/////////////////////D DEUTSCH-I think it's important to regard science not as an enterprise for the purpose of making predictions, but as an enterprise for the purpose of discovering what the world is really like, what is really there, how it behaves and why.
///////////////////.......... physicists have always known that in order to do the work that the theory of information does within physics, such as informing the theory of statistical mechanics, and thereby, thermodynamics (the second law of thermodynamics), information has to be a physical quantity. And yet, information is independent of the physical object that it resides in.
//////////////////Overprepare, then go with the flow
//////////////BG THNK-On the one hand, the world of stars and celebrities created a momentum towards excessive rewards untrammelled by former considerations of what was reasonable and fair. On the other hand, technology and globalization have forced down the wages of the least skilled." As a result, Turner argues that achieving income parity may not be top priority.
////////////////////////.......... an expansion of leisure (which most people would regard as a good thing) might result in negative growth. Whether a healthy economy favours growth or not is an empirical question; it cannot be assumed a priori that a growing economy is a good economy
///////////////////////Forgive but don’t forget
//////////////////BG THNK-Despite our unprecedented ability to rapidly learn new things and crowdfix mistakes, Knowledge and its twin sister Error continue to propagate in complex and intriguing ways," says Samuel Arbesman, an applied mathematician and network scientist. Despite modern communication technology, "newer knowledge does not spread as fast as it should and weaves its way unevenly throughout society."
/////////////////////////////...........Entire fields of science invest time, money, and other resources recapitulating the findings of others due to their ignorance of other fields' advances." But how can misinformation remain so rampant when the facts are more available than ever? Some of the problem is explained by the complexity of social networks as well as cognitive quirks that make each of us predisposed to either accept or reject new information quite independently of whether or not it is true.
//////////////////////////BADGERS, CARIBOUS AND ATTNBRGH
/////////////////////////Time heals almost everything. Give Time time.
//////////////////Our gray matter has remained stable for thousands of years while the modern era has born witness to great upheavals in our social conventions. For example, evolutionary theories of the mind fail to account for our modern disillusionment with SELIGN
/////////////////////this narrow sub-population of the world has been termed W.E.I.R.D. (western, educated, industrial, rich and democratic)
////////////////////////////However good or bad a situation is, it will change.
//////////////////BG THNK-According to a recent study, Westerners tend to embrace identity-affirming activities when prompted to think of death, such as 'meditation and prayer' and 'engaging in a debate,' while Easterners preferred to engage in enjoyable daily-life activities including reading a novel and watching a movie. Reminders of death also seemed to pique Easterners' sense of humor, allowing them to more fully enjoy jokes and anecdotes.
///////////////////In the East, individuals are taught that life and death form equal parts of the same system, whereas Westerners come to regard nonexistence with fear and dread.
///////////////////////Don’t take yourself so seriously. No one else does.
////////////////////Growing old beats the alternative — dying young
/////////////////The Journal, Freitas Júnior et al report on glucose and lipid levels in obese children and adolescents in Brazil. The authors found that skipping breakfast was associated with higher fasting blood glucose, triglycerides, and low density lipoprotein cholesterol compared with those who did not skip breakfast
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