Wednesday, 8 November 2023

NB Qra

I have been practicing meditation since many years now, but started practicing 2 hours of Vipassana meditation since just over 2 years now. Here is my experience

  1. There’s a realization that everything is impermanent. Bad stuff passes. Good stuff passes too. Why hold on then?! :)
  2. When daily chores are done mindfully, there’s absolute focus and therefore vigilance and efficiency.
  3. Our five sensory organs are the root cause of all suffering. However, once they are in control, one can experience the beauty of equanimity :)
  4. What others do and say to us doesn’t matter. Validation isn’t required. We learn to be and let others be.
  5. Our ego is just a picture that we paint for others to perceive us as. It is not who we are. It just seems that trying to preserve the ego is like preventing others from having a different perspective.
  6. When they say “Attachment is not good”, it doesn’t mean we ought to resort to monk-ism, it just means our love becomes unconditional. Besides, material things stop being the focus of happiness :)
  7. As soon as negative emotions arise, we can become aware of it and therefore, nip them in the bud.
  8. There’s a realization that happiness and suffering both come from within us. Therefore, it is us who must take full responsibility for our “feelings”.
  9. Life is pretty simple. The society makes it seem difficult. It is all just an illusion~ Maya. When life is taken with a pinch of salt, we learn to be grateful and what we have becomes sufficient.

Also, I have an understanding that ideally, one is connected to the entire Universe and possesses love for all beings, but I haven’t completely realized it yet.

I write about my experiences and learnings on Being Buddha Project to help others walk on the path of mindfulness and meditation. Do check it out and follow if you like :)

Thank you to all those who shared their experiences here. It was a delightful read.

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