Sunday 9 June 2024

Emusk. Where is the line of consciousness between H and here












For years I tried in vain to understand how consciousness could arise from electrical or biochemical signals, and I have found that, invariably, electrical signals they can only produce other electrical signals or other physical consequences such as force or movement, but never sensations and feelings, which are qualitatively different… It is the consciousness that understands the situation and that makes the difference between a robot and a being human… In a machine there is no 'pause for reflection' between the symbols and action, because the meaning of symbols, doubt, and free will only exist in the consciousness of a self, but not in a mechanism.” The pioneer of the information revolution thus comes to radically put in discussion the theory that he describes to us as biological machines analogous to computers and which neglects to consider all those aspects that do not respect the paradigms mechanists and reductionists: “If we allow ourselves to be convinced by who tells us we are only our mortal body, we will end up thinking that everything that exists has originates only in the physical world. What would be the point of the taste of wine, the scent of a rose and the color orange?”. We would end up thinking that computers, and who there governs, are worth more than us. Irriducibile is an exciting essay, capable of bringing together scientific rigour, technological visionary and spiritual inspiration, which suggests an indispensable e unprecedented physics of the inner world. Crystal clear in its informative parts (mechanics quantum theory, consciousness, information theory...), illuminating in the new ones connections it proposes and, finally, exhilarating in the idea it promotes of how to be truly, profoundly, human





My dream is to derive physics from cognitive principles rather than materialistic. Naturally you are taking the first step, that of demonstrate that quantum mechanics is information, therefore syntax. For me syntax is evidence that semantics must exist somewhere. What is the meaning of the existence of a hierarchy of languages ​​(the physical world), without anyone using them? In my opinion there is a semantic reality that consists of a parallel hierarchy of conscious entities using particles, atoms, molecules, cells, animals, etc. as symbols for their communications. The materialist sees only the symbolic aspect, and does not realize what lies behind fifth are the “puppet masters”. This is why information theory is essentially isomorphic with information theory quantum mechanics! This is why quantum mechanics must use the probabilistic language! The meaning of a book is free even if the symbols they obey deterministic laws (in terms of probability). That's why the physics can only guarantee that the next book that is written will obey the laws of symbols, but will never be able to predict the semantic content of a book that it hasn't been written yet. But I think semantics is the real ontology. So the semantics are free, even if the syntax is deterministic. These are the issues that I am passionate about. And I think this is it the right way to restore meaning to a universe that has been declared “pointless” by those who have forgotten that the meaning of existence lies within the matter. Today I would say: “It exists in a deeper reality than that


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