Sunday 16 June 2024

SG No one likes to be managed. But everyone longs to be included.


A few days later, D' Ariano replied to me telling me that he would do it very pleased to meet to discuss "the ontology of information", characterized by the phrase “software without hardware”, “which is perhaps a lot close to what you call the 'ontology of semantics', which I think is understanding also involves the 'observer', or the 'puppeteer'”. This was the beginning of a fruitful collaboration, which a couple of years ago allowed us to understand that the pure state of a quantum system can represent the state of consciousness of the system, as it has all the crucial characteristics of a conscious experience made of qualia. Such a step important has brought into focus the "core" of the question, which has allowed to connect the philosophical notions of the CIF framework with the OPT (Operational Probabilistic Theory), the theory that D' Ariano and his collaborators had developed to demonstrate that quantum physics can be derived from entirely computer-based postulates. This new postulate now allows us to affirm that consciousness is a quantum phenomenon because it has all the characteristics of the pure state quantum, that is, it is a well-defined state, it is a private state because the state pure cannot be cloned, and therefore the state is knowable only by the system that it is in that state. This exactly reflects the phenomenology of ours inner experience. If the current idea that consciousness emerges from the brain as a system classical computer science was valid, even a computer could be conscious, and therefore consciousness would be copyable as information is classic that all programs are made of. But we know perfectly well that our experience is a private and continually evolving whole,


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