Sunday 8 September 2024



Moving house can be a stressful experience at any age, but research suggests that certain life stages make individuals more vulnerable to the mental health impacts of relocating.

Key Age Groups Most Affected by Moving:

  1. Children and Adolescents (5-18 years):

    • Disruption of Social Ties: Moving during childhood and adolescence can disrupt friendships, schooling, and routines, which are critical for emotional and social development.
    • Impact on Academic Performance: Frequent relocations can negatively impact academic achievement and increase the risk of behavioral problems.
    • Identity and Stability: Adolescents, in particular, are in a stage of identity formation, and moving can create feelings of instability and insecurity.
  2. Young Adults (18-30 years):

    • Transitioning Phases: This age group often moves for reasons like college, starting a career, or new relationships, which can already be high-stress periods.
    • Financial and Social Stress: Moving at this age often involves financial strain and the challenge of building new social networks, contributing to anxiety and depression.
  3. Middle-Aged Adults (40-60 years):

    • Family and Career Pressure: Moving during middle age can be stressful due to the responsibilities of family and work. The pressure to maintain stability for children and manage career transitions can lead to increased stress and mental health issues.
    • Health Concerns: As people age, health concerns can make the physical and emotional demands of moving more challenging.
  4. Older Adults (60+ years):

    • Loss of Familiarity and Independence: Moving later in life, especially into retirement communities or assisted living, can lead to feelings of loss, grief, and anxiety over losing independence.
    • Social Isolation: Relocating away from a familiar community can increase the risk of loneliness and depression.


While moving can be stressful at any age, children and adolescents, young adults in transition, and older adults tend to be more vulnerable to the negative mental health impacts of relocation. Understanding these vulnerabilities can help in providing better support during these transitions.


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