Friday, 16 June 2023

Never ending. Ever lasting


Is there any example of a man who leads a life of a normal human yet is enlightened?

I love telling the story of Syd Banks.

Syd was a welder who had an astonishing insight.

He was an unassuming person who wasn’t trying to sell a new discovery.

He simply called his insight “common sense.”

He’d had a difficult childhood and suffered from low self-esteem.

One day, someone mentioned nonchalantly that his insecurity is all in his head.

Syd said:

Instead of getting defensive, I really heard him.

I heard beyond the words.

Syd realized our world is created by thought.

He called this insight the principles of mind, consciousness, and thought.

He didn’t mean anything special by these words beyond their dictionary definitions.

He discovered we live in a virtual reality, and we can return to peace by taking our thoughts less seriously.

Syd said we have an infallible compass which guides us to the natural state the instant we give it the chance.

He didn’t teach positive thinking or formal meditation.

He simply encouraged people to sit quietly and let this inner guide to do its work.

He said no thought or understanding is required for this process.

Eventually, one discovers they don’t have to think at all.

On a “deeper level,” Syd discovered there is only God, but he never spoke about this.

He didn’t find it necessary to introduce concepts, even “radical” ones.

The important thing is to let your common sense guide you to a peaceful feeling.

It doesn’t matter if you call common sense wisdom or realization.

You can call peace anything you like: enlightenment, nirvana, or the kingdom of heaven.

It doesn’t pay to argue whether someone who’s realized peace for 50 years is better than someone who’s realized it for 5 minutes.

Or to say someone who’s taking a breather is less enlightened than someone in deepest samadhi.

If you want to have these arguments, you’ll need to leave peace in order to have them.

But all you have is this moment, and your choice to be at peace, or not.

After Syd had his insight, he was so transformed, his coworkers didn’t recognize him.

They even tried to stop him from accessing his own locker!

Syd said with a smile:

I lost every friend I ever had, except two folks: Ken and Elsie. And that was very touch-and-go.

Elsie said when Syd and his wife came over for dinner, he was so full of kindness and appreciation, she didn’t know what to do, so she hid in the bathroom.

Eventually, people came from all over to talk with Syd.

He never gave any prepared talks; he mostly just chatted with folks.

He never knew what he was going to say.

What’s great about Syd’s teaching is there really is no teaching.

His advice is to sit quietly and allow a peaceful feeling to arise.

This peace is your genuine nature and your infallible guide.

You can trust it to guide you through life.

We think and worry unnecessarily, before we realize we are perfectly guided.

I’ve found the advice of all great teachers really boils down to this message.

You can find some of Syd’s talks here: Long Beach Lectures

I love watching these videos.

Such profound peace and gentleness radiate from him.

He’s pretty funny, too.


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There is no god greater than Shriram, no fast greater than Shriram, no yoga greater than Shriram and no yagya greater than Shriram. By remembering, chanting and worshiping Shri Ram, man attains the supreme position. He gets the best prosperity of this world and the hereafter. Shri Raghunathji is the giver of all wishes and fruits. On remembering and meditating through the mind, He gives His best devotion, which is the one who saves from the world-ocean. Chandal also attains the supreme path by remembering Shri Ram. Then what is there to say for Veda-Shastraparayan men like you? This is the secret of the entire Vedas and scriptures, which I have revealed to you. Now do as you think. There is only one god Shri Ram, there is only one vow-his worship, only one mantra-his name, and only one scripture-his praise. That's why you worship the most charming Shri Ramchandraji in every way; Due to this, this great world-ocean will become insignificant for you like the hoof of a cow.

(Padmapuran Patalkhand 35. 46-52)



This is very individual - some souls get healed fast, others have to do it longer and stay in ‘Places Of Rest” to recuperate. Emotional trauma and severe physical damage to the body will extend the time in healing. Again, all the human suffering only affects the astral and karmic body, for mental or spiritual bodies this is indeed a virtual reality game, however, astral body holds the emotions and a memory of physical damage and it needs to be cleaned up before the soul can ascend into higher realms above the astral, as unhealed astral body would affect any future incarnations. If the soul ascends too quickly and just takes off the astral body - it is like coming home from a camping trip and forgetting to wash your dirty clothes…you might end up with a bug infestation…In my sessions we always make sure that the healing is finished after the soul reaches the Healing Temples or Places in 5D.



Virtually all spirits do “go into the light” upon the death of the physical body, either immediately or within minutes. They know from their training that they must return to the spirit world, and returning to the light and love of the Creator is what they desire.

Because a spirit has been closely associated with their human self, they might be disoriented upon leaving the body. This is why their guardian, and perhaps other spirits, are always present to guide them. The light is an emanation of the Creator and provides a path for them to follow and a welcome back to the spirit world.

Some spirits do find it difficult to let go of earthly attachments and/or to follow the stages of transition back to the spirit world, and they might make unsanctioned returns back to this one. If their behavior persists, they could be declared an errant spirit, which is one who chooses to live outside of the rules of the spirit world.

The exceptions to a spirit not going immediately to the light are usually those whose human self lost their life in an event that took many lives simultaneously, such as a tsunami. The shock, utter confusion. and need for many to be escorted at once could leave some to fend for themselves, and they might arrive at the wrong plane of the spirit world. They would know to wait patiently for their guardian or another spirit to retrieve them.

My sources are two spirits who spoke to me through another person (not channeled). More about them can be found in my profile.



From performing my readings, I learned that individuals indeed tend to stick to reincarnating in certain locations, at least for certain periods of time and/or for sequences of lives.

Broadly speaking, anyone can incarnate anywhere and in any circumstance, and in fact they end up doing just that in the long run. However, considering certain periods of one’s journey at a time, they may indeed be incarnating in the same location.

Locations aren’t just defined by physical attributes, but by their common social and cultural characteristics (and depending on the specific time period) ex: “Europe”, “Middle East”, “America”, etc. Even if not necessarily equal or similar at first glance, certain areas may relate and be in close relationship with each other, by being involved in the dualistic subject matters that are being explored by the Soul, such as the two sides, ideologies, countries, etc of a conflict or war for example, in other words the two sides of the same coin.

The particular circumstances of where the Soul is incarnating always trace back, in some way, to the stage and context of the spiritual exploration of that Soul at that time, i.e. the why.

When a Soul wishes to transition from incarnating in a certain area/location, and move on to somewhere else - usually also corresponding to an equivalent shift or transition in consciousness taking place in an inner sense, spiritually speaking - they will often perform that transition while within an incarnation. They will plan for spiritual contracts for that lifetime where they’ll arrange to physically move from point A to point B, effectively moving abroad, for example by changing jobs, being adopted by a family from the destination culture, etc.










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