Monday 9 April 2012


////////SN CNMA HACHI A DOGS TALE :):( :"( ////////////////The man who makes no mistakes does not usually make anything." – William Connor Magee //////////////......Psychologists say that relentlessly seeking happiness is a recipe for loneliness and dissatisfaction. ////////////// seek and accept a healthy balance between happy and unhappy feelings, perhaps experiencing three positive emotions for every one negative emotion. /////////////......High levels of positive feelings predict risk-taking behaviors, excess alcohol and drug consumption, binge eating, and may lead us to neglect threats," said June Gruber, a professor of psychology at Yale University. /////////////MELANCHOLY AS AN AESTHETIC EMOTION- BRADY, HAPAALA /////////////MELANCHOLY IS NOT DEPRESSION /////////////......Melancholy is an emotion often occasioned by people or places; we feel melancholic about a lover or friend, or a meaningful place in our lives, perhaps somewhere we have once lived. /////////////MELANCHOLY INVOLVES REFLECTION /////////////.....often indirectly experienced through memories, thoughts or imaginings related to an absent object //////////////...significance of memories is in their role as a narrative for melancholy. /////////////......MELANCHOLY WITHOUT OBJECT....desolate moor or the vast ocean, where solitude and a contemplative state of mind bring on a melancholic mood that appears to have no object. /////////////......Solitude also facilitates the imaginative reflection involved in melancholy //////////////.....Melancholy is always a complex emotion rather than a simple one. /////////////////.......With melancholy, the displeasurable or negative aspects lie in feelings of loneliness, emptiness, sadness from loss, and the fear or dread that sometimes accompanies longing. //////////////////......WORDSWORTH....TINTERN ABBEY.... Five years have past; five summers, with the length Of five long winters! And again I hear These waters, rolling from their mountain springs With a soft inland murmur. -Once again ////////////////AS THE NIGHT THE DAY ////////////////LEX MESS /70 /////////////////HACHI GRIEVE AND MV ON //////////////////........When listening to Chopin's pieces one can imagine suffering and sadness, but the musical qualities that give rise to the mood of melancholy are independent of any actual events. /////////////........Ruins express the passage of time, and more specifically the qualities of impermanence and transience, all closely associated with melancholy. ////////////.......IF HACHIKO MUST WAIT, HACHIKO MUST WAIT ////////////////HACHI , THE WAIT Carl: Look, you don't have to wait anymore. He's not coming back. Cate Wilson: Ronnie, actually, Hachi found your grandfather. ////////////////////CNMA PLAYS WTH UR EMOTIONS //////////////////////DRAMATIC TENSION //////////////////ONCE UPON A HELL /////////////////NOT AN EXTRAORDINARY LF ///////////////////

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