Saturday, 26 April 2008




///////////////////////Specialized White Blood Cells Coordinate First Responders To Viral Infection (April 25, 2008) -- Regulatory T cells are thought to call a halt to immune responses as the fight against infection draws to a close. Researchers have evidence that these cells also help coordinate the early stages of the fight against viral infections. ... >

//////////////////////////More News this Week Peanut Allergy Remission Predicted by IgE Antibodies The results of a longitudinal study of young peanut allergic children indicate that remission of peanut allergy can be predicted by low levels of IgE antibodies to peanut in the first 2 years of life or decreasing levels of IgE sensitization by the age of 3 years.

////////////////////What Your Patients Are Reading: Premature Infants at Risk for Autism Very low-birth-weight premature infants are at risk for signs of early autism, omega-3 fatty acids are no better than placebo at preventing Crohn's relapse, sleep-deprived infants may become overweight toddlers, FDG-PET distinguishes brains with Alzheimer's from both brains with other dementia types and healthy brains, and a genetic variant has been fingered as a risk for lung cancer and possibly nicotine addiction.Medscape Medical News 2008

//////////////////////..........rtd=The Dublin-born author has returned to Ireland for radiation therapy but has decided not to undergo chemotherapy, which may have given her more time."Even if I gained time through the chemotherapy it isn't time I want. Because as soon as I knew I was going to die soon, the goodness went out of life," she said.Journalist Nell McCafferty, said Ms O'Faolain had started an important conversation about living with terminal illness."Nuala faces a ghastly dying. She has started an important national conversation. She has started an invaluable conversation," she said.?We should have the option of an easier death in the face of such terror.?My bottom line is euthanasia...and to be offered that route out for people. Let her die now...she cried out in fear but she is not the only one.?

/////////////////...........The researchers conducted a historical review of regulatory and epidemiology evidence from Belgium - the second country to decriminalize the practice of euthanasia (in 2002). Belgium also places third, after Iceland and the UK, in rankings of the best palliative care systems.Berheim and colleagues point out that in Belgium, euthanasia and palliative care practices have actually helped each other. In one direction, the political and social movement to legalize euthanasia prompted the development of palliative care. In the other direction, the fact that sufficient palliative care was obtainable led to ethical and political acceptance that enabled then legalization of euthanasia.


////////////////Human Species Nearly Extinct 70,000 Years Ago
The human population at that time was reduced to small isolated groups in Africa, apparently because of drought, according to an analysis by researchers at Stanford University released Thursday. The estimated the number of early humans may have shrunk as low as 2,000 before numbers began to expand again in the early Stone Age. Previous studies using mitochondrial DNA - which is passed down through mothers - have traced modern humans to a single "mitochondrial Eve," who lived in...
Read the whole entry »

/////////////////////////////MEDTATN=I will never be able to silence the inner dialogue."If you want to make that happen you sure can, though you'll have to be active for it. If you let go, sooner or later you will enter what's known as the samadhi state, the state of pure silence. The first times you come out of it, you may think you have just fallen asleep - though that may happen too, you will recognize the samadhi state as you exit it if you come out of meditation nice and gradually. The 'zen-vibe' that you have gotten yourself now will feel oh so sweet! NC: Silence is inevitable and I look forward to it.


Wednesday, 23 April 2008




Learn a few tricks about how to interpret your own handwriting here:
- Organized-Confuzed. If your handwriting looks organized, into neat paragraphs and lines that are parallel to each other, then you are organized. If your handwriting looks confused, then you are confused.
- Size of handwriting. Small handwriting means research-oriented, good concentration, methodical, not always social. Large handwriting- people oriented, outgoing, outspoken, love to entertain and interlock
- Spacing. Good deal of space- you need your freedom, to do things in your own time, don’t like to be overwhelmed or crowed. Very little space- it shows a tremendous about of irritability and constant pressure on yourself.

//////////////////////////////////////True friends are those who, when you make a fool of yourself, don't believe that this condition is permanent.
— Erwin T. Randall

/////////////////////////ATTENTION SPAN OF A JACKRABBIT

//////////////////MAKING BETTER OF A BAD LOT



Marco Cibola
Vending MachinesBest Picks: A small bag of plain pretzels — not honey-mustard or any other flavor, which can add fat. “Pretzels are a satisfying, low-fat crunch without any trans fats or added sugar, and the single-serving-size bag means you get built-in portion control,” says Keri Glassman, a registered dietitian in New York City and the author of The Snack Factor Diet (Crown, $20, A close second is a small bag of peanuts or almonds, which is packed with protein that will fill you up, says Sarah Krieger, a registered dietitian in St. Petersburg, Florida. And the petite package prevents mindless eating from a big jar, which can be a danger at home. Another Good Option: Whole-wheat crackers with peanut butter. While these little sandwiches can be higher in fat or calories than a serving of pretzels, “they have good fat and a little fiber,” says Krieger, which will keep you fuller longer. Worst Picks: Potato chips, corn chips, and tortilla chips. They’ll give you greasy fingers, but that’s not the worst of it. Most snack chips are low in protein and fiber, and some are high in the two worst kinds of fat: saturated fat and trans fats.
Marco Cibola
Gas-Station Mini-MartsBest Picks: Low-fat yogurt. “It’s loaded with calcium and protein, which will help you feel fuller,” says Katherine Tallmadge, a registered dietitian in Washington, D.C., and the author of Diet Simple: 192 Mental Tricks, Substitutions, Habits & Inspirations (LifeLine Press, $15, Can’t find yogurt? A package of low-fat string cheese or even a small carton of skim milk can be nearly as filling, she says, especially when paired with a piece of fruit. Another Good Option: Instead of buying packaged trail mix, which is full of sugar and fat, mix up your own from items sold at the quickie mart, says weight-loss counselor Molly Gee. Start with a low-sugar dry cereal, such as Shredded Wheat or Cheerios, as a base. (Look for the mini cereal boxes.) Then add raisins or some other dried fruit and some nuts or small pretzels. Ask for a paper bag to mix everything together. “You’ve made a high-fiber snack that’s crunchy, salty, and sweet,” says Gee. Worst Pick: A cream-filled doughnut. Sorry, Homer. This high-sugar, high–trans fat combo has no redeeming qualities. Sure, you’ll get a quick energy boost, but that will be followed by an equally quick drop in blood sugar, which will leave you feeling tired, cranky, and craving more sugar.
Marco Cibola
Movie TheatersBest Pick: A child-size popcorn (about five cups). With eight grams of fiber, it will satisfy your urge to munch and keep you feeling full. It’s only 300 calories if you skip the “butter” (actually butter-flavored oil), says weight-loss counselor Molly Gee. Another Good Option: Junior Mints. “There’s nothing particularly good for you in them, but they’re lower in fat than most of the candy bars at the theater,” says registered dietitian Keri Glassman. Try to share the box, says Gee, since movie-theater portions are usually gargantuan. Worst Pick: Anything jumbo size or called a value combo. For instance, that large popcorn (20 cups) with extra “butter” and a large (44-ounce) soda add up to almost 2,000 calories. An entire movie-size package of Milk Duds has 595 calories.
Marco Cibola
Mall Food CourtsBest Picks: A lean-turkey sub on wheat or multigrain bread with mustard and plenty of vegetables. The whole grains and vegetables have fiber to fill you up while providing vitamins and minerals. Turkey is low in fat, and the protein helps control your appetite, says registered dietitian Sarah Krieger. Or, if there’s a sushi counter, order a salmon roll and some low-fat, high-fiber edamame. Fish is the protein source with the most nutrients for the lowest number of calories, says registered dietitian Katherine Tallmadge. Another Good Option: A broth-based vegetable soup, such as minestrone or udon noodle. “You’ll be getting a couple of servings of vegetables,” says Krieger, “and studies show that the high volume of soup helps fill you up on fewer calories.” Stay away from milk- and cream-based soups, which are usually high in fat. Soups also tend to be salty, so skip them if you’re watching your sodium intake. Worst Pick: General Tso’s chicken with white rice. Where to start? This dish is deep-fried, often with dark-meat (fattier) chicken, and it’s served with nutrient-barren white rice. When food-court Chinese is your only option, go for steamed or stir-fried mixed vegetables over brown rice.
Marco Cibola
Stadiums and Concert ArenasBest Pick: Peanuts in the shell. You’ll get some protein and healthy monounsaturated fat, without extra fat from oil-roasting. Plus, shelling the peanuts slows you down, which means you’ll realize you’re full before you eat too much, says registered dietitian Keri Glassman. Just keep portion size in mind and aim to stick to a one-ounce serving, or 20 whole peanuts (with each shell containing two nuts). Another Good Option: A hot dog. “If you’re going to have one, this is the place to do it. Stadium dogs are usually all beef and higher in quality than ones bought on the street,” says registered dietitian Sarah Krieger. Make sure you choose regular size over jumbo, and opt for ketchup or tangy mustard instead of chili or some other fatty topping. Worst Pick: Nachos with melted cheese. The only thing more frightening than the fluorescent orange of this concession-stand staple is the fat and calorie count: 350 calories and 19 grams of fat per six- to eight-chip serving. Not to mention the high sodium content. And let’s be honest: Who stops at eight chips?
Marco Cibola
AirportsBest Pick: A protein or energy bar from a newsstand. “Look for one that has less than 200 calories and three or more grams of fiber,” says registered dietitian Sarah Krieger. Avoid chocolate-coated bars, since these are often higher in fat and laden with sugar. Other Good Options: If all you can find is granola bars, look for one with the shortest ingredient list — that is, oats, nuts, dried fruit, honey, and not much else. Or tide yourself over with a small (one- or two-ounce) portion of unsalted nuts. Another decent option, if it looks as if it hasn’t been under a heat lamp for too long, is a slice of cheese pizza. “There’s calcium in the cheese, the tomato sauce counts as a vegetable serving, and it’s moderate in fat — as long as you skip things like pepperoni,” says Krieger. Worst Picks: Salty snacks, such as potato chips. When you’re about to get on an airplane, the last thing you want to eat is something high in sodium, since it can make you feel bloated and dehydrated. A candy bar is a close second. “If you have sugar on an empty stomach, you’re not going to feel satisfied and you’re just going to crave more sugar,” says Krieger.

////////////////////Never give out while there is hope; but hope not beyond reason, for that shows more desire than judgment.William Penn (1644-1718)Founder of the state of Pennsylvania

///////////////////HNBR=HOPE NOT BEYOND REASON

//////////////////CRDT CRUNC=CHRTY SHP BOOM

////////////////////Masturbation may prevent prostate cancer!!!April 22nd, 2008
“Frequent masturbation may help men cut their risk of contracting prostate cancer, Australian researchers have found. It is believed that carcinogens may build up in the prostate if men do not ejaculate regularly, BBC News reported on Wednesday.”
still no word on whether or not it causes blindness. now if you’ll excuse me ive got some cancer to prevent.
read more here

////////////////////470k TEACHERS IN VK

///////////////////Mirrors should think longer before they reflect.
— Jean Cocteau

////////////////////DEKHUN,BHABUN,EGIYE THAKUN


///////////////////Lizards Rapidly Evolve After Introduction to Island
Kimberly Johnsonfor National Geographic News
April 21, 2008
Italian wall lizards introduced to a tiny island off the coast of Croatia are evolving in ways that would normally take millions of years to play out, new research shows.
In just a few decades the 5-inch-long (13-centimeter-long) lizards have developed a completely new gut structure, larger heads, and a harder bite, researchers say.

/////////////////Japan, where life expectancy is 82 years but also no Swaziland, where life expectancy is 32






/////////////////////Kidney Failure Independently Predicts Sudden Cardiac Death Kidney failure was independently linked with sudden cardiac death, according to an analysis of the Heart and Estrogen Replacement Study data.


///////////////////////Gender Difference for Fading MemoryA new research finding shows men are more likely than women to have mild cognitive impairment, the transition stage before dementia...

///////////////////////A kid with ADHD, Nampa mother Cheryl Moir says, is like someone tryingto answer 100 phones at one time. "You can't keep them all connected,"said Moir, whose 16-year-old son Josh was diagnosed withAttention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder during his preschool years.She hopes sharing their story will provide insight into what life islike for a family affected by ADHD.

/////////////////////WPM.....From Divine Providence to Divine Law
Posted by: "jkhall53210" jkhall53210
Sun Apr 20, 2008 7:46 pm (PDT)
--- In Pantheist_Spiritual ity@yahoogroups. com, Antony Van der Mude wrote:>>..there is a totally different take on divine providence that many people > adhere to....That is the idea > that whatever the outcome, it is in accord with the Divine Plan. This is > to say, however things turn out, it is in accordance with God's will.> In (a) second approach, the notion of divine providence is a > recognition that the finite and self-centered will of man runs counter > to the divine and omniscient will of God. In this case, the wish for > divine providence is an implicit submission to God's omnipotent will. > Not just "give me" this or that, but "Thy will be done".> > In either case, though, the benefit of believing in divine providence is > not that the outcome is in one's favour. Instead, the benefit is that > there is a direction to the universe in accordance with God's divine > plan. That is to say, the universe has meaning.> > Now, mind you, as a Pantheist, I don't believe in a personal God or and > universal plan for the world... >Well said Antony. And perhaps for us pantheists, meaning can be summed up as "Wow!"J



MSN UK NewsBionic eye 'blindness cure hope'BBC News - 21 Apr 2008A 'bionic eye' may hold the key to returning sight to people left blind by a hereditary disease, experts believe. A team at London's Moorfields Eye Hospital have carried out the treatment on the UK's first patients as part of a clinical study into the ...

////////////////////...........Michael Edwards' openDemocracy essay, "Philanthrocapitalism: after the goldrush" (19 March 2008) is serious and thought-provoking. The basic argument is this: there is a movement afoot to harness the power of business for social change. This includes newly-minted foundations like the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, corporate-social-responsibility (CSR) programmes and social entrepreneurs. These philanthrocapitalists are undermining the independence and social mission of civil society. As a result, we are missing out on real social transformation, and maybe even risking our democracy.Mark Surman is an open philanthropy fellow at the Shuttleworth Foundation in South Africa, where he is inventing new ways to apply open-source thinking to social innovation. He is also the partnership advisor and former managing director at, a project that networks community-technology activists around the world. His blog is here
From where I sit, much of what Edwards says seems wrong or misdirected, mixing apples with oranges with assumptions. Which is why I was so suprised to see him briefly trumpeting one of my favourite ideas: "... new business models built around ‘the commons' such as open source software and other forms of ‘non-proprietary production'". Edwards suggests that these new models have the potential to deliver deep changes to both our society and our economy. I agree. In fact, I would argue that they already have.
The power of peers
Just think about Wikipedia for a second. In less than ten years, Wikipedia has completely overturned the intellectual and economic power structure of the publishing industry (or, at least, the parts dealing with reference materials). What's more, it has dramatically increased the number of languages that have their own encyclopedias (over 250), the number of topics covered (2.3 million in English alone) and the speed with which new topics get covered (there is even a little article on philanthrocapitalism). Like it or not, Wikipedia is unquestionably an incredible achievement.
Many would also argue that Wikipedia is a major public good, on the order of an education or library system. That's certainly what Jimmy Wales and others had in mind when they coined the Wikimedia Foundation's vision statement: "Imagine a world in which every single human being can freely share in the sum of all knowledge. That's our commitment." The people behind Wikipedia were definitely thinking about what Edwards calls "real social transformation" right from day one.

Nasa 'should follow Columbus'

Hawking says it is time "to boldly go where no man has gone before"
Professor Stephen Hawking has called for a new era of space conquest akin to Christopher Columbus' discovery of the new world.
In a speech honouring Nasa's 50th anniversary, the 66-year-old astrophysicist said the situation we face "is like Europe before 1492".
"People might well have argued it was a waste of money to send Columbus on a wild goose chase," he mused.
"Yet the discovery of the new world made profound difference to the old."
And then he quipped: "Just think, we would not have a Big Mac or KFC (Kentucky Fried Chicken).
"Spreading out into space will have an even greater effect," he told an audience assembled at George Washington University, Washington DC.
"It will completely change the future of the human race and maybe determine whether we have any future at all."




////////////////////Houston, we've had a problem."
Thirty-five years ago today, these words marked the start of a crisis that nearly killed three astronauts in outer space. In the four days that followed, the world was transfixed as the crew of Apollo 13—Jim Lovell, Fred Haise, and Jack Swigert—fought cold, fatigue, and uncertainty to bring their crippled spacecraft home.
But the crew had an angel on their shoulders—in fact thousands of them—in the form of the flight controllers of NASA's mission control and supporting engineers scattered across the United States.

Apollo 13, We Have a Solution

////////////////////LR.....Tricking Your Brain Into Thinking You Are Eating Twice As Much" I have found some wonderful tips to help you eat less that require no calorie counting, no weighing or measuring. Great visual tips toslow you down so that you eat less. First partI will share today.1. Serve your food in covered dishes. It iseasier to pass on seconds when you can't seeor smell the food that you are serving according to Brian Wansink, PH.D. Author ofMindless Eating. He says that it can cut yourconsumption by 71%.2. Place a small spoon such as a demitasse spoonabove your plate. When you have your dessert, thesmall spoon will slow you down so that your tummy will fill fuller.3. Layer your dishes. Place a salad plate ontop of your regular plate. Filling the smaller plate with food will give you the illusion of having more to eat. 4. Blue is one of my favorite colors ordinarily.However, outside of blueberries and blue gelatinthere are just not any blue foods. Research shows thatthe color blue acts an appetite suppressant. To get this effect try using blue place mats and napkinsor blue dishes. Layer with a blue salad plate.Stay tuned tomorrow for more visual tips to trickyour brain into thinking you are eating twiceas much.


/////////////////DR ACULA

//////////////////Sitting Out Earth DayApril 22, 2008 9:23 PM Subscribe
The new face of hunger -- “World agriculture has entered a new, unsustainable and politically risky period” says the International Food Policy Research Institute. Food riots have erupted in countries all along the equator because of soaring food commodity prices. So, where does the world get more food? If the extra supplies are to come mainly from large farmers in America and Europe, then they may be trapped in a farm subsidy Catch-22. Increase production per acre? We just learned about the myth of GM crops (previously of MeFi). All of this is why some are just sitting out Earth Day.



//////////////.........The Simplest Diet Ever
by Tracy Teare
This easy, flexible plan will keep you healthy with next-to-no effort.
We love the flexibility of this plan from Dawn Jackson Blatner, RD. It’s supersimple to remember, nothing’s off limits, and it’s a snap to do on the go. Just allow yourself 300 calories for breakfast, 400 for lunch, and 500 for dinner, plus two 150-calorie snacks, for a total of 1,500 calories a day. (Go to for the calorie counts of most foods.) Make it healthy and filling by working in lots of fruit, veggies, and whole grains.
Here’s a sample day:
Breakfast 1 cup yogurt1 cup strawberries1 low-calorie granola bar1 cup coffee with 1 teaspoon of sugar294 calories
LunchHalf a turkey sandwich1 cup garden-vegetable soup1 cup fresh fruitunsweetened iced tea390 calories
Afternoon snack 15 light tortilla chips1/2 cup salsa146 calories
Dinner1 roasted skinless chicken breast drizzled with balsamic vinegar8 grilled asparagus spears2 roasted red potatoes sprinkled with 2 tablespoons grated Parmesan cheese520 calories
Evening snack1/2 cup light chocolate ice cream1/4 cup raspberries146 calories

/////////////////..........Health, April 2005
A Formula to Prevent Overeating
by Trisha Gura
Follow these guidelines to help you eat less and enjoy your dining experience.
So much goes on around the table while you're eating, and so much of it can affect your appetite. Subtle cues—lights, temperature, aromas, the shape of a wine glass, a whiff of espresso—can all tempt you to overindulge.
But a recent analysis of dozens of studies on "food ambience" (those factors around you that tickle the senses) suggests you don't have to give in. Instead, experts say, you can make the environment work for your waistline. Here's how:
Look before you eat The brighter the lights, the quicker you'll eat. Physiologically speaking, light intensity revs up the nervous system, and you'll often respond by eating too fast. Result: You'll end up stuffing your stomach before your brain can tell you that you're full. Unfortunately, dim lighting is no solution, because it can hide signals of satiety. "We lose track of what we have eaten," says Brian Wansink, PhD, a nutrition-science expert at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. That's why people tend to eat more in candlelit restaurants; they linger, picking at their plates even if they're full.
The antidote: If you have to eat in a brightly lit restaurant like a fast-food joint, Wansink says, remind yourself—repeatedly—to eat slowly. In dimly lit restaurants with more romantic settings, pick one: drink, appetizer, or dessert. And keep yourself attuned to your feelings of fullness. When they come, ask your server to box up what you haven't finished.
Dine on the patio As a general rule, the hotter the climate, the less people eat, says Nanette Stroebele, PhD, a neuropsychologist at the University of Colorado Health Sciences Center in Denver. She co-authored the recent report on food ambience in Nutrition. Heat slows down your metabolism, so your energy needs and your hunger decline as the mercury rises. Use that to your benefit.
The smart strategy: Ask for an outdoor table whenever the weather cooperates. Out where it's balmy, people seem to prefer food that's less dense and usually less caloric (salads instead of mashed potatoes, for example).
Tame your tableware Supersized portions, whether it's French fries or frittatas, can make you think bigger is normal. That may override your "I'm full now" body sensors. Just as influential are the size of your plate and the shape of your cup. It's called the size-contrast effect, Wansink says: Bigger plates trick people into believing they're getting smaller servings. So do short, fat glasses. Even bartenders—renowned for their ability to "eyeball" a shot of alcohol accurately—will fill a shorter glass with up to 31 percent more than they pour into a tall, narrow one.
The solution: Avoid jumbo plates, and choose taller, thinner glasses.
Play hard to get "People tend to eat almost everything you put in front of them," says John DeCastro, PhD, a professor and chair of the department of psychology at the University of Texas at El Paso. Working alongside Stroebele on the ambience study, DeCastro found that convenience is one of the strongest triggers for overeating and snacking.
Wansink demonstrated the power of proximity in 2002, when he and colleagues gave a gift of Hershey's Kisses to some university secretaries as part of a study. The secretaries ate nine Kisses daily when the candy was on their desks in transparent bowls. Consumption fell to an average of six and a half candies when the sweets were placed in opaque containers with lids, and only four when the bowls were positioned three steps away. That's a difference of up to 2,500 calories a month—and a prescription for gaining nearly 12 pounds per year.
The answer: At family gatherings and other occasions when overeating is likely, serve the food—and then put the serving platters on the counter or even in another room. Buy fewer ready-to-eat snacks, de Castro says, so you'll have to work harder to nibble when you're not hungry. Parcel out snacks into single-serving zip-top bags, Wansink suggests, and avoid buying food in bulk. What if you just can't resist the price on that 60-count box of granola bars? Stow away the extras in the back of the pantry. Out of sight, out of mind, out of tummy.
— Trisha Gura is writing a book on eating disorders among women over age 25.



/////////////////FTHR ?HRNIA ?VRCS VN

/////////////////////AVG FOOD BILL UP BY 900 GBP /YR=UP BY 15 GBP /WEEK


/////////////////////FTHR ILL,DN CMPR-72/70-ONCOL PAED PTS

/////////////////////////DILKHUSHA ST KOL BS TRGY DTH

///////////////////////KHESHTO SHADA VTS FOR CLNTN

/////////////////////////ATTACK TELEVISION

/////////////////////////////////////////////Science in the News - Tuesday 22 April 2008Surgeons at Moorfields Eye Hospital in London have fitted “bionic eyes” to two men in their 50s to partially restore their eyesight.

////////////////////You are what your mother eats A link between what women eat before conception and the sex of their baby has been found, says research published in the journal Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, today (Wednesday 23 April 2008).

////////////////////Science in the News - Wednesday 23 April 2008Climate change could cause global conflicts as large as the two world wars but lasting for centuries unless the problem is controlled, the Royal United Services Institute has warned.

///////////////DEBRA-MDNPR-RTA-DD 4



///////////////////TENSE PENCE ROW


///////////////////////LOSER OR LEADER

//////////////////////British home mortgage approvals hit 11-year-low
The Associated Press
Published: April 23, 2008

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LONDON: The number of house mortgages approved by the major banks in the United Kingdom fell to an 11-year-low in March, the British Bankers Association said Wednesday.
The association said the drop was symptomatic of low liquidity in the sector, a problem the Bank of England is attempting to remedy with a 50-billion-pound (US$100 billion; €63 billion) asset-swap program announced Monday. The central bank is offering to swap mortgage assets for U.K. Treasury bills in an effort to restore normal functioning of the credit markets.
The 35,417 mortgages approved for house purchases was the lowest figure since the association began tracking data in 1997, and was further evidence of a sharp slowdown in the British housing market.
The association said 129,300 mortgages for all purposes were approved during the month, the lowest level since September 2000. The value of the mortgages, 15.6 billion pounds (US$31 billion; €19.4 billion), was 22.5 percent lower than in March 2007.

////////////////////ARMY- 1IN 5 SUFFER PTSD



Sunday, 20 April 2008


Creation is only the projection into form of that which already exists.



//////////////////////NANAGED NIGRATION


Saturday, 19 April 2008


//////////////////////What would we do Usually drink, usually dance, usually babble All I want to do is tell you I love you Thats when i start promising the world to a brand new girl i dont even know yet Next thing shes wearing my rolex What would we do Usually drink, usually dance, usually babble Usually drink, usually dance, usually babble What would we do Usually drink, usually dance, usually babble All I want to do is tell you I love you All I want to do is tell you I love you Thats when i start promising the world to a brand new girl i dont even know yet Next thing shes wearing my rolex Too much shanks dont know wear my phone is Here's my number, she already knows it This chapters alot, better close it Just a look in her eye was so evil Wileys a party guy and she knows it What would we do Usually drink, usually dance, usually babble All I want to do is tell you I love you Thats when i start promising the world to a brand new girl i dont even know yet Next thing shes wearing my rolex What would we do Usually drink, usually dance, usually babble All I want to do is tell you I love you Thats when i start promising the world to a brand new girl i dont even know yet Next thing shes wearing my rolex What would we do Usually drink, usually dance, usually babble Usually drink, usually dance, usually babble What would we do Usually drink, usually dance, usually babble All I want to do is tell you I love you All I want to do is tell you I love you Thats when i start promising the world to a brand new girl i dont even know yet Next thing shes wearing my rolex Too much shanks dont know wear my phone is Here's my number, she already knows it This chapters alot, better close it Just a look in her eye was so evil Wileys a party guy and she knows it What would we do Usually drink, usually dance, usually babble All I want to do is tell you I love you Thats when i start promising the world to a brand new girl i dont even know yet Next thing shes wearing my rolex
3 days ago

////////////////The Odds of Intelligent Life in the Universe
Written by Nancy Atkinson
When it comes to contemplating the state of our universe, the question that’s probably most prevalent on people’s minds is, “Is anyone else like us out there?” The famous Drake Equation, even when worked out with fairly moderate numbers, seemingly suggests the probable amount of intelligent, communicating civilizations could be quite numerous. But a new paper published by a scientist from the University of East Anglia suggests the odds of finding new life on other Earth-like planets are low, given the time it has taken for beings such as humans to evolve combined with the remaining life span of Earth.
Professor Andrew Watson says that structurally complex and intelligent life evolved relatively late on Earth, and in looking at the probability of the difficult and critical evolutionary steps that occurred in relation to the life span of Earth, provides an improved mathematical model for the evolution of intelligent life.
According to Watson, a limit to evolution is the habitability of Earth, and any other Earth-like planets, which will end as the sun brightens. Solar models predict that the brightness of the sun is increasing, while temperature models suggest that because of this the future life span of Earth will be ‘only’ about another billion years, a short time compared to the four billion years since life first appeared on the planet.
“The Earth’s biosphere is now in its old age and this has implications for our understanding of the likelihood of complex life and intelligence arising on any given planet,” said Watson.
Some scientists believe the extreme age of the universe and its vast number of stars suggests that if the Earth is typical, extraterrestrial life should be common. Watson, however, believes the age of the universe is working against the odds.
“At present, Earth is the only example we have of a planet with life,” he said. “If we learned the planet would be habitable for a set period and that we had evolved early in this period, then even with a sample of one, we’d suspect that evolution from simple to complex and intelligent life was quite likely to occur. By contrast, we now believe that we evolved late in the habitable period, and this suggests that our evolution is rather unlikely. In fact, the timing of events is consistent with it being very rare indeed.”
Watson, it seems, takes the Fermi Paradox to heart in his considerations. The Fermi Paradox is the apparent contradiction between high estimates of the probability of the existence of extraterrestrial civilizations and the lack of evidence for, or contact with, such civilizations.



////////////////Women Who Drink When Pregnant ‘Have Violent Kids’
Jeremy Laurance LONDON, April 19: The violent behaviour of the Saturday night drunk who gets into a fight on the streets may be attributable to his mother’s drinking before he was born, a senior doctor has said. Dr Harry Burns, Scotland’s chief medical officer, said babies born to women who drink heavily in pregnancy develop foetal alcohol spectrum disorder (FASD) which can lead to violent behaviour in adulthood. Dr Burns said he believed the condition was directly linked to antisocial behaviour on Scotland’s streets. He called on women to abstain from drinking alcohol altogether during pregnancy, despite official advice that one or two drinks a week is safe. Dr Burns was appearing before Holyrood’s Health committee, answering questions about the effects of poor parental care on babies and toddlers. The only major study of the prevalence of FASD ~ carried out in Italy ~ estimated that 4 per cent of schoolchildren were affected, he said. It concluded that the Italian custom of drinking wine with meals had as severe an impact on pregnant women as binge-drinking in other countries.~ The Independent

//////////////////Global food prices up 83% in 3 yrs: World Bank
Statesman News Service KOLKATA, April 19: High food prices are threatening recent gains in overcoming poverty and malnutrition, and are likely to persist over the medium-term, says a recent World Bank Group policy note. "Poor people are suffering daily from the impact of high food prices, especially in urban areas and in low income countries," said World Bank Group president, Mr Robert B Zoellick, adding "in some countries, hard-won gains in overcoming poverty may now be reversed. According to Rising Food Prices: Policy Options and World Bank Response, increases in global wheat prices reached 181 per cent over the 36 months leading up to February 2008, and overall global food prices increased by 83 per cent. Food crop prices are expected to remain high in 2008 and 2009. As the policy note points out, while households that are net producers may benefit from higher prices, price increases for staple foods will increase poverty in several countries. Increased bio-fuel production has contributed to the rise in food prices, according to the report. Food price hikes are also linked to higher energy and fertiliser prices, a weak dollar and export bans. "The poor are not just facing higher food prices but also higher energy costs, which is a worrying combination," said Mr Danny Leipziger, World Bank Group vice-president for poverty reduction and economic management."Policy responses to protect the poor from food price rises are urgent, and need to be designed in a way that is conducive to stimulating greater agricultural production in the long-run."

//////////////////35% municipal water wasted daily: ExpertsStatesman News Service KOLKATA, April 18: About 35 per cent of municipal water is wasted daily in the city because of leakage and misuse, scientists said today. Out of seven million children aged less

//////////////////DR KANJILAL MRDR CASE-1990-S ROY ,ETC LIFER-18 YRS ON

////////////////PRNTS=TALU=FADING AWAY

///////////////Today is Apr 20, 2008.Take care of your pennies and your pounds will take care of your heirs and barristers.~Proverb, (English)~

//////////////////////:D :D :D=HAPPY

//////////////////:( :( :(=NOT HAPPY

///////////////////3 RELNSHIPS-NN,QS,WF


/////////////////IND-.........What we don’t have in our country is accountability and rule of law…but we have freedom, a young population and enterprising individuals)

/////////////////Dream what you want to dream;go where you want to go; be what you want to be, because you have only one life and one chance to do all the things you want to do...

//////////////////20-20-=3 HR KICK,WHY WATCH 5 DAYS

/////////////////FND A MN-SETTLE DN-HV A CHLD-MV ON






Thursday, 17 April 2008




//////////////////////,,,,,,........Bhagavad Gita Selection Number 298, for Tuesday, April 15, 2008From Chapter XIV: The Yoga of the Division of the Three Qualities of NatureXIV.5. SATTWAM RAJASTAMA ITI GUNAAH PRAKRITI SAMBHAVAAH; NIBADHNANTI MAHAABAAHO DEHE DEHINAM AVYAYAM. (Krishna speaking to Arjuna)Purity, passion and inertia-these qualities, O mighty-armedArjuna, born of Nature, bind fast in the body, the embodied, theindestructible! COMMENTARY: The three Gunas are present in all human beings. Noneis free from the operation of any one of the three qualities. Theyare not constant. Sometimes Sattwa predominates and at other timesRajas or Tamas predominates. One should analyse and stand as awitness of these three qualities.


/////////////////////......He who trims himself to suit everyone will soon whittle himself away.
— Raymond Hull

///////////////////Put your laptop charger (and other chargers) on a timer.Around our house, you can find a handful of outlet timers that serve one purpose and one purpose alone - to make sure devices come on for only a portion of the day when they’re needed.
For me, I tend to use my laptop about once a week. The rest of the time, I usually leave it on the charger and forget about it, but that presents two separate problems. First, leaving it on the charger degrades the battery over time. Second, leaving the charger plugged into the wall - with that big old converter box on it - eats energy at a pretty rapid rate. It eats about 50 watts per hour, according to my measurements.
Thus, I just leave the laptop plugged into the charger all the time when not in use, but the charger is plugged into an outlet timer. That outlet timer comes on from midnight until two in the morning, just long enough to make sure the laptop refuels. If I need it on during the day for some reason, I just reach over to the outlet and touch a button - it then stays on until two in the morning and returns to that cycle.
That outlet timer is saving me a lot of money. I estimate that on an average day, it eliminates 15 hours of energy use by that charger, as I just tend to leave my chargers on the outlet for my convenience. At 50 watts, that adds up to a savings of 273.75 kilowatt hours per year, an annual cash savings of $27.38.

/////////////////////..........FLU COMES FRESH FROM ASIA EACH YEARFlu viruses evolve freshly somewhere in east or southeast Asia every year, spreading around the world over the next nine months before dying out, researchers report.

////////////////////...Wait out your cravings - Most cravings pass within 20 minutes because they're often all in your head so you can survive these "fake cravings" by chewing on a some sugarless gum.


Wednesday, 16 April 2008


///////////////////........CME Infants With Heart Disease at Higher Risk for Attention and Behavioral Difficulties Children who had surgery for congenital heart disease as infants had an increased risk for problems with inattention and hyperactivity and often required remedial services in school.Medscape Medical News 2008

///////////////////........Sleep Problems Common in Children With ADHD A survey of Australian children with ADHD found that 73% had mild to severe sleep disturbances, which affected both the children and their parents.Medscape Medical News 2008

/////////////////////............Food-Specific IgE Levels Help Identify Some Food Hypersensitivities in Children Quantitative measurements of IgE-antibodies to food allergens are useful in evaluating hypersensitivity of preschoolers to certain foods, according to a report in the April issue of Allergy.Reuters Health Information 2008

//////////////////VRGNA TCH MMRL-1 YR ON

////////////////...........Study Finds Improvement in End-of-Life Cancer Care of Children Children dying of cancer are receiving a higher standard of care than ever before, but researchers urge specialists to continue raising the bar.

////////////////////..............Very-Low-Birth-Weight Infants More Likely to Show Early Signs of Autism Among 91 toddlers who had been born prematurely and weighed from 1 pound to 3.28 pounds at birth, 25% screened positive for early signs of autistic features, according to a recent study.Medscape Medical News 2008

/////////////////////LOSING MANY ILLUSIONS

///////////////////KETUGRAM 1994


//////////////AVOID MULTIVIT

////////////////1 IN 4 ADULTS CAN MANAGE 5 A DAY

////////////////2003-rgby wrld cup-5 yrs on

///////////////pc=Journaling May Help CaregiversThe burden and stress of caring for a loved one with Alzheimer's disease may often appear overwhelming...

//////////////////...........Too Many Choices Can Lead to FatigueOne element that may be contributing to heightened feelings of stress and mental exhaustion is a fast-paced lifestyle that calls upon us to make too many decisions...

////////////////..............Depression Late in LifeA new study finds that even after the age of 70, people prone to feelings of anxiety, worry, distress and insecurity face a risk for a first lifetime episode of clinically...

/////////////////..........Can Wine Reduce the Risk of Dementia?New research from Sweden suggests wine may convey a protective benefit against development of dementia...

//////////////////............Sexual Intentions May Be In The FaceThink that you can hide your sexual intentions by playing it coy? Think again. People's faces may give away more about their sexual intentions than even they realize...

//////////////////What's Wrong With My Husband?Q. Avoidant Solitary Personality? or what? Over the years, my husband has become more and more reserved. He doesn't ...


////////////////////QUIET DIPLOMACY



////////////////////..........Calorie Restriction Boosts Cell Components Recycling
Calorie restriction extends life in most animals which have been studied well on calorie restricted diets. Calorie restriction is the only consistent way to extend life in lab animals that has been found to date. Some University of Florida scientists found that rats on low calorie diets might live longer because the calorie restriction causes cells to more rapidly chew up and recycle cellular components such as energy-producing mitochondria.
And a University of Florida study shows just how much the body benefits when it “goes green,” at least if you’re a rat: Cutting calories helps rodents live longer by boosting cells’ ability to recycle damaged parts so they can maintain efficient energy production.
“Caloric restriction is a way to extend life in animals. If you give them less food, the stress of this healthy habit actually makes them live longer,” said Christiaan Leeuwenburgh, Ph.D., chief of the division of biology of aging in UF’s Institute on Aging.
Understanding how the process works at the cellular level in rodents could help scientists develop drugs that mimic the process in humans, Leeuwenburgh added.
Some biogerontologists theorize that aging damaged mitochondria displace healthy mitochondria. Then those damaged mitochondria spew out free radicals that damage cells. These University of Florida researchers are speculating that if cells more aggressively chew up damaged mitochondria then those bad mitochondria won't take over and squeeze out healthier mitochondria.

//////////////////////..........Deer is both plural and singular. It is similar to the word "sheep" in which you say "there is one sheep in a barn next to a pasture full of sheep." There is no such word as "deers" when referencing multiple deer.

////////////////////...........NYT=Supreme Court Allows Lethal Injection for Execution
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Yahoo! Buzz

Published: April 17, 2008
WASHINGTON — The Supreme Court on Wednesday upheld Kentucky’s method of putting criminals to death by lethal injection, not only clearing the way for Kentucky to resume executions but also for other states to do so. But one justice predicted that the ruling would not end disputes over lethal injection and could reignite the debate over capital punishment itself.
Skip to next paragraph
Text of the Opinion (pdf)
Justices Chilly to Bid to Alter Death Penalty (January 8)
Times Topics: Supreme Court
Times Topics: Capital Punishment
By 7 to 2, the court rejected challenges to the Kentucky execution procedure brought by two death-row inmates, holding that they had failed to show that the risks of pain from mistakes in an otherwise “humane lethal execution protocol” amounted to cruel and unusual punishment, which is banned by the Constitution.
The prisoners had contended that the three-drug procedure used on death row — one drug each to sedate, paralyze and end life — was unconstitutional, and that in any event there were strong indications that Kentucky had bungled some executions, creating unnecessary pain for the condemned. Through their lawyers, they maintained that problems could be largely solved by administering a single overwhelming dose of a barbiturate, as opposed to the three-drug procedure.
The prisoners’ challenge had implications far beyond Kentucky. Of the 36 states with the death penalty, all but Nebraska, which uses the electric chair, rely on the same three-drug procedure that Kentucky uses. So does the federal government. Now, with the Kentucky challenge disposed of, an unofficial moratorium on executions that has existed may come to an end. Gov. Tim Kaine of Virginia quickly announced that his state would lift its moratorium on executions.
In a decision written by Chief Justice John G. Roberts Jr., which weighed the prisoners’ claims that they faced an unacceptably high risk of suffering at the hands of their executioners, the court concluded that “Kentucky’s continued use of the three-drug protocol cannot be viewed as posing an ‘objectively intolerable risk’ when no other state has adopted the one-drug method and petitioners have proffered no study showing that it is an equally effective manner of imposing a death sentence.”
The prisoners who brought the challenge were Ralph Baze, who killed a sheriff and a deputy who were trying to serve him with a warrant, and Thomas C. Bowling, who killed a couple whose car he had damaged in a parking lot.
Lawyers for the prisoners contended that the barbiturate-only method is widely used by veterinarians, who are barred in many states from using the same paralyzing agent employed in executing people. But the court rejected that argument, stating that “veterinary practice for animals is not an appropriate guide for humane practices for humans.” The six justices who concurred in the judgment — with varying degrees of agreement — were Anthony M. Kennedy, Samuel A. Alito Jr., John Paul Stevens, Antonin Scalia, Clarence Thomas and Stephen G. Breyer.
Alluding to the Eighth Amendment’s prohibition of cruel and unusual punishment, the court said history leads to the conclusion that “an execution method violates the Eighth Amendment only if it is deliberately designed to inflict pain,” a standard that bars disemboweling, burning alive and other excruciating ways of bringing about death. “Judged under that standard, this is an easy case,” the court held.
But the deliberations were not easy, if the number of opinions is any indicator. Although seven members concurred in the judgment of the court, only Justices Kennedy and Alito (who filed a concurring opinion of his own) joined Chief Justice Roberts’s opinion. Justices Scalia and Thomas joined each other’s concurring opinions.
Justices Ruth Bader Ginsburg and David H. Souter dissented from the court’s judgment. “I would not dispose of the case so swiftly given the character of the risk at stake,” Justice Ginsburg wrote, declaring that she would have sent the case back to the Kentucky courts for further scrutiny of the condemned men’s claims.
Perhaps most interestingly, Justice Stevens filed an opinion concurring in the judgment of the court, but by no means embracing capital punishment. Indeed, he asserted that recent decisions by state legislatures, Congress and the Supreme Court itself to preserve the death penalty “are the product of habit and inattention rather than an acceptable deliberative process that weighs the costs and risks” of the ultimate punishment.
Justice Stevens noted that in the 1976 decision in which the Supreme Court upheld the constitutionality of capital punishment, Gregg v. Georgia, the court declared that “three societal purposes” justified the death penalty: “incapacitation, deterrence and retribution.”
“In the past three decades, however, each of these rationales has been called into question,” Justice Stevens said. The possibility of a life sentence without parole, he said, has often caused people to soften their positions in favor of inflicting death.
“Full recognition of the diminishing force of the principal rationales for retaining the death penalty should lead this court and legislatures to re-examine” the ultimate question, Justice Stevens wrote, using a phrase used by a former Texas prosecutor and judge: “Is it time to kill the death penalty?”
Coming from Justice Stevens, those words could be especially significant. The justice (who will turn 88 on Sunday) was one of the seven justices who voted in 1976 to uphold capital punishment. Since then, he has heard many challenges to various aspects of the death penalty and the “evolving standards of decency” often invoked by its opponents. In 2002, Justice Stevens was in the majority as the court ruled that mentally retarded killers could not be executed, and in 2005 he was in the majority as the court banned the death penalty against juvenile offenders.
On Wednesday, after handing down their opinions in the Kentucky case, the justices heard arguments in a death penalty case from Louisiana. The question was whether the Constitution allows capital punishment for the rape of a child who is not killed.
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////////////////THE GOOD LIFE

/////////////////AND THE GOOD DTH



////////////////////Early Determinants of Fruit and Vegetable Acceptance
Forestell CA and Mennella JA.Pediatrics. 2007;120:1247-1254.
The authors note that infant tastes for sweet foods (eg, fruit) tend to be innate, while preferences for other foods (eg, vegetables) are more learned. This study tested whether the method of food introduction to infants would alter acceptance of vegetables, with green beans being the "prototype" tested.
Past studies demonstrated that maternal intake of foods during the prenatal period as well as during nursing can positively influence infant acceptance of those foods. The authors had the following hypotheses: that breastfed infants would be more likely to accept green beans than formula-fed infants; that repeated exposure to green beans would increase acceptance of them; and that pairing green bean exposure with a fruit exposure afterward (peaches in this study) would improve green bean acceptance at subsequent feedings.


/////////////////////........Unintentional Strangulation Deaths From the "Choking Game" Among Youths Aged 6-19 Years -- United States, 1995-2007 The "choking game" produces brief euphoria from cerebral hypoxia, but serious neurologic injury or death can result. What is the estimated incidence of deaths among youths based on news media reports?

////////////////..........The authors concluded that approximately half of patients diagnosed with early childhood asthma have remission of the disease by age 12 years.
A question that comes up frequently in pediatric practice is whether patients admitted for their first asthma episode should be started on controller medications. This study suggests that the answer is yes, given the much higher rate of asthma-related healthcare used by patients diagnosed in hospital, especially in the first year after diagnosis. A second question that comes up is how long to continue controllers once begun. This study demonstrated that the cumulative incidence of hospitalization increased for 3 years after initial diagnosis before reaching a plateau, leading the authors to conclude that it takes up to 3 years for asthma to stabilize in an individual. As a potential answer to the question of "how long," the answer seems to be on the order of 12 months or more before considering discontinuation of controllers. The latest Guidelines for the Diagnosis and Management of Asthma can be viewed or downloaded at the National Heart Lung and Blood Institute (please see Related Links). These new guidelines urge providers to include assessment of both impairment (old symptom approach) and risk, and admission to hospital seems to indicate a high-risk patient.

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External LinksGuidelines for the Diagnosis and Management of Asthma (EPR-3)
Author Information
William T. Basco, Jr., MD, FAAP, Pediatrician, Charleston, South Carolina
Disclosure: William T. Basco, Jr., MD, FAAP, has disclosed no relevant financial relationships.
Medscape Pediatrics. 2008; ©2008 Medscape

Monday, 14 April 2008

2.5 MEN

////////////////////SWEET LAND OF VINDICATION

////////////////////.........REPOINTING=but any bricklayer should be able to do re-pointing.I run a building company (Southampton area - rates will vary round the country) and when subcontracting this work I would expect to pay around £20/m2 for raking out and re-pointing plus tower hire.That's what you could expect to pay a bricklayer direct or up to twice that to a building company (with offices, secretary, etc.)General tradesman rates per day at the moment are:Bricklayer, carpenter, roofer £120 - 150Painter £100-135Good multi-skilled £135-200Plumber, Electrician £150Corgi registered plumber £200-250Some local authorities (Hampshire and Surrey, for sure) have a Buy With Confidence scheme listing reputable tradesmen on their website - look for the Trading Standards part of the site of your local authority.Hope that helps.

////////////////////////.........POINTING DEPTH=
Earlier comment on a brickie raking out to a depth of 6mm. This is insufficient, and will eventually fall out.12mm is recommended, but brickies hate this work, and you will rarely see this done properly. Ask around, you may need someone who really does take pride in their work. Also check on the actual shape of the pointing, especially if you have older bricks.

Wadham ,COSTS to buy materials boiler £850 + VAT inc jig , flue kit £55 + VAT , plastics = minimal , 15mm copper £1 mt , 22mm copper £2 mt , rad 600x800 single £22.50 + VAT , fittings = minimal , flush £20 + VATPrice quoted seems expensive to me

/////////////////// house 3 bed semi has got a Worcester Bosdh 30 Si just fitted.This is 6 rads, 1 towel rail (dual fuel) and a shower that runs off the boiler.Ben

//////////////////................opinion of popular manufacturers of boilers. Good at top. The bottom ones.....will never install.1.Vaillant2.Worcester3.Baxi/Potterton/Myson, Ideal, Glowworm, Keston4.Biasi Ravenheat Saunier Duval Chaffoteaux Ferrolli Vokera

///////////////////.............. Vaillant Ecotec Plus 824 will set you back about £800 including flue and VAT. It is more expensive than the Biasi but a much better investment in my opinion

////////////////////...........actually quite like the Gloworm Hxi, and I heard a rumour from my local Graham's that Vaillant and Gloworm were collaborating between the Ecomax and the Hxi, no idea how true that is. I do like the fact that Gloworm have developed a plume management kit, even though this requires a pipe to be run up the wall, and I also like the S/S heat exchanger, which the Worcester doesn't have.



////////////////////.........Bhagavad Gita Selection Number 297, for Monday, April 14, 2008From Chapter XIV: The Yoga of the Division of the Three Qualities of NatureXIV.3. MAMA YONIRMAHADBRAHMA TASMIN GARBHAM DADHAAMYAHAM; SAMBHAVAH SARVABHOOTAANAAM TATO BHAVATI BHAARATA. (Krishna speaking to Arjuna)My womb is the great Brahma; in that I place the germ; thence, OArjuna, is the birth of all beings! XIV.4. SARVAYONISHU KAUNTEYA MOORTAYAH SAMBHAVANTI YAAH; TAASAAM BRAHMA MAHADYONIR AHAM BEEJAPRADAH PITAA. Whatever forms are produced, O Arjuna, in any womb whatsoever, thegreat Brahma is their womb and I am the seed-giving father.

////////////////////.......Eating Soy Foods In Puberty Protects Against Breast Cancer, Evidence Now SuggestsEvidence is growing from animal and human studies that genistein, a potent chemical found in soy, protects against development of breast cancer - but only if consumed during puberty

/////////////////////Every man is a fool for at least five minutes every day; wisdom consists in not exceeding the limits." – Elbert Hubbard



//////////////////WOOLWYCH-SOUTH LONDON



//////////////////WELLNESS Drink water in the morning to wake upWhen you get up in the morning you are dehydrated from going 6-9 hours without any liquids. Before you leave for work, or before you eat breakfast, drink a full glass of cool (not cold) water. It will hydrate you, wake you up, and even make you a little fuller so you will not feel the need to eat as large a breakfast. Some people even find they no longer need coffee when they drink a glass of water in the morning.

/////////////////........To entertain some people all you have to do is listen.-- Bernard Edinger


//////////////////..........The best make is Vaillant. worcester bosch or potterton are other good makes

/////////////////....EXTRACTOR FAN----vI Had One Fitted In My On-suite Bathroom And It Cost About £150 But Included The Parts And It Took About A Day To Do. I Am South Coast Area. Very Pleased With The Work, Had To Be Done As The Paint Was Peeling Off The Ceiling



///////////In his (brilliant) book, “Authentic Happiness,” Martin Seligman differentiates jobs vs. careers vs. callings.
A job pays your bills.
A career provides the powerful but fleeting satisfaction of job advancement.
A calling? A calling is what you live when you discover and utilize your greatest strengths in the greatest service to the world.
- Your friend in the pursuit of the happiness that ensues from discovering and giving our gifts to the world.

////////////////.........,8599,1728755,00.htmlFor their own good, children have to develop the capacity to regulate their own sleep early in life and self-soothe themselves during the night



/////////////////////////...RTRS=Kids with Autism May Have Gene That Causes Muscle Weakness
LibrariesMedical News

Contact InformationAvailable for logged-in reporters only
DescriptionSome kids with autism may have a genetic defect that affects the muscles, according to research that will be presented at the American Academy of Neurology 60th Anniversary Annual Meeting in Chicago, April 12–19, 2008.
Newswise — Some kids with autism may have a genetic defect that affects the muscles, according to research that will be presented at the American Academy of Neurology 60th Anniversary Annual Meeting in Chicago, April 12–19, 2008.
The study looked at 37 children with autism spectrum disorders who were evaluated for mitochondrial disease, which causes muscle weakness and prevents a child from being able to participate in physical activities and sports. Mitochondrial disease occurs when genetic mutations affect the mitochondria, or the part of the cell that releases energy.
A total of 24 of the children, or 65 percent, had defects in the process by which cells produce and synthesize energy in the muscles, or oxidative phosphorylation defects in the skeletal muscles.
“Most children with autism spectrum disorders do not have recognizable abnormalities when you look at genetic tests, imaging, and metabolic tests,” said study author John Shoffner, MD, owner of Medical Neurogenetics, LLC in Atlanta, GA, and member of the American Academy of Neurology. “But a subset ofthese children does have significant defects in this area. Identifying this defect is important for understanding how genes that produce autism spectrum disorders impact the function of the mitochondria.”

/////////////////////..........Septic tanks 'home to dengue mosquitoes' Puerto Rican scientists have found the first evidence in Latin America of septic tanks being habitats for dengue-causing mosquitoes.

///////////////////.........Joint Commission Recommends Ways to Prevent Medication Errors in Kids
An alert from the Joint Commission recommends new efforts by hospitals to prevent pediatric medication errors.
Among the recommendations, released online:
All pediatric patients should be weighed in kilograms at admission. Except in emergencies, no high-risk drugs should be administered to patients who have not been weighed.
Use oral syringes to give oral medications to prevent inadvertent intravenous administration.
Clearly differentiate drugs that have been repackaged for children so they won't be confused with adult formulations.
If possible, use commercially available drugs that are formulated for pediatric patients.
The alert cited a recent Pediatrics study, which found a mean rate of 11 adverse drug events per 100 patients in a random chart review at 12 children's hospitals. Nearly one-quarter were considered preventable, and nearly all caused temporary harm, most often pruritis and nausea.

///////////////........First say to yourself what you would be; and then do what you have to do. -- Epictetus

/////////////////.....dr weil=Five Fast-Food Suggestions

Even if you are diligent about packing healthful foods when traveling, or finding restaurants with nutritious choices when eating out, there may be times when your healthy dining options are limited. While we suggest you avoid eating fast food entirely, if you must, please keep the following in mind when ordering:
No matter how hungry you are, you are better off ordering a small amount of food and making up for it with healthier foods later. Don't super-size or add on items.
Opt out of cheese and mayonnaise, both of which can add unnecessary calories and fat. Instead, pile on lettuce, tomato and other vegetables, if possible.
Avoid anything deep-fried. From chicken to potatoes to onions, deep-fried foods contain altered fats that are detrimental to the body.
If you order a salad, choose the low-fat dressing, and add sparingly. One serving of full-fat dressing can be equal to the amount of fat in a cheeseburger!
Finally, ask to see a list of the nutritional content of menu items. Some restaurants have them posted - if they don't, ask for them, and ask yourself if you really want to eat there!


Sunday, 13 April 2008


///////////////////////ALWRA=AT LST VE R ALV

///////////////////////APRIL-SUNSHINE AND SHOWERS

///////////////////27K REPSSN IN VK LAST YR


//////////////////////////// could be used in exam roomsExam rooms could be fitted with CCTV cameras to prevent cheating and false claims against invigilators.

//////////////////////MADAM OVARY

///////////////////.........N.Lincolnshire and rang a local firm last week for the same thing..Boiler service £50+vatGas fire service £35+vat

//////////////////..........Any servicing should ONLY be done by a CORGI qualified engineer. If a 'normal' plumber does it then it's illegal and probably not done properly.

///////////////////POILA BOISHAK-1415

/////////////////////TRAIN TO DHAKA FRM KOL

////////////////////////...........Where there is a will....
someone has died.


Friday, 11 April 2008



////////////////////WORLD FOOD PRICE CRSS

///////////////////////i've just had a Periodic Inspection Report for Electrical Installation, basically they test EVERYTHING and took an hour and a half and was very thorough. Cost £80 and was worth every penny. I've always been concerned that i'd have to find a couple of grand for a total rewire which is really what i need but i have today found out that it could be done in stages. My most urgent job being getting the gas and water earthed . I know there are regional variations but roughly how much would i be looking at - around £300? the gas meter and stopcock are all in the kitchen as is the fusebox.thanks

///////////////////.....PRE BB=
Did pre-big bang universe leave its mark on the sky?
10 April 2008
From New Scientist Print Edition. Subscribe and get 4 free issues.
Stephen Battersby

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Alejandro Corichi, National Autonomous University of Mexico, Morelia
Parampreet Singh, Pennsylvania State University
Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics
Martin Bojowald, Pennsylvania State University
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WHAT happened before our universe began? According to two theoretical physicists, if there was a universe before ours then it should have been remarkably similar to this one, with the same basic ingredients and properties. It may even be possible to see a faint picture of our parent universe imprinted on the sky.
Questions about a time before the big bang were once thought to be meaningless, because according to Einstein's general theory of relativity, the universe began at a singularity - a mathematical point with infinite density at which all calculations break down.
However, physicists now believe that the theory of relativity is limited and the effects of quantum mechanics would have blurred out the singularity just a little, so at a crucial moment the density of matter and radiation was not infinite. If this was the case, it becomes possible to try to work out what led up to that moment.
In cosmological models based on a theory called loop quantum gravity, our universe has a parent. Loop quantum gravity attempts to meld relativity with quantum mechanics by describing space-time as a constantly rearranging fabric of interconnections. On the smallest scales, around 10-35 metres, that fabric is a tangled mess, but on much larger scales the space and time of our universe look smooth.
The theory predicts that when this fabric is scrunched up, it becomes bouncy. So if the universe before ours was contracting, it would have reached a point of maximum density and then bounced out again in our big bang.
So what would this predecessor have been like? To find out, Parampreet Singh of the Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics in Waterloo, Ontario, Canada, and Alejandro Corichi of the National Autonomous University of Mexico, Morelia, applied the equations of loop quantum gravity to a highly simplified model of the universe. They found that the properties of space, such as the quantity of matter and energy it contains, hardly change when the universe goes through the big bounce. "For the simple model considered, the universe is almost exactly the same on other side," says Singh.
It raises the possibility that we could see an imprint of the universe before ours. Singh suggests that the seeds of large-scale structures in our universe, such as superclusters of galaxies, would have been present on the pre-big-bang side. The pattern of those seeds might be preserved in the cosmic microwave background radiation - the relic radiation left behind by the big bang. "If this conclusion holds true, then it is possible that we are going to see signatures of the pre-big-bang universe," says Singh.
“Seeds of structures in our universe, such as superclusters of galaxies, would have been there on the pre-big-bang side”
A pioneer of loop quantum gravity, Carlo Rovelli at the Centre for Theoretical Physics in Marseille, France, likes the work. "It is quite remarkable that we can begin to address these questions and find the first tentative answers," he says.
But the calculation doesn't convince Martin Bojowald, another loop quantum gravity theorist, based at Pennsylvania State University in University Park. He disagrees with their interpretation of the mathematics and also points out that loop models so far are still very simple.
Bojowald thinks that the universe before the big bang could have been a very different place, perhaps without even the familiar smooth, classical space-time of our world.
Corichi and Singh's paper will appear in Physical Review Letters.


/////////////////..........i just got my gas & water earthed and it was £180 all in and he also earthed a metal plate lightswitch. all done by a part p niceic electrician in the northwest.he's just in the middle of rewiring all my sockets and plastering them in and that's £650. I've got a few quid spare so he's rewiring the shower for £140 (which is the only thing i thought ouch that's dear) and the floodlight in the garden is only going to be £40 - not sure how he works his pricing out.he's quoted me £150 for a split fuseboard incl installation so after xmas that'll be getting doe too. can't believe my luck i've found a nice sparkyi can't afford to get everything done at once so i'm having it done in piece meal and he's happy to do it that way infact i think he probably makes more that way but i don't care so long as its done.

//////////////////...........NICEIC Certification Services LimitedThis scheme, which is known as the Domestic Installer Scheme, is designed for those who wish to be able to self-certify all types of electrical work in dwellings either as an electrical contractor or as part of an ancillary trade activity. The scheme will begin formal operation on 1 January 2005.For more information on this scheme see Defined competence schemesThese schemes are designed primarily for those who do electrical installation work as an adjunct to or in connection with their primary work activities - for example, gas installations, plumbing, kitchen or bathroom fitting, heating installation, security systems..CORGI Services LimitedThis scheme is designed initially to allow CORGI registered gas installers to be able to self-certify the electrical installation work they do in relation to the installation of gas appliances but will be open to others in other areas of work activity in the future. The scheme will begin formal operation on 1 January 2005.

/////////////////////.........mse=Following is a list of Part P Schemes all theses can issue certification for electrical works Part P Schemes (Electrical Safety in Dwellings)(a) Full competence schemesBRE Certification LimitedThis scheme, operated with the support of the Electrical Contractors Association and the Institution of Electrical Engineers, is primarily designed for those whose main business is electrical contracting and those who wish to be able to self-certify all types of electrical work in dwellings. The scheme will begin formal operation on 1 January 2005.For more information on this scheme see Standards InstitutionThis scheme, which will be known as the Kitemark Scheme for electrical installation work, is primarily designed for those whose main business is electrical contracting and those who wish to be able to self-certify all types of electrical work in dwellings. The scheme will begin formal operation on 1 January 2005.For more information on this scheme see www.kitemarktoday.comELECSA LimitedThis scheme, operated with the support of the British Board of Agrement, is primarily designed for those whose main business is electrical contracting and those who wish to be able to self-certify all types of electrical work in dwellings. The scheme will begin formal operation on 1 January 2005.For more information on this scheme see Certification LimitedThis scheme is designed primarily for those whose main business is electrical contracting and will allow its members to self-certify all types of electrical installation work in dwellings. The scheme will begin formal operation on 1 January 2005.For more information on this scheme see Certification Services LimitedThis scheme, which is known as the Domestic Installer Scheme, is designed for those who wish to be able to self-certify all types of electrical work in dwellings either as an electrical contractor or as part of an ancillary trade activity. The scheme will begin formal operation on 1 January 2005.For more information on this scheme see Defined competence schemesThese schemes are designed primarily for those who do electrical installation work as an adjunct to or in connection with their primary work activities - for example, gas installations, plumbing, kitchen or bathroom fitting, heating installation, security systems..CORGI Services LimitedThis scheme is designed initially to allow CORGI registered gas installers to be able to self-certify the electrical installation work they do in relation to the installation of gas appliances but will be open to others in other areas of work activity in the future. The scheme will begin formal operation on 1 January 2005.For more information on this scheme see www.corgi-gas-safety.comELECSA LimitedThis scheme is designed to allow members to self-certify the electrical installation work they carry out only within the context of their primary work activity. There is no restriction as to the type of primary work activity. The scheme will begin formal operation on 1 January 2005.For more information on this scheme see Certification LimitedThis scheme is designed to allow members to self-certify the electrical installation work they carry out only within the context of their primary work activity. There is no restriction as to the type of primary work activity.The scheme will begin formal operation on 1 January 2005For more information on the scheme see Certification Services LimitedThis scheme is designed to allow members to self-certify the electrical installation work they carry out only in connection with their primary work activity. There is no restriction as to the type of primary work activity. The scheme will begin formal operation on 1 January 2005.For more information see (Oil Firing Technical Association for the Petroleum Industry Ltd)This scheme is designed only for members of the OFTEC installation of oil-fired combustion appliance (including the installation of oil storage tanks and pipe) competent person scheme (see above) to be able to self-certify the electrical installation work they do only in this context. The scheme will begin formal operation on 1 January 2005.

//////////////..........I cannot stress how important house wiring is. I have recently had builders in to build an extension. Being an electrician, I opted to provide sockets and lights, but not looking at my house wiring in 12 years, they say a builders house is never finished, I uncovered a rats nest of bad wiring under the floorboards. I have had to gut all the wiring in the house an rewire completely. I was horrified at what I saw and I have been an electrician for 15 years. BAD WIRING CAUSES FIRES - GET IT CHECKED.

/////////////////............If a joiner gets it wrong, your doors/windows don't fit.If a plumber gets itwrong, you get wet.If your wiring is wrong, IT CAN KILL!!As a qualified Electrician dealing with 90% of the issues in this thread on a daily basis, I thought I'd do what I can to assist here.Firstly, I noticed a LOT of misinformation in this post and I will do what I can to correct those points I can remember (5 pages is a lot to read thru)1 - RCD units do not only protect against live-earth shorts. They actually work by detecting an imbalance between live and neutral conductors. 99.9% of the time this is due to current leaking to earth, but activation can be caused by other factors. They DO NOT protect against overcurrent and so do not protect you against a live-neutral short, ONLY current leakage.2 - Part P of the building regulations is a statutory document -compliance is required. BS7671 (formerly known as the Wiring Regulations) is non-statutory but provides the standard required by other statutory documents. ALL electrical work should be completed by a 'competent' person to this standard.3 - BS7671:2004 requires that any socket that can reasonably be expected to supply outdoor equipment be protected by a RCD with a current rating not exceeding 30mA.4 - Existing installations are NOT required to meet the current standard, but compliance is HIGHLY recommended for safety reasons.5 - Installations which incorporate a RCD protecting the socket outlets do not require a second RCD to be fitted to outdoor extension leads.6 - The splitting of lighting, cooker, shower, sockets etc. onto seperate fuses is correct. For example, blowing a fuse on the sockets but the lights still working is the desired effect and not an error. In fact, in the new edition of BS7671, it is a requirement to avoid low light hazards and such.7 - Prices for electrical work vary widely for many reasons, I recommend getting a range of quotations before employing a contractor, butthe cheapest is not necessarily the best, esp. if it is significantly cheaper.8 - Bulb wattage rating on lamp fittings are NOT just about lamp shades - it also takes into account the size of the contacts and cable used within the fitting.9 - Periodic Inspection Reports do not cover cables concealed under floors or within the general fabric of the building. They only cover what is generaly accessible. At additional cost, most electricians should be wiling to do a more thorough inspection if you request it.10 - ALL electrical work requires a certificate of some sort. Almost all require notification to Building Control, but there are a very small number that do not.11 - (My boss wil hate me for this, but..) You do NOT have to use an Electrician registered with one of the competent persons schemes ON THE CONDITION that the electrician in question has satisfied/can satisfy your local council Building Control Dept. that they are 'competent' as defined in law. However, it is normally cheaper to use a spark registered with one of the schemes as there is no additional fee for notification - this is included in their annual membership fees.12 - Any notifiable work (ie. any that requires notification to Building Control) is required to ensure the suitability of the installation after the work is done. This MAY require upgrading the cables for incoming supply, incoming earth connection, gas/water/oil bonding conductors. In the example raised earlier, gas, water and consumer unit (fuse board) in close proximity (within a few metres) should not be an expensive upgrade and I would not expect it to cost more than say £50. However if your consumer unit is at the opposite end of the house from the water stop tap, or your stop tap is in a built-in kitchen cupboard, it can be difficult to achieve and therefore more expensive - as I said earlier, get a couple of quote before you say 'yes'!13 - Electrical upgrades/alterations do not necessarily require a new consumer unit - a favourite money spinner for cowboys - but anyone still using rewirable fuses or cartridge fuses rather than MCB's is recommended to get an upgrade. Prices vary, but £100-£200 should cover it.14 - While we are on the subject of CU changes, trhe 17th Edition of BS7671 requires pretty much ALL domestic wiring to be RCD protected (even lighting) and the new consumer units to accomodate this are pretty expensive at the moment. Here is a money saving tip! Some unscrupulous firms will tell you that they HAVE to fit these new and expensive boards because the new regs are out. They do not become compulsary until June - until then £50 worth of normal split load board is fine!!15 - If you find that after having an RCD fitted to your sockets that it trips a lot, don't blame the RCD or the spark! It could be a faulty appliance - as stated eariler in this thread, they are sensitive and can show up errors/faults that were not apparent before.16 - Bulbs that blow often or consistantly usually points to bad wiring - get it checked!! Do not buy bulbs in bulk packs - even branded ones - as if they are usually from the same production run and one of low tollerance or quality usualy means all in that batch are of the same ilk.17 - (for 'i love it') If you can't find lots of Electricians listed in Yellow Pages, call your Council and ask them for some companies to contact.18 - On the subject of Certificates, they consist of multiple parts, not just a single page. You should get the following...A] The Certificate (the bit with the address(es) and Signatures on)B] A schedule of of items inspected (a breakdown of what was tested)C] A schedule of test results (lots of figures in a table format)D] Notes on the certificate (This can be a seperate page or printed on the back of one of the other parts, it should explain what the certificate is and what it is valid for)19 - Whoever it was that said 'get a periodic inspection done every year' because of vermin ingress is really helping when this is supposed to be a site of money saving tips. A Periodic Inspection should be carried out if your installation is 10 years old or older. Based on the outcome of the inspection and the reasons for the inspection, the electrician doing the work should recommend an interval until the next one is due This can be a matter of weeks but it is likely to be measured in years. Vermin damage to cables is not as common as you'd think and certainly not in urban areas.20 - Your installation (and therefore your responsibility) stops and your supplier terminals. Starting from the meter follow the cables leading to your consumer unit, if you encounter a switch before you reach the consumer unit then your installation starts at the cables beyond that. If you do not encounter anything before reaching the consumer unit then your installation starts at the meter.Your meter and the suppliers fuse before it have seals (or should have) which you may not break and doing so can lead to prosecution - if you do not have a switch between the meter and the consumer unit, contact your supplier and they will usually fit one for free so that seals do not have to be broken to isolate your installation.ok, enough for now - any questions?
