Tuesday 11 September 2012


//////////////A prison film is a film genre concerned with prison life and often prison escape

///////////////Anticipatory grief refers to a grief reaction that occurs before an impending loss


//////////////.....Anticipatory grief is normal. It is an important part of coping with a loved one’s extended illness.

////////////,,,,,,,,,,,,,,THE TIME FACTOR GRINDS YOU DOWN.

Depending on your loved one's illness, you may grieve for a year, five years, 10 years, or more. The slow decline of a loved one is a heavy burden. Edward Myers, in his book "When Parents Die," says this burden comes with special hardships. Myers compares a slow decline to an advancing glacier.

A sudden death hits you like an explosion, Myers explains, and sends you into shock, whereas a slow decline "arrives more like a glacier, massive and unstoppable, grinding you down." Dealing with the symptoms of anticipatory grief gets harder with each passing day.

////////////////////..........evidence that structural deficits of the right amygdala and closely connected structures, presumably of neurodevelopmental origin, are related to the txual deviance of qedophilia

////////////////////,...........A study has found that an absence of family dinners and obsession with fast food have produced a 'culture of obesity'

/////////////.........They showed infections by respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) stripped immune cells of their ability to calm down inflammation in the lung's airways. =ASTHMA


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