Wednesday 26 September 2012


//////////////////////////////BEDROOM AS FEFUGE -QUIET CONTEMPLATION

//////////////////////////////WILFUL BLINDNESS

///////////////////////////////University of Cambridge recently teamed up to develop a model that would accurately represent the state of the Earth and of human beings over the past 120,000 years. According to this model, even though Homo sapiens developed in Africa over 200,000 years ago, humans didn't leave the continent until 70,000 years ago, and it took us another 55,000 years to reach all the other continents (excluding Antarctica). The overriding reason for the delay, according to the study published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, was climate change.

//////////////////////////////EAT, DRINK AND BE MINDFUL

/////////////////////////////Vegetable oil’s link to endocannabinoids is just one example of newfound and surprising ways that foods can confuse calorie-sensing networks and foster obesity — in some cases by damaging the brain. Especially troubling: Excess body weight itself can exaggerate the risk of the brain telling a well-fueled body that it is running on empty.

//////////////////////////////As the brain damage became chronic, the arcuate nucleus appeared to lose its sensitivity to hormonal cues about how much body fat exists, Schwartz says. The brain interprets a reduced signal to mean that there is not enough body fat, and thus delays any command to stop eating. “Because you get less bang for the buck when you eat, in terms of satiety,” he says, “you eat bigger meals.”

A study in 2005 by Hebrew University in Israel noted that there is a link between kindness and a gene that releases dopamine. Dopamine is a chemical in the brain that makes us feel happy. So, not only does kindness make the person on the receiving end feel good, it makes the person being kind feel good as well.



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