Monday 16 May 2022

Entel back pain in BGA

A Ish-Shalom’s book focuses on the relationship between cosmology and praxis, integral to the Lurianic schema, focusing specifically on two aspects of Lurianic contemplation, death and re-birth. This is all framed by the process of metempsychosis or reincarnation (gilgul neshamot) as a prism through which we can view the detailed daily fragmentation, and disembodiment, then recon- struction and embodiment, of the human soul by imaging and performing death as a spiritual praxis in the devotional life of the illuminati. Death, though, is not just imagined but is experienced through embodiment in the death of the body that is then enlivened through sex as an act one could liken to a kind of resurrec- tion. Of the many contemplative practices available, Ish-Shalom focuses on two in particular, the bedtime Shma – the recitation of the Shma before sleep – and the supplicant prayers known as tahanun, recited immediately after the silent prayer morning and afternoon. Tahanun also known as nefilat apayim (falling on the face), is rendered kabbalistically as a performative enactment of death whereby the soul of the practitioner descends into a near-death experience only to rise up renewed.

A "Be calm and move on," encourages HH Param Pujya Swami Chidanand Saraswatiji - Muniji. "Do not react. This is the Buddha’s message.

के पावन अवसर वैश्विक परिवार को संदेश: बुद्ध बने, शुद्ध बने।  व्यक्ति का चित्त जब शांत और स्थिर होता है तब उसे सत्य का दर्शन होता है।
बुद्धं शरणं गच्छामि।
धम्मं शरणं गच्छामि।
संघं शरणं गच्छामि।
सत्यं शरणं गच्छामि।

"The Buddha represents fullness. He was born on a full moon. He attained enlightenment on a full moon. He departed his body on a full moon. When we are full inside, then nothing outside can affect us. When we are full inside, then we become unrockable and unshockable. We become shock-proof and rock-proof. It is only when we are empty inside that we react to little things in the outside world.

"The true test of spirituality, the true test of 'fullness' is not how nicely and peacefully you can sit in meditation on a deserted mountain. Rather, the true test of spirituality is how calmly and peacefully you can live in the world without being affected by the world. The real test of 'fullness' is how you can be unshockable and unrockable by the ups and downs of the world.

"Be calm and move on. Let us take this as our mantra on this day of Buddha Purnima. Let us be filled with spirituality, with God, with love and with piety so that there is no room for us to be affected by little little things.

"Let us realize the true, temporary and illusory nature of the material world, and instead dedicate ourselves to Truth, to God, and to spirituality. And let us give, give and give whatever we have to others. This is the message of the Buddha."

#बुद्धपूर्णिमा #BuddhaPurnima #buddha #becalmmoveon #spirituality #God


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