Wednesday 22 December 2021




lower bp diet- Eating berries, nuts, cocoa products, apples, and drinking tea have been found to improve blood circulation and vascular health.


"Sometimes you just have to jump in a mud puddle because it's there. Never get so old that you forget about having fun."

-- Tom Giaquinto


The True Cost of Keeping A Secret—it’s Not What You Think

New research now reveals the truth behind secrets—and it’s not what you’d expect. First, 97% of people have one or more secrets at any given time. But most common is 13 secrets per person… whoa! Secrets included workplace secrets like pending terminations or promotions, personal life secrets like surprise partiesdark or controversial family secrets, you name it. And secrets have different categories, including simple preferences (maybe you really don’t like your mother-in-law’s casserole but pretend you do) to full-out breaches of trust, like infidelity or even embezzlement.

So what does keeping a secret do to your brain? Here are the 2 biggest problems I see (and notice the research backs them too):

  • Damages your well-being – think back to my client above. The energy it took to resist, to self-censor, the rumination (the repetitive thinking about it), the anxiety and depression in anticipating what would happen when the secret would be revealed, all took an enormous toll on him. His emotional resilience was reduced significantly and he noticed he was more irritable. He wasn’t sleeping as well, so he was experiencing what we call REM rip-off, which negatively impacted his behavior further.
  • Damages your focus and decision-making – when you’re distracted by a secret you aren’t fully present. Then your cognitive biases will likely take over and you’ll have less behavioral choice. You may be telling yourself scary stories instead of being able to reframe what’s happening and how you feel. To make matters worse, you’re out of rapport with yourself, too.

Since you’re experiencing the opposite of being mindful, here’s what’s happening in your brain:

  • your amygdala is on overdrive (irritability, quick to drop into fight/flight/freeze),
  • your hippocampus is compromised due to the stress of excessive cortisol which then cause excessive cytokines, so learning, memory, and immune system are compromised,
  • and last your pre-frontal cortex is likely offline a great deal since you’re in Critter State so your ability to communicate, collaborate, innovate--basically be your personal best--is down the tubes.


According to me, the Masters are interested in only thing; to remove all karmic sludge and get you closer to the realization of Oneness. Everything else is secondary. In reality Their only concern is for you to realize yourself and realize The Oneness that pervades all of creation. Balance sheet, fame, property, family, name, respect, honour, all these things are ancillary. They will use all this, the harsh way to make you focus on Them further, or test you and your devotion, by thrusting all these worldly balms, to see if you get distracted. Both ways, if you aren’t centred within your soul, you and I, my friend, are screwed.

"I don't believe you have to be better than everybody else. I believe you have to be better than you ever thought you could be."

-- Ken Venturi


Money can't buy happiness but poverty can't buy anything.


Karma Yoga & Sanyasa

Taking Sanyasa becoming an ascetic is the final stage of spirituality. A lot of preparation is required before a person can be admitted in sanyasa asrama. And karma yoga is one of the prescribed preparations. A karma yogi does not give up religious duties or other activities. They continue to be involved in executing their role in family & society without seeking selfish gain. All their actions are for general welfare and to prepare the mind for scriptural study. Such a karma yogi can be called a sanyasi. This verse repeats the message from chapters IV & V, where it was said that real Sanyasa is giving up the agency of action, not merely giving up of duties.


All sins are washed away once you understand that it was a sin. The original meaning of the word sin is 'to miss the mark'. Basically, to miss the point. To miss reality. To live in ignorance of your real nature. So if you've done something in a self centred manner which you now regret, just see the entire framework of it and see that you missed the reality and lived in falsity. Once you see that, it vanishes. It's like, you don't fight darkness, instead, you just shine light at it and instead of revealing itself, it vanishes. You need to become aware of your sins and then they all will vanish. Lord Shiva is this very awareness I'm talking about who will destroy all sins by shining upon them. Time exists as long as sin exists. In awareness, there is no time. Shiva is beyond time. Time exists as long as regret exists, and regret exists as long as sin exists. Just like light travels through the apparent darkness of space, similarly, Shiva appears to be dark but is actually full of the light of awareness. Shiva doesn't forgive sins, instead he washes them away by making you aware of them. You don't forget them nor do you forgive them. You transcend them and go beyond them. You stop living in and through the past and time collapses.


SHIVA- He is the most forgiving God in Hinduism. He is called Bhole Nath for a reason. Even if some Rakshasa did the right Tapasya he gave boon even to him.


Shiva is Aashutosh (easily pleased). He's Bholenath, and he's the ever Auspicious! He'll surely help you out.


To the Shiva,

It's prayed in Suvarnamala Stuti whose authorship is attributed to Adi Shankaracharya as follows:-

षड्रिपुषडूर्मिषड्विकारहर सन्मुख षण्मुखजनक विभो ।

सांब सदाशिव शंभो शङ्कर शरणं मे तव चरणयुगम ॥ ४६॥

Oh, great Eternal, ever-Auspicious Lord, may you relieve us off the great Six Enemies (षड्-रिपु), the six waves of sensations (षड्-ऊर्मि) , and the six changes of life (षड् - विकार).

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