Monday 10 June 2024

zukov When you choose not to forgive, the experience that you do not forgive sticks with you.



“One of the paradoxes of life is that our big decisions are often less calculated than our small ones are. We agonize over what to stream on Netflix, then let TV shows persuade us to move to New York; buying a new laptop may involve weeks of Internet research, but the deliberations behind a life-changing breakup could consist of a few bottles of wine. We're hardly more advanced than the ancient P, who, Herodotus says, made big decisions by discussing them twice: once while drunk, once while sober.”
― Joshua Rothman


“[L]ike people, ideas have social lives. They’re one way when they’re by themselves, and another when they’re surrounded by their peers. Crammed together, they grow more uncertain, more interesting, more surprising; they come out of themselves and grow more appealing, and funnier. You wouldn’t want all of intellectual life to be that social--we couldn’t make progress that way. But there’s a special atmosphere that develops whenever truly different ideas congregate, and, on the whole, it’s too rare.”
― Joshua Rothman


“We seem to find meaning in what’s never happened. Our self-portraits use a lot of negative space.”
― Joshua Rothman


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