Monday 31 October 2016

When, say, an electron in your kitchen vibrates, it sends out a signal traveling at the speed of light through all of time and space. When another electron receives that signal, it vibrates sympathetically and sends a return signal back to the original electron in your kitchen. Each electron gets this information from other particles everywhere—indeed, from literally everything that it reaches out to touch in all of time and space. As a result of this process, each electron “knows” its exact place and importance in the universe

When, say, an electron in your kitchen vibrates, it sends out a signal traveling at the speed of light through all of time and space. When another electron receives that signal, it vibrates sympathetically and sends a return signal back to the original electron in your kitchen. Each electron gets this information from other particles everywhere—indeed, from literally everything that it reaches out to touch in all of time and space. As a result of this process, each electron “knows” its exact place and importance in the universe

There’s no mystery until you grasp. If you don’t override immediateexperience with your personal longings and loathings, if you recall an earnest desire to get to the bottom of this matter regarding human delusion, though there’s no particular thing you need to look for, you’ll recognize Reality and Truth.

Image result for BUDDHISM

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