity and another great pillar of modern physics, quantum theory, and stands in the way of a long-held dream – a theory that unites the two.


Wednesday, 22 September 2021



Om Tat Sat
– Bhagavad Gita 17.23


##################B The vast majority of beings in samsara are in the lower realms.  In this world, we talk often about the 1% and the other 99% of the wealth distribution.  Samsara’s demographics are quite similar.  The Wheel of Life image sometimes gives a distorted perception that the six realms of samsara (gods, demigods, humans, animals, hungry ghosts, and hell beings) are roughly equally distributed, but in reality, roughly 99% of the beings in samsara are in the lower realms, whereas only about 1% are in the upper realms.  We know this to be true because roughly 99% of the actions of living beings in samsara are negative, and only about 1% are virtuous – meaning a cause for upper rebirth.  We might object that our actions are at least 50% positive – we are a good person after all – but the actions of beings in the lower realms are almost universally negative, so they remain trapped. 


##################MAYA ENTROPY IP 




The entire field of consciousness is only as a film, or a speck, in ‘I am’. This ‘I am-ness’ is, being conscious of consciousness, being aware of itself. And it is indescribable, because it has no attributes.

Nisargadatta Maharaj









 Drinking higher levels of alcohol and binge drinking are both linked to a lower IQ, research finds


kenny taylor 









“Life starts all over again when it gets crisp in the fall." 

-- F. Scott Fitzgerald, The Great Gatsby

"Care and diligence bring luck."

KY Thought is a force, even as electricity or gravitation. The human mind is a spark of the almighty consciousness of God. I could show you that whatever your powerful mind believes very intensely would instantly come to pass.
Page No. 112, "Autobiography of a Yogi"


A শিব আর কৃষ্ণ অভিন্ন। একই শক্তি স্বরূপ । পৃথিবীর বিভিন্নতার
মাঝে সেই একই শক্তি দুটি রূপে দিয়েছে । শৈব ও
বৈবগণের মত পার্থক্য হলেও সত্য সত্যই হয় । শ্রীমদ্ভাগবত
গীতা পাঠে যেরূপ ভক্তিগুলে ভয়ে ফললাভ করে সেইরূপ
ভক্তিগুনে শিবগীতা পাঠ করলে ভক্ত একই ফল লাভ করে।
অর্থাৎ ভক্তিই মুক্তির পথ ।
মহাভারতের পরিশিষ্ট হরিবংশ (অধ্যায়-১৮৩) হতে বর্ণিত
-“রুদ্রদেবের উপসা যেমন বিষ্ণু, বিষ্ণুর উপাস্যও তদ্রুপ
রুদ্রদেব । ইহারা উভয়েই একাত্মা, দৃশ্যতঃ দ্বিধাভূত হইয়া নিত্য
জগতে বিচরণ করিতেছেন। শঙ্কর হইতে বিষ্ণু ভিন্ন নহে, বিষ্ণু
হইতেও রুদ্র ভিন্ন নহে।' অর্থাৎ শিব ও বিষ্ণু স্বরপতঃ এক,
তথাপিও লোকশিক্ষার নিমিত্রি দ্বিধীভূত হয়ে একে অপরের
উপাসক হন।
শ্রীভগবান বিষ্ণু বলিলেনঅহং ব্রহ্মা | চ শব্দ জগত: করণং পরম্।
আত্মেশ্বর উপদ্রষ্টা স্বয়ংদৃগবিশেষণঃ ।।
শ্রীমদ্ভাগবত পুরাণ &। ৭৫০
অর্থাৎ - আমিই জগতের কারণ, আত্মা, ঈশ্বর, সাক্ষী, স্বপ্রকাশ
এবং উপাধিশূণ্য, এবং আমিই ব্রহ্মা ও শিবরুপ ধারণ করিয়া
✴️ভগবান শিব বলিলেনব্রহ্মা বিষ্ণুমহেশেহনুমা স্কুন্দো বিনায়ক?
ইন্দ্রোইগ্নিশ্চ যমশ্চাহং নিঋতিরুণােহনিল? |||
শিবগীতা ও ২২
✅অর্থাৎ - আমি ব্রহ্মা, বিষ্ণু, মহেশ, উমা, স্কন্দা, বিনায়ক। আমি
ইন্দ্র, অগ্নি এবং যম। আমি নিঋতি, বরুণ ও বায়ু।
তাই আসুন, সকলে মিলে শ্রীমদ্ভাগবতগীতার সাথে সাথে সেই
🟡একই ভক্তি সহযােগে শিবগীতা পাঠ করি এবং এই প্রার্থনা করি
যথা মিয়া বিষ্ণুবেরং বিষ্ণুময়ঃ শিবঃ।
যান্তরং ন পশ্যামি তথা মে স্বস্তিরযুষি৷৷
স্কন্দাপনিষৎ, ৯
অর্থাৎ-বিষ্ণু যে প্রকার শিবময়, শিবও সে প্রকার বিষ্ণুময় ।
🙏🙏জয় শ্রীরাধেমাধব 🙏🙏


B September 22 is Buddha’s Return from Heaven Day, one of the special holy days on the Kadampa calendar in which all of our virtuous actions are multiplied by ten million.  After Buddha Shakyamuni attained enlightenment, he went to the Land of 33 Heavens where his mother had taken rebirth, gave teachings to the beings of that realm, and then returned to this world to turn the wheel of Dharma here.  On this day, we can generate compassion for beings in the upper realms and generate the wish to return to this world as Buddha did so that the Dharma may flourish forevermore.



There are certain days of the year which are karmically more powerful than others, and the karmic effect of our actions on these days is multiplied by a factor of ten million!  These are called “ten million multiplying days.”  In practice, what this means is every action we engage in on these special days is karmically equivalent to us engaging in that same action ten million times.  This is true for both our virtuous and non-virtuous actions, so not only is it a particularly incredible opportunity for creating vast merit, but it is also an extremely dangerous time for engaging in negative actions.  There are four of these days every year:  Buddha’s Englightenment Day (April 15), Turning the Wheel of Dharma Day (June 4), Buddha’s Return from Heaven Day (September 22), and Je Tsongkhapa Day (October 25).  Heruka and Vajrayogini Month (January 3-31), NKT Day (1st Saturday of April), and International Temple’s Day (first Saturday of November) are the other major Days that complete the Kadampa calendar. 


TESTOSTERONE - Its far higher levels in males — 10 to 20 times that in females — act as a switch that turns on genes, creating stronger, more heavily muscled individuals, along with more aggressive behavior.



Sunday, 19 September 2021



"To begin, begin."







B My teacher says we can assess whether dharma is “working” by whether we are becoming kinder, more patient, tolerant, less neurotic people.


B  IP 
When we let things be what they are, impermanent, we free ourselves from suffering. 

" 'Who sows must reap,' they say, and cause must bring the sure effect: good, good; bad, bad, and none escape the law. For who so wears a form must wear the chain. Too true; but far beyond both name and form is Atman, ever free. Know thou art That, Sannyasin bold! Say: Om Tat Sat, Om!" - Swami Vivekananda, from "Song of the Sannyasin"






Prayer to 12-armed Ganapati

Traditionally, devotees would make a daily offering of flowers, carrots, and other sweet offerings with a simple prayer such as:

Lord Ganapati, you are the embodiment of

Vajra Body, Speech and Mind of the Buddhas

Arising from non-dual wisdom,

I offer fragrant flowers, carrots and other substances,

To you, the Lord who removes obstructors,

I pray to you and your entourage,

Please send your blessings and siddhas upon us!

Siddhas can be loosely translated as “wish-granting” although depending on context has many meanings, including the greatest of Siddhis — Enlightenment.


Atrial fibrillation is the most common dysrhythmia encountered in the emergency department.


Saltiness The sensation of saltiness in its purest form is produced by NaCl or lithium chloride (LiCl; Murphy, Cardello, & Brand, 1981). Other salts produce taste qualities (e.g., bitter or sour) in addition to saltiness. The rather narrow spectrum of pure tastants associated with saltiness endows the system with the ability to pick out NaCl specifically when needed, as in the case of Na deprivation (Fitzsimmons, 1979). This ability may be beneficial to survival because NaCl is essential for a variety of biological functions, including nervous function and homeostatic regulation of water in the body


sulking and pique


KY Mr. Lahiri used to say ′′ Kriya practice is the true recital of the Vedas ′′ (Kriya-practice is the real recital of the vedas)

How is Veda recitation in verb? From some excerpts of their symbolic writings (those who are seekers will understand the signs automatically) :-
""" There are four Vedas in four directions: Rig, Yaju, Sam and Atharva. That is, the first Pranayama is in the east, and the meditation is in the west, that is in the spine. Omkar Kriya meets South, North and all directions.
If Kriya is practiced in the world according to Vedic rules, then the age of all ages will be four hundred years. Treta, that is, the practice of verb only in the spine, can provide a longevity of three hundred years.
Rig, let the tongue enter the head.
Sam, with high sound in aroh voice. The voiceless tone is without sound, with sound of breathing and releasing and meditating on the west, called the sound of Sam Veda.
Yaju :, Yagna between both and stay in the south.
By uniting these three, four in that direction (north) will be done by stumbling action.
~ Excerpts of Lahiri Mr.'s article from his Manusanhita comment
"""The four Vedas are on the four sides, which are: Rik, Yaju, Sama and Atharva.That is, the first Pranayam is in the east, and meditation is in the west, i.e., in the Spine. Omkar Kriyas results in union of the south, north and all sides.
If Kriya is practiced in the this world according to the Vedic rules, then in all Yugas longevity would be four hundred years. Treta, that is, Kriya practice only in the Spine, can provide three hundred years longevity.
Rik is placing the tongue into the head.
Sama is with sound of accent with sharp tone. The falling accent is without sound, with sound the sound of inhaling and exhaling and placing the attention on the west, which is called sound of Sama Veda.
Yaju is yagya in between these two and is being held in the south.
Uniting these three will results in four (north) in that side by the Thokar Kriya.
~ Excerpts from the Writings of Lahiri Mahashaya from his notes on Manu Samhita


KY I remember how great was my joy on the day my father bought me a motorcycle. Soon my friends began referring to me as "the motorcycle swami," As daily I rode from Calcutta to see my guru [Swami Sri Yukteswarji] at his ashram in Serampore. But I could never feel quite as much happiness in possessing that motorcycle as in the initial pleasure I had in receiving it. Every day I wanted to feel that first joy again, but I could never do so. That is the way of desires; they always promise lasting happiness, but are powerless to deliver that fulfillment.
But I did enjoy the sense of freedom this mode of conveyance gave to me. So one day I asked my guru, "Master, am I attached to that motorcycle?" (He was aware of my every thought.) He said, "Certainly not! What is the use of taking a car or tying yourself to a train schedule when you have your motorcycle?" But one day an acquaintance of mine expressed a desire for it, and I gave it away to him. I never missed it.
The valiant enjoys all good things, but they are never attached.
*** I saw that all the material comforts and satisfactions that desires promised me could not give unconditional happiness. But in the desire for God, in communion with God, I found the supreme happiness. Finding that, I did not want anything else. Money, cars, friends, houses---nothing else gave me that happiness which He gave me.
Paramahansa Yogananda
Self-Realization Magazine, Summer 2007


kalapata go......ami tomari dole.....jhorapata


I wish it was an illusion. Then I wouldn’t spend so much of time filming people remembering their previous lifetimes.

I’ve been at it for ten years now. Have filmed 45 deep hypnosis sessions (between four and six hours) and have heard, filmed, transcribed many past life memories and then taken the time to prove (or disprove) the information learned from within. (Like the woman who died in Auschwitz, knew the names of all of her children, and recounted them to me on camera (in the film “Flipside”). I was able to verify who she was based on the extensive records.)

Indeed there are many mediums who can offer what their “impression” is of your previous lifetime. I would offer that there is no way of proving that is accurate - unless you know the medium well, now how effective they are, accurate they are, then still you have a good idea that you might have been this person - but you have no clue as to why you chose to be this person.

The best way to do that is through hypnotherapy. I recommend the method taught by the Newton Institute because I’ve filmed so many of them. In the sessions I’ve filmed, and the thousands of cases I’ve examined (via Dr. Helen Wambach or Michael Newton) I’ve found consistent reporting (that is reproducible). People claim that we all “go home” after this lifetime, and that it’s up to us when (or if) we want to return.

That “reincarnation” isn’t a process like rain condensation - leaving a lake, and then returning to the lake later, although that’s a pretty good metaphor physically - but they claim that we CHOOSE what our next lifetime is going to be. They claim there’s a profound reason for that choice - it might be to work on a particular pattern we’d like to understand (could be choosing a life that included a fatal illness that we might become a doctor to cure in a future lifetime), it might be that we’ve chosen a number of lifetimes to work on a particular pattern (courage, addiction, compassion, etc.)

In these reports, reincarnation is a misnomer. It’s all just incarnation. That we bring about a third of our conscious energy to each lifetime and that about two thirds is always “back home” (or doing something else.) That when the lifetime of the human ends, we “return home” - and reconnect with the rest of that energy and remember “all of our previous lifetimes.”

However you can shortcut that process, if you want to, by seeking out a hypnotherapist who can guide you to those answers. I recommend those trained at the Newton Institute, but even then important to speak to them directly, get recommendations, learn the process; but you can see for yourself your previous lifetimes and if or why you chose them.

One example; I have a friend, a successful tv producer, who remember dying in Dachau. I was able to look up the details of his session and verify many of them (in the book “Flipside”). I have known this fellow since high school, and at one point he said he had a dream where he was a gunslinger in a past life. During his deep hypnosis session (conducted by Scott De Tamble “”) he said “Oh, I see. No, I was a watchmaker in Tombstone who got shot by this gunslinger.” (I was able to find an account of this fellow being shot in the local papers back in the 1800’s and is in the footnotes of “Flipside.”)

What’s funny about this answer is that I’m saying you don’t have to just “feel that reincarnation is real” as the data supports it. If you look at the books of Dr. Jim Tucker or Carol Bowman or their mentor Ian Stevenson (UVA), you’ll find many scientific reports of verifiable reincarnation cases. (I add that Stevenson was anti hypnosis, and as I point out in “Hacking the Afterlife” that was from a misconception of how its used in deep hypnosis sessions. If thousands say the same things about the journey, no matter who asks the quesitons, then what they saw during a session becomes a dataset whatever our opinion is of what they claim they saw or experienced.)

The objective way to prove it - do a session with a hypnotherapist, and ask them to ask you specific details. Names of streets, dates, countries - sometimes you can access all that information. (In Michael Newton’s case, he was a skeptic who didn’t believe in PLR until he had a client who remembered dying in WWI - Newton grilled him for details, wrote the British War office and confirmed this fellow had died there - which opened Newton up to past life research which led to his “between life” research later.) Once you’ve gathered the information you can verify for yourself whether or not these events occurred.

However, it won’t help anyone else; the information you seek is really for you alone. (You can only prove it to yourself.)

What I mean by that is that when I remembered a lifetime as a Lakota medicine man, I discounted it even as I was saying it. (My conscious mind saying “Wait a second, you’re making this up! You saw “Dances with Wolves!”) That’s a common experience while accessing new information while under hypnosis. However six months later, I met a historian of that tribe, and he confirmed everything I had seen but could not learn online. He confirmed details about how I was dressed, why I had two feathers in my hair, hanging down, why my name was my name (I said it was “watanka” he said that was a nickname for “wakan tanka - the great spirit - “as a medicine man they would have called you that”) including why I claimed that my wife and son had been murdered by Huron. I wondered how it could be that a Montana tribe could have interacted with a tribe from eastern Canada. He said “you’re sitting in the spot where they fought for 60 years. Eau Claire Wisconsin.”

All details I could never have looked up - until he gave me the guidance to find them. But no one else is going to look at me and say “Hey I knew you back then.” Or even if a medium had said “You were a medicine man” I would not have experienced seeing my tribe wiped out by other indians, and the profound pain and loss I felt when opening up my tipi to find a dead woman at my feet. “They’ve killed my wife and taken my son.” My conscious mind said “Wait a second. There’s only one person here - what makes you think you had a son? And if you’re making this up, why is this the most painful feeling you’ve had in any lifetime, including the current one?”

But I experience it - and later, after I witnessed the end of that lifetime, I met them both - on the flipside, and embraced them with all the love that I could muster. (And can see them now as I write this.) But no one could possibly experience that but me. I can recount my experience, but it won’t/can’t/shouldn’t prove it to anyone but me. (We all don’t sign up for a lifetime to know how the play ends.) So if you want to know who you were in a past life - it’s more important to ask “Why did I choose that lifetime? And why did I choose this lifetime and what do the two have in common?”

The answer to that, as you’ll see, is key as to why you’re currently on the planet. My two cents.


"Respect our elders. They made it through school without Google or Wikipedia."

-- Author Unknown   


Bhagawan AlmightyGod Shyamacharan LahiriMahashay is not a mere human guru or master.
He swayam Bhagawan ParamBrahma Narayan.
Parameshwar Mahadev ParaMatma...
That's why He has declared in His confidential this below..
1. All the creations are coming from ME only.
2. Barring ME nothing exists.
3. Every where I Only am existing.
4.The totality of this Universe is coming from Me Only.
and again sustained by ME only.
And when the time arrives, all the creation is getting mergence into Me only...!!!!
4. I only am Durga, Kali, Jagadhatri. I only am kootastha Chaitanya Srikrishna.
5. I only am Soul Son Narayana.
6. Swayam Bhagawan.
How to address Him as a guru, master like now all the devotees are calling Him ignorantly???
Should try to grow up na, and become aware of His true form.
Never to call master..or make Him place along with other human gurus or deities.

In which way humans worshipping Him. He will bless them in that manner only.
If we worship Him, in the lower, inferior manner He will respond like our worship only.
If we worship Him in His ParamBrahma form.. He will respond in that All Pervading ParaBrahma Form.
Be wise and smart hey Devotees...!!!!


