Wednesday 23 August 2023




By developing the ability to remain peaceably with whatever is arising in the moment, without judgment or reacting, you’re releasing the ropes that keep the mind stuck in the tug of war of dualistic clinging.

Pamela Gayle White, “Simply Hear, Simply Here”

Bananas contain tryptophan, which the human body can convert into serotonin. Serotonin can relax the body, relieve anxiety, and induce the feeling of joy.



Frontotemporal lobe dementia (FTD) attacks this moral circuitry. It erodes the parts of us that sympathize, that make us feel self-conscious, that help us distinguish right from wrong. A person with frontotemporal lobe dementia may know that stealing is wrong, but if you ask them whether it was wrong of them to take a scarf from a store without paying, they may say no. “They don't feel that their actions are wrong but that the action itself is wrong,” Mendez says. FTD would not lead a reputable obstetrician to design an elaborate scam to defraud Medicare, but it could stop him from recognizing his participation in the ruse.



"People often think that something "far off" will make them happy. That moving to a new place or getting a different job or meeting someone new will change how they feel. But happiness will always be withheld if you believe it is somewhere else. The secret is to find happiness in the people and places that are close to you. See the beauty in the things that are nearby."


“Family is so much more than blood. It’s loyalty and laughter. It’s joint suffering and pain, and holding someone up when they look like they’re going to fall. Family is what you make it, and you’ll probably agree that we’ve got a pretty fucking epic one.”
― Tracy Lorraine, Corrupt Union

“I now know we each have two lives: the one we learn by and the one we live after that. The”
― Marlo Morgan, Mutant Message Down Under


“Only after the last tree has been cut down. Only after the last river has been poisoned. Only after the last fish has been caught. Only then will you find that money cannot be eaten.”
― Marlo Morgan, Mutant Message Down Under


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