Here’s a structured summary table of the key ideas from "Is it better to die than to live suffering?"
Summary Table – Is It Better to Die Than to Live Suffering?
Theme | Key Insights & Quotes |
Suffering vs. Perception | "Actual suffering is much easier than imagining yourself suffering." The mind often magnifies suffering, making it seem unbearable. |
Temporary vs. Permanent | "Most of the time, when people want to die, it's because they aren’t able to accept something temporary." Pain fades, and perspectives change over time. |
Degrees of Suffering | Some struggles (like terminal illness) may justify suffering, but many others (debt, failure, humiliation) are just temporary setbacks. "Being in debt can’t kill you, it can only lower your standard of life temporarily." |
The Warrior Mindset | "Feel like a warrior on the battleground, not a vulnerable child hiding behind a table." Life is a battlefield, and true warriors don’t surrender. |
Fighting Through Pain | "Your job is to ask for life, to fight for it, to seek life, and not to run away." Perseverance leads to eventual relief. |
Suffering as a Process | "The end of suffering is releasing the immense mental pain and feeling free." Life moves in cycles—pain will eventually give way to joy. |
Spiritual Perspective | "Suffering is about acceptance, submission to God, and saving others from suffering." Endurance strengthens the soul. |
Interconnectedness of Life | "Every bit and piece of life is connected; pain and suffering are inseparable from happiness and joy." Accepting this balance can bring peace. |
A New Beginning | "From today, you are a newborn." Every day is an opportunity to live with renewed hope and perception. |
Privilege & Perspective | "What right do I have to cry for my miseries when a life is suffering multifolds here in this world?" Gratitude and awareness can lessen personal suffering. |
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One of my friends in school ended his life because he failed in his mathematics exam in class eleventh and couldn’t face his mother.
His parents lost everything in a moment and I know they won’t still be over from that loss.
So was he right to end his suffering?
I am sure, if he was alive today, that memory wouldn’t even cross his mind.
But he was stuck at that weak moment and couldn’t imagine himself suffering.
Look, actual suffering is much easier than imagining yourself suffering, and that’s the saddest part of life.
When you suffer, your body adapts, your mind is busy in finding a way, as time passes, the suffering becomes less, and you adjust to the present circumstances.
But when you imagine, you only see yourself suffering, facing humiliation, not being able to downgrade life, not be able to face people.
Nothing you perceive as impossible is actually impossible.
Suffering is subjective.
What you see as suffering may only be a tiny phase in a beautiful life.
Most time when people want to die is because they aren’t able to accept something temporary.
If a person suffering from last irrecoverable stage from a dreadful deadly disease, almost vegetative and in deep pain wants to end life, spiritually they are blocking their karma to end, to be now faced in next life and also, ending chances of a miracle. Stoll their wish carries meaning.
A person not being able to pay debt is at a far better position.
It’s like a person stuck in endless famine compared to a person who has to pass a few miles before he finds food.
Being in debt can’t kill you, it can lower your standard of life temporarily, make a few selfish people laugh at you, make you lose a comfortable life but can’t finish you.
Suffering mostly means facing and getting over, its not about being burnt alive for years in the fire of hell.
if you suffer with a sense of temporariness, “its al pass” “I am healing” life will be easy.
Those who are fighting an endless war must realise that only the best players are selected at the highest level.
if a country has to fight a war with another country and both can send only one soldier each, they will send their best warriors and not the weak vulnerable, addicted, joyous ones.
Feel like a warrior on the battleground and not like a vulnerable kid hiding behind a table.
“I won’t die for my nation, I will kill for my nation and eliminate all enemies, and if I die in the process I don’t care.”
Till a warrior is alive there are chances of winning and he must fight with all strength and hope.
If despite a sword hanging over your head you are still alive and in any game, it’s because you are meant to be in it.
Suffering isn’t easy, I will be a fool to say that suffering is fun or easy.
Suffering tests your mindset to the core.
Recently I was interacting with an admirer, a middle aged man working at a temple. His grandson suffers from a rare blood disorder. His son in law broke down after facing constant fight for life of his son, multiple surgeries, transfusions, disappointments, funding issues, no sense of peace or happiness, he said to the son in law, “son, your life is war, it wasn’t meant to be easy, there is still a long war ahead and no scope to give up, fight for your son till you heal him and see nothing else.” both of them and their wives are everyday fighting a war and not giving up.
They could also end their child or their life and be free?
Recently they managed to arrange a huge sum through crowd funding to fund a major procedure for their kid.
Everyday I see that man, I see peace in his eyes and a determination to not quit.
He motivates me.
Don’t give up, rise up from the miseries by constantly facing them with all your strength.
Your job is to ask for life, to fight for it, to seek life and not to run away.
Suffering is the use of ample of emotions stored inside the human mind and body. you will never be short of tears or anger or anxiety. let them be used till life sees enough of them, and then one day, life will want to see the other side, your smile, laughs, cheerfulness, carelessness.
Suffering is about releasing your mental pressure through intense actions, acceptance, submission to God, saving others from suffering.
Have you ever controlled your bowel pressure or excretion pressure for hours? it’s immense suffering. Or labor pains, what keeps a person going? the realisation that this shall end and that the immense pressure will be relieved.
The end of suffering is releasing the immense mental pain and pressure and feeling free.
Fight hard for it with a single point focus to achieve freedom.
Don’t look back or here and there.
A determined man or woman can shake an entire nation.
In the deepest of emotions, realizations, experiences you are still that little kid who was bullied by a group of seniors, as the lover who was rejected brutally for his looks, as the son who would look upon to his mother for everything. No emotion or feeling is felt alone, separate from everything and that make everything unique yet similar, contradictory yet consistent.
From today you are a new born, the burning ball of anger, frustrated, hopeless, a zombie without the fire to live is dead, it disappeared in the sleep, a new, excited, hopeful little child has entered the garden of life.
See and feel everything with a fresh perspective.
Stop anticipating anything, stop using your limited wisdom to pre decide and judge.
See everything as if you are seeing it for the first time after years of blindness and praying to get a vision.
Experience everything as its your only chance to feel and know it and keep it with you forever, it’s a memory for life, it’s a beautiful necklace you will keep in your locker forever.
Act every time like it’s your only and final opportunity to act for a matter, no more chances, all your resources, the best of them must be put into action to win and conquer.
Feel every moment of happiness or beauty like its an award after hours of suffering and hopelessness, as if it’s the first rays of sun after a dark lonely night.
Wake up everyday as if you died in your sleep but God of death heard your desperate cry and gave you another chance at life, to fulfil what was left, to say what was unsaid, to try for what you wanted all life, to live what was meant to lived.
Perceive everything as not simple but mysterious and interconnected, the clouds hovering in the sky are not just clouds, they are nature’s work of beauty, imagine how a cloud, a single shape of air, gives shade to a big area. The world is not a mere coincidental diversity of appearances, every bit and piece of it is connected, sperate one from the other and you can’t, similarly pain and suffering are also inseparable from happiness and joy, whatever gives you pain was once a source of joy, whatever gives you joy will be a source of pain someday, accept truth with this wholesome and broader perspective, peace is peace only because of noise, if there wasn’t any noise why and how would you define peace? There is dissatisfaction only because there is expectation, without expectation, what is it is. Life is as it is, there’s no judgment just living as life is, why does an animal continue living after being badly wounded by an attack, or after a canine at all its babies, after being stranded alone, it keeps on living, eating when its hungry, fighting for survival, until and unless it’s close to human intelligence like Dogs, Pet Dogs inhibit human attributes because they learned it from human interaction. Each second in time isn’t just another new tick of clock meant to pass in a blink of an eye, it’s a reflection of millions and millions of seconds you have lived till now, all of them joined together as a chain create this second. The peace in this moment has the screams and noises of the past and hence it appears soothing, the tears in this moments contain happiness and joy in the past and hence the present moment created an intense pressure inside that made the tears roll out. The feeling of dwait or separateness is a myth, a creator of distance from reality, and makes us suffer. People suffering in the world are you, they have similar emotions, face life and death, smile and cry, relish relationships and act mean sometimes, carry hope and expectations of life. People celebrating are also you, if you were at their place you would have done the same, if you won and the winner lost the reaction would be the same, just exchange of bodies. Yesterday around six in the morning I was peacefully standing on a roadside where a cluster of trees create a forest like feeling, on the side was a lean, starving dog lying down in peace, it was clear that he made peace with life, he had no remorse or anger in his eyes, the hunger doesn’t bother him anymore. I felt devastated looking at him, alone, suffering, no one to offer the slightest of hope or support, but why am I so privileged? Why this unfairness? How am I special to him when we carry the same inner existence, we are all a handful of sand from the same bank of the ocean. When I returned with some food, he wasn’t there. What right do I have to cry for my miseries when a life is suffering multi folds here in this world, isn’t this thanklessness? Where is my life going can never be bigger than how must I survive now.
You live today only because countless people died and cleared the way for your existence, you move ahead in a queue only because someone went away satisfied, you are able to use the resources only because someone else couldn’t.
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