Saturday 1 June 2013


////////////////////UURKY PROTESTS HDLN

/////////////////////////..........Mind is empty, we don’t have to make it empty. It’s not that there is something remaining that is left out or is incomplete at this point. We usually understand empty as meaning ‘there is no thing’. If you come into an empty room, there is nothing in the room. The mind is like that empty room; in actuality, it is not some object of sight, sound, smell, taste or texture. In the moment of recognising, we see that immediately. ‘Seen in the moment of looking, freed in the moment of seeing.’

////////////////////////DULLING 5K CADGERS!!!!!!

///////////////////////VAXN NOT DULL

///////////////////////SAMSARA , SENSES AND THE MONKEY=Samsara is created when we let our mind extrovert through the five senses. We focus on an object through our eyes, or through the ears, or the nose, and make thoughts and emotions about this object. It may seem like we have different consciousnesses through the different senses, but actually it is one mind that alternately grabs at objects through the various senses. The traditional example for this is of a monkey in an empty room with five windows, restlessly jumping around and looking out through one window after the other. An outside observer might think there are a lot of monkeys in that room, but in fact there is only one. If you catch hold of that monkey and tie it up, there is no jumping around any more. In other words, the way to capture the monkey is by dissolving the thought

/////////////////////////CURE NOT IILL

/////////////////////////////...........Our habit of thinking extrovertedly, focusing only on external objects, is what propels us day and night, life after life, and in the bardo state in between. We have this habit in the dream state as well: our body runs around and does things in our dreams, even though it is not a real body, but a body created out of habitual tendencies. In dreams, we experience loss and gain, enemies and friends, and all different types of pleasure, pain, and so forth. But at the moment we wake up, where are all these entities? They are gone without a trace, not to be found any place at all. The dream state is created by our own thoughts. Likewise, in the waking state, these same thoughts create this whole drama of life. In the bardo state there is no physical body, but due to habit we still believe that we have a physical body with the five senses. Of course there is no real body there; this physical body definitely doesn’t go through the bardo. Neither does it go to the hell realms, the buddha-realms, and so on. Our present body is just a temporary dwelling place, like a hotel.

//////////////////////FLOYD- BNGKOK FLOATING MRKT SNTV

////////////////////////SNTV MONTANA

//////////////////////////cf TO OWN SELF=Live comparing others you make your life miserable.unnecessarily unhappy. Every man is unique so no guanine comparison is possible Love your destiny wholeheartedly and do what your destiny suggest to you.then only you experiences pure joy and self;satisfaction

//////////////////////BST SD PEDS IN VK

///////////////////////Holding on to anger is like drinking poison and expecting the other person to die.

//////////////////////EATING OUT- TKN IN AT LEAST 1K CAL

///////////////////////DUMP EAIRY, SAVE A CADGER



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