Archangels are considered to very powerful spiritual beings. They are of the highest level in celestial hierarchy. These types of spirits generally lead or contain other groups of spirits underneath them. They help to bonding groups of people and their guides towards specific shared goals. They can help large groups of people, whereas guardian angels are specifically supportive of you. They've also been known to take human shape for brief encounters when the time calls for it. Archangels do not demand anything from us, but they do love when we try to make a connection with them. Once you make a connection then you will see even more miracles happening in your daily life.
Our deceased loved ones do watch over us from the spirit world. Loved ones that have passed often choose to watch over you and help you from the other side. This is a very common type of spirit guide that most people will have, especially deceased grandparents. They often act as spirit guides on your behalf, though they tend to specialize in the areas in which they were experts in while alive. There are many signs that a loved one is near us, but we often mistake them for being coincidences. Some of these include appearing in dreams, seeing number patterns, weird issues with electricity, or a buzzing in your ear. Spirits love to connect with us if we give them the opportunity.
This is different to deceased loved ones because these are spirits of people from many generations ago that you may have never met. They have, for whatever reason, chosen to watch over their blood line. These spirits help watch over you much like a loved one would. They are a part of a greater team that works together to make sure you are protected and spiritually grounded. They will be able to use many of the same tactics, such as messing with electricity or appearing in dreams, which other spirits use in order to communicate with us. While you might not feel you know them as well as some other spirits of yours, they are still working hard to guide you.