A young woman, wearing a gown, little disturbed with pain, yet happy, walked out of the hospital gate, holding her husband's hands.
Followed by an aged couple, holding their little baby, not more than a few days old, sleeping comfortably in the hands of his grand mother.
They were smiling, laughing and celebrating.
They bowed their heads in front of the small temple near the gate, and thanked God for the priceless gift of new life.
A few hours later, a dissapointed middle aged woman walked out of the same gate.
Her eyes had tears, face was wrinkled and head was down.
Looked silent and hopeless.
Then followed a dead body of her husband, wrapped in a white cloth, lying peacefully on a stretcher.
She held his hands tight for the final time before the body was loaded in the ambulance.
Before leaving, she bowed down in front of the same temple and a few tears rolled down her eyes.
Amidst all this, a security guard was watching this picture of life and death, again and again, on a loop, every single day.
After working for a few years, he realised that life is just a big illusionary Zero.
We start the journey with a loud cry and a heartiest welcome.
Slowly create a temporary Identity called “me”.
Knit it with everything else in the world.
And then try to make it bigger than everything else.
We believe that we are moving straight on a road which would never end.
But in reality all we do is to cover the circumference of the big circle.
And irrespective of whatever we achieve or lose, whoever we love or hate, whatever we experience.
One day, we simply reach back at square one, and everything becomes a big zero again.
A few tears fall on the ground, and soon life forgets us like an old used wrapper.
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