Friday 28 October 2016


PALS Tachycardia
1) Are they stable or unstable?
2) QRS Wide or Narrow?
2a) QRS > 90ms (2.25 small boxes) – possible VT
2b) QRS < 90ms – probably SVT if history of abrupt rate change, absent/abnormal p-
waves, non-variable HR, HR > 220 in infants or 180 in children
2c) probably sinus tach if  history of known cause, normal p-wave morphology, variable R-R, constant P-R interval, HR < 220 in infants, or 180 in children
3) **Unstable = shock 0.5-1 J/kg, increase to 2 J/kg if ineffective
4) stable wide complex tachycardia – consider adenosine if regular rhythm and monomorphic (do not delay defibrillation though… if unsure use electricity)
  • adenosine 0.1 mg/kg rapid IV push, max 6mg,
  • second dose 0.2 mg/kg rapid IV push, max 12mg
4b) amiodarone 5mg/kg IV/IO over 20-50 minutes OR procainamide 15mg/kg IV/IO over 30-60 minutes
5) narrow complex – probable SVT
5a) consider vagal maneuvers – ice bath, carotid sinus massage, or any Valsalva (REVERT trial?)
5b) adenosine as above or synchronized DCCV if no vascular access
6) If probable sinus tachycardia: search for and treat the cause NOT the HR

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