Wednesday 24 October 2012



/////////////////////////POOR MEMORY, CLEAR CONSCIENCE

/////////////////////////INTERNAL RADIO

///////////////////////////FALL MOOD

///////////////////////////We tend to actually be a superstitious lot and so we think that if we worry about something enough, it won’t happen.

////////////////////////////////WORRY LIST- ACTION PLAN -WRITTEN

////////////////////////////...........The Neural Tribe (NT) perspective is that we are the neurons, not the specific body-forms we inhabit, not the non-neural cellular bricks of our bodily habitats.

/////////////////////////////The old narrative was: we are “humans,” meaning we are thinking ape-like bipeds.  The new narrative is that we are nervous systems, i.e. we are our neurons.  “So what?!” you might ask.  Well, here’s the kicker: neurons are pretty much the same throughout the animal kingdom.  Sure there are differences but, all in all, neurons are neurons regardless of the animal-form they inhabit.  What this means is that if you identify yourself not with your human form but with the neurons that live inside, then the proper biological designation for what you are isn’t “human” but “neuron.

/////////////////////////////.............NT.PAVEL SOMOV............1.  neuron is a being​

2. we are neural​

3. neural is human, human is neural​

4. we are neural colonies that inhabit (and, up to a point, animate and govern) ​a variety of animal body-plans/body-forms

5. we are a neural tribe (all of us - insects, birds, fish, mammals, "humans"

//////////////////////////////CASUAL VACANCY....SOCIAL WORKR

//////////////////////////////////The Chilterns are part of a system of chalk downlands throughout eastern and southern England, formed between 65 and 95 million years ago,[1] and comprising rocks of the Chalk Group

/////////////////////////.......If humans had been eating a raw food diet exclusively, they would have had to spend more than 9 hours a day eating in order to get enough energy from unprocessed raw food alone to support their large brains.

//////////////////////////////BG THNK..........Optimism is a survival mechanism for serial entrepreneurs – part of the standard equipment

////////////////////////////......... As physicist Michio Kaku has pointed out, the only jobs left to humans in the not-so-distant future will be those that computers can’t do – the kind that demand intuition and creative thinking.

/////////////////////////////..........Researchers in Montreal gave one group of kids ages 7 to 11 an average of 27 more minutes of sleep than they had typically gotten, and found that it cut down significantly on emotional volatility and restless and impulsive behavior at school, according to findings published in Pediatrics.

/////////////////////////BRWSR.....We reserve the term genius for people who are creative, who are innovators, who think in ways that are entirely new. In the middle ages, the term genius was reserved for people with the best memories.

////////////////////////////HEELSPOT CYTOKINE ....AUTISM.....

The researchers measured the levels of 16 cytokines in the samples and found that 9 of them are at about half the levels in children later diagnosed with autism compared with controls. The children with autism tended to have lower levels at birth of both T helper 1 (Th-1) cytokines, which promote inflammation, and Th-2 cytokines, which quell it.

//////////////////////////////BRAIN EVOLVED FOR MOVEMENT....WOLPERT


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