Wednesday 26 June 2024

COOLIDGE "Knowledge comes, but wisdom lingers



No one study has unequivocally proven that a vegan diet will enhance athletic performance—but a handful of science-backed reasons could explain why plant-based foods might boost your game. “Elite-level training creates an enormous amount of oxidative damage,” says Desiree Nielsen, RD, a cookbook author and registered dietitian specializing in plant-based nutrition. “Athletes will wake up in the morning almost feeling like they have a hangover because there is so much inflammation from yesterday’s pursuits.” A vegan diet could help to stymie that inflammation


From ~~~ Sat-Darshana Bhashya, p. III
Sri Ramana Maharshi.:
You are the mind or think that you are the mind.
The mind is nothing but thoughts.
Now behind every particular thought there is a general thought
which is the ‘I’, that is yourself. Let us call this ‘I’ the first thought.
Stick to this I-thought and question it to find out what it is.
When this question takes strong hold on you, you cannot think
of other thoughts. … What happens when you make a serious
quest for the Self is that the I-thought as a thought disappears,
something else from the depths takes hold of you and that is not
the ‘I’ which commenced the quest. ...
That is the real Self, the import of I.
It is not the ego.
It is the Supreme Being itself.


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