Wednesday 28 September 2016


Patience for the cut to heal.
For a cab when your Uber’s not fast enough.
Patience to love and respect our children.
Patience for their impatience with us.
Patience to find a better job, or home or school and then
Patience for adjusting to the weird newness of all we waited for.
Patience for tonight when you get to see your new love.
Patience for movie trailers.
Patience to not cross the bridge before you get to it
And not burn it down when you get there.
Patience to not abandon your ship that’s coming in.
For a hot flash that news flash has upgraded to Hot Flood.
Patience for ‘them’ to get to the bottom line.
Patience for a “customer service” human to get on the line.
Patience for growing older when you’re  young
Forgetting what you went looking for in that room when you’re older.
Patience to cook Chinese herbs
For getting gum out of a child’s hair.
To not just do something sit there.
Patience for your turn to talk.
Patience to find that golden nugget in a failure
To wait to text.
Patience to know when your patience is masking your denial.
For having to take your shoes off at the airport.
For counting your blessings.  (Shoot for at least 50)
Patience for waiting for your same day delivery.
For taking good care of your skin.
For teens and millennials and baby boomers and babies.

And first and most important the hardest, patience for ourselves.
For what it takes to experience just one instant of God’s unfathomable patience for us.
That keeps gifting us one breath at a time.  Never two.
On time and in time.

Patience for happiness to drape back over you like a flowing cape.
Patience to recognize patience is happiness.

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