Sunday 16 June 2024

HEISENBERG "What we observe is not nature itself, but nature exposed to our method of questioning."



Diet plays a role in kidney function decline. “Specifically, diets higher in animal protein, animal fat, and cholesterol” may be associated with protein leakage into the urine, which is a sign of kidney damage, and, generally, “diets higher in fruits, vegetables, and whole grains, but lower in meat and sweets, may be protective” against kidney function decline.


Not only is protein derived from plant foods accompanied by antioxidants that can fight the free radicals, but plant protein is also less acid-forming in the first place because it tends to have fewer sulfur-containing amino acids. One of the reasons plant foods tend to be less acid-forming than animal foods is because acid is produced by the sulfur in the protein, and there’s less in plant proteins.


Plant-based diets have been prescribed for decades for those with chronic kidney failure. They contain no animal fat, no cholesterol, and less acid formation, and help to lower blood pressure. Indeed, if you compare the kidney function of vegans with vegetarians and omnivores, the most plant-based diet was most associated with improved parameters for the prevention of degenerative kidney decline.



In my opinion science should try to find answers to all fundamental questions, do not eliminate from reality what you cannot explain. I therefore decided to dedicate myself full time to the scientific study of conscience, and in 2011 I created Federico and Elvia together with my wife Faggin Foundation, to support basic research on consciousness starting from the premise that it is fundamental and irreducible. The stakes are too high not to seriously consider the hypothesis that consciousness comes before matter, or at the same time to it. The new science of consciousness If we start from consciousness, free will and creativity how irreducible properties of nature, the entire scientific conception of reality is turned upside down, and in this new vision the emotional part of life – ignored by materialism – returns to have a central role. He said Aristotle: “Educating the mind without educating the heart means not educating at all". We cannot let physicalism and reductionism define human nature and the deeper nature of the universe, leaving consciousness out. Physicalist and reductionist premises are perfect for describing the mechanical and symbolic-informative aspects of reality, but they are inadequate to explain its semantic aspects. If we insist on maintaining that these assumptions describe all of reality, we eliminate a priori what we distinguishes itself from machines and we erase ours from the face of the universe conscience, our freedom and, above all, our humanity. If instead we take our inner world seriously and start to investigate it with love, we will discover a new Weltanschauung, which promises a creative and cooperative future full of profound satisfaction. Life cannot be defined only by mere biological aspects, but also and above all by the triumph of the spiritual nature of the universe, which guides us silently. Quantum physics already tells us that the universe is holistic and creative, and i new developments in quantum information theory justify, as we will see later, a new theory of consciousness and free will



From my point of view, the only possible way to explain how the universe can create life and consciousness is that the universe is itself aware and alive from the beginning. If you take it seriously considering this hypothesis, and accepting it, the entire conception of reality is transformed, with enormous positive consequences that point to the future Fantastic. Creativity, ethics, free will and joyful love can come only from conscience. The immense mechanical intelligence outside the reach of the human brain can come, instead, from the machines that we we create. And their union will truly be strength


At night, alone in the moonlit fields, with the grasses and crickets to keep you company, it is possible to reclaim the vision you had when you originally set out on that path . . . Nature is the great teacher and always has been.

—Clark Strand, “Turn Out the Lights


Not to be confused with phlegm, which is produced in other parts of the respiratory system, snot is a liquid secre­tion produced in the nose. This nasal mucus is made mostly of water, along with proteins, carbohydrates, salt, and cells. Snot's sticky texture enables it to trap particles of dust, dirt. and bacteria to prevent infection in your airways. Once caught, these particles are expelled by sneezing, blowing your nose, or, more likely ... being eaten! Yup, millions of tiny hairs in your nasal passage push the snot to the back of your throat, where you swallow it, leaving it to your stomach acid to destroy the unwanted visitors.


"Fancy a taste? You may have noticed a lot of kids picking their noses and chowing down, but surely it's bad for them, right? Not quite! Researchers have theorized that nasal mucus may contain a sugary taste to entice young people to eat it. In a society devoid of dirt and germs, and increasing allergies and disease, eating boogers may actually be a way for children to expose themselves to pathogens, which may ultimately help build up their immune system. A healthy nose pumps out around half a liter of snot a day. If you have a cold, a virus infects your body and moves into the mucous membranes of your cells and multiplies. Your body responds by inflaming the mucous cells, pumping more blood to your nose and leaking more water through the cells-hence your runny nose. Simultaneously, your body sends white blood cells to attack the virus with potent chemicals or engulf it entirely



The nature of physical reality In the sciences everything is always different from what it would seem according to common sense. BERTOLT BRECHT, Life of Galileo How was the world made? Even today we are grappling with this question, which man has been asking himself since Always. For centuries it was believed that the world was made up of earth, water and air and fire in various proportions. Only in the last hundred years, with the advent of quantum physics, we have made great strides in understanding the nature of reality. We have in fact discovered that matter, which seems solid and compact, is instead made of vibrational energy! In the last twenty years we have understood that everything is done of quantum information. However, a capable theory is still missing give us a vision of the world consistent with both general relativity and quantum mechanics. In this book I advance the hypothesis that the universe is conscious and free always arbitrary. Therefore, nothing is as it seems. Not only is the world not like it we had imagined, but the reality is even more incredible. At the dawn of science Homo sapiens lived a nomadic existence for millennia. Then, approximately ten thousand years ago, with a flash of intuition, he learned to "domesticate" the


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