Sunday 28 April 2013


//////////////////FORTITUDE=PLOD ON
Fortitude, fortitude, fortitude. The ability to stay on your path when things get rough is one of the best qualities you can develop in yourself.

////////////////////////PHNTM- DNA PLMR

////////////////////UR DOG IS A WOLF- I KNOW

//////////////////////EVO MUSIC=Why should a collection of sounds cause the brain to reward itself? That remains a bit of a mystery, but a favorite theory, proposed almost 60 years ago, posits that it’s about fulfilled expectations. Put simply, music sets up patterns that causes us to predict what will come next and when we’re right, we get a reward. Some have suggested this has its roots in primitive times when guessing wrong about animal sounds was a matter of life or death. What was needed was a quick emotional response to save our skin, rather than taking a time to think things through.



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