Sunday 26 May 2024





In explaining Kant’s view that the human mind is not a tabula rasa receiving impressions of the world but in fact constructs reality in the act of perception, he quoted a line from a T.S. Eliot poem: “The roses had the look of flowers that are looked at.” “Isn’t that beautiful?” he said. “That just gets it all together.”



Totally compatible.

Remember that “Science” is a process based on falsifiability, it is not a dogmatic position on anything. In science one always strives to keep an open mind and to accept all conclusions as provisional, and to adjust one’s theories according to the evidence produced.

A conflict arises in any religion when the Scriptures contradict Science. If one considers one’s scriptures as being “Divinely” revealed or inspired, this presents a particular cause of cognitive dissonance in believers.

Hindu philosophy does not suffer from this scripture versus empiricism dilemma.

In Hindu Philosophy we are instructed by our sages to follow the evidence and rational argument and to reject anything in our vast library of scriptures which contradicts empiricism and logic.

All the three greatest of Hindu Vedāntic philosophers agreed on this point of the primacy of evidence and reason over Scripture - while having other philosophic differences.

If fact the value of Scripture in the pursuit of true knowledge and wisdom has been deprecated in many verses - even the Bhagavad Gita itself ( one of the 3 foundational texts of VEDANTA philosophy.)

And astonishingly enough VEDANTA is even more compatible with Quantum Physics. One of the great pioneers of Quantum theory studied Vedanta and had a very high regard for it.

Quantum Physics and Vedanta - Part 1/4 - Science and Nonduality (SAND)
On the surface Quantum Physics (QP) and Vedanta may look very different. One is part…



ET-Is it hindering to have pride in others and in oneself? Is being glad of ones accomplishments pride? The sense of pride, often accompanied by the ego, should not be confused with the feeling of goodness from your accomplishments.



"Sometimes, you've got to let everything go ..."

—Anna Mae Bullock 


 Purge yourself. If you are unhappy with anything, whatever is bringing you down, get rid of it. Because you'll find that when you're free, your true creativity, your true self comes out."




Nothing is a distraction to the Self.

The Self just is, ever-presently aware.

It is not capable of being in a state of distraction.

It is the mind which is distracted.

But the distracted mind, there is an undistracted awareness OF.

Know yourself to be that awareness, always prior to the mind, incapable of distraction.

You are ever-present in every experience.

Your being, you feel as "the now" or "the present moment" or "I."

Even here and now :)

Start to tune into that more often. Notice it. Recognize your changeless nature.

No matter how many experiences come and go, you remain as the unchanging awareness which is present.

Even this experience of the body reading this message, will soon pass and become non-existent, some other experience taking its place.

But You, the Self, will remain present, always as you are.

You are without name, without form, without story, without future, without past.

Notice your being.

Not for some personal benefit or pleasure, but for the sake of being yourself.



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