Saturday 8 June 2024

AC. Anything that objects to my consciousness is an object


defining an intention such that it gets embedded into our subconscious, which functions below the level of consciousness. By doing so, we activate brain networks associated with goal orientation that make an intention important, salient, or noteworthy. In practice, this means that regardless of whether or not that intention is present on a conscious level, brain mechanisms that remain focused on the goal are activated around the clock. Our inner intention now guides our life. By using our inner power to tap the vast resources of our own brain, we gradually decrease the impact of our external environment and begin living from our deepest intentions.


 For years I allowed my environment to dictate the terms of my life, and I didn’t believe I could effect any meaningful change. This is so often the case when we experience trauma: the pain and shock of the traumatic experience take on an exaggerated authority in our minds that is difficult to challenge and frightening to confront. This pain is powerful enough to alter not only our own genes but, as researchers in the field of epigenetics have discovered, the genes of subsequent generations. Our minds and bodies organize around preparations to prevent a similar trauma from happening in the future, and in the process, our consciousness becomes caught in reacting to a frightening and unreliable external world rather than envisioning the changes we can make. In the process, we give away the energy, attention, and focus we possess to make a real difference in our own lives; we are distracted away from our own power. Without knowing it, we trade our innate self-agency for magical thinking. It’s a raw deal.


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