Thursday, 26 December 2024



Barry you are absolutely right I’m am a recently retired ex NHS employee who was the infection control lead for a community base in North London. If we all wore a mask when we have a cough, sneezing, generally feeling rough when we are out and about plus using hand gel and washing our hands regularly and thoroughly there would be a lot less sickness. I think it is partly due to apathy because people think they will get over it but what they don’t realise is that flu kills and kills normal healthy people, The other part is the I can’t be bothered attitude what they don’t realise that the young healthy person who is coughing and sneezing can infect the elderly person who is beside them and has lowered immunity. I have severe respiratory disease which will one day end my life but having spent time in intensive care there is nothing like it realising that potentially your life is going to end. I think a hard hitting NHS public campaign might help,


n east Asia you will see people wearing masks when they are not well more civilized system


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