Monday 9 September 2024



Narcissism is a complex personality trait that can manifest in different ways. Psychologists often categorize narcissism into three main types: grandiose narcissism, vulnerable narcissism, and malignant narcissism. These types of narcissism can change and evolve over a person's lifetime. Here’s a breakdown of each type and how they tend to shift with age:

1. Grandiose Narcissism

  • Characteristics: People with grandiose narcissism exhibit high levels of confidence, extroversion, and a sense of superiority. They often seek admiration and attention and may have little regard for others’ feelings. This type is typically associated with overt displays of arrogance, entitlement, and dominance.
  • Change with Age: Over time, grandiose narcissism may diminish as individuals face life experiences that challenge their self-perception, such as career setbacks, health issues, or the loss of relationships. However, in some cases, older individuals may hold on to their grandiose traits as a way to maintain a sense of identity and purpose.

2. Vulnerable Narcissism

  • Characteristics: Vulnerable narcissists are more introverted and have a fragile self-esteem. They may appear shy, but underneath, they have deep feelings of inadequacy and a desire for admiration. This type of narcissism often involves hypersensitivity to criticism and a tendency to feel victimized or unappreciated.
  • Change with Age: Vulnerable narcissism can become more pronounced as people age, especially if they feel they haven’t achieved what they wanted in life. Aging can exacerbate feelings of vulnerability and inadequacy, leading to increased sensitivity and social withdrawal. On the other hand, some may develop more resilience and self-acceptance as they grow older.

3. Malignant Narcissism

  • Characteristics: This is the most extreme form of narcissism and includes traits of both grandiose and vulnerable narcissism, combined with antisocial behavior. Malignant narcissists can be manipulative, deceitful, and lack empathy. They may also exhibit aggressive tendencies and a desire to dominate others.
  • Change with Age: Malignant narcissism tends to remain stable over time, as it’s often linked to more entrenched personality disorders. However, the expression of these traits may change with age. For instance, as physical strength and social influence decline, older malignant narcissists may become more manipulative or controlling in more subtle ways.

General Changes in Narcissism with Age

Research suggests that narcissism, in general, tends to decrease with age. Life experiences, increased wisdom, and a greater focus on relationships can lead to a reduction in narcissistic traits. However, this isn't always the case, and the trajectory of narcissism can vary greatly depending on the individual and their circumstances.

Older adults may become more reflective and develop greater empathy, while others may struggle with the loss of power, status, or physical capabilities, which could exacerbate narcissistic tendencies. In any case, aging brings about changes in personality, and how narcissism manifests can shift significantly over time.


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