Saturday 13 April 2013


rom His Holiness the Dalai Lama:
“ Illness, suffering and death are part of the real
ity of human existence. It would be as foolish to
pretend that we are not sick when we are, or that
we will never die, as it would be to deny the
possibility of ever getting well.

////////////////GITA= Controlling all the openings of the body, with the mind established in the heart, fixing the prana in the self at the top of the head establishing oneself in the Yoga, uttering the monosyllable AUM, which is Brahman, who leaves the body remembering Me, he achieves the highest goal. (8.12-13)

////////////////BEING IN BBTBR

For certain is death for the born
And certain is birth for the dead;
Therefore over the inevitable
Thou shouldst not grieve.
Bhagavad Gita, Chapter 2
(250 BC - 250 AD)  


///////////////////////ONE OUT OF ONE DTHS


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