Wednesday 7 November 2007

CDS 081107

///////////////////MV TO SMH FOR WGH PEDS BY JAN 09

////////////////////MORE SG IN WGH

///////////////////////Developing Conscious Eating Habits"Conscious eating is such an important partof our weight loss efforts. We should beaware of every bite we put in our mouth.We all live in a rush, rush world. We wolf downour food. We don't make eating a pleasure.Have you ever (and I have been guilty of this)eaten a whole bag of cookies or chips withouteven realizing that you have done it... until youare shaking the bag for those last few crumbs?When you are eating a meal, try to make it theonly thing you are doing. Don't sit in front ofthe TV. I have seen people in restaurants readingwhile eating. Wait until another time to callsomeone for a chat, not at mealtime. And, don'twork while eating.Savor each and every bite at a table away fromthe TV and work. Put that fork down betweenbites. Remember, someone--- maybe you, wentto the trouble of preparing the meal--- so enjoy.I know you are saying, if I don't eat at my deskI might not get to eat. But, try as often aspossible to find another location to eat.Remember, eating should not be just our sourceof fuel... it should be a pleasure. With thisslowing and enjoying each bite you will findyourself eating much less.Here's to slimming down and feeling great!Lillie

/////////////////////412 m=41% in indWITHOUT ELECTRICITY-DO NOT COMPLAIN

//////////////////////////RATION SHOP-D SECTOR MKT,DGPR-CHILDHOOD-70s


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