Saturday 31 August 2024

Meditation. To see wood from tree

Shut off all data to receive better next time

Best photography in 1st 2 days in new place 

2 songs written on 2 days of new guitar 

The Origin of Species was first published in 1859. Seven years later, an obscure monk, Gregor Mendel, published an obscure paper on inheritance in peas that was not widely noticed until 1900, when it became the foundation of the modern science of genetics. Since then, genetic knowledge has become the chief framework for describing the processes of evolution within species. This framework, expressed in both words and equations, describes the factors that cause genetic changes in species. In the simplest terms: a new version of a gene (an allele) comes into existence by mutation (usually a change of one of the units of a DNA sequence). At first it is very rare—only one or a few individuals carry the allele. If this allele alters a characteristic in such a way as to increase an individual’s chance of survival or reproduction, it is said to be naturally selected and may become more common because such individuals survive or reproduce more than those that lack the allele and the advantageous feature. Perhaps the allele entirely replaces the original form of the gene (the new allele is fixed), and the population as a whole has a somewhat altered phenotype (i.e., characteristic: shorter legs, differently colored bill, dif­ferent display behavior—whatever feature the gene affects).


Dinosaurs aren’t just big, fearsome reptiles; they are a particular clade (branch) of archosaur reptiles that arose in the early Triassic period, about 240 Ma, and which also include extinct and living crocodiles. (So, crocodiles are the closest living relatives of birds.) And not all dinosaurs were big (or very fearsome): some were smaller than chickens


The most common basis for evolving altruistic behavior is helping relatives.


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