Sunday, 16 March 2025

SW Sivananda

Sri Swami Sivananda...🌹🌹🌹


The self-assertive man should change his mental attitude. He must develop the habit of looking at matters from the view-point of others. He must have a new vision of righteousness and truthfulness. An aspirant should treat respect and honour as poison and censure and insult as nectar.
Man finds it difficult to adjust himself to the ways and habits of others. His mind is filled with the prejudice of caste, creed and colour. He is quite intolerant. He thinks that only his views, opinions and ways of living are right and that those of others are incorrect. The fault-finding nature is ingrained in him. He jumps at once to find faults in others. He has morbid eyes. He cannot see the good in others. He cannot appreciate their meritorious actions. He talks of his own abilities and actions. That is why he fights with people around him and cannot keep friendship with others for a long time. Aspirants do not make progress on the path because they too have these defects to a great degree. They should eradicate them by developing tolerance, pure love and other Sattwic qualities.
Introspect. Look within. Try to remove all your defects. This is real Sadhana. This is the most difficult Sadhana. You will have to do it at any cost. Mere intellectual development is not important. It is easy. Sit at the Central Library in Baroda or at the Calcutta Library for six years with a dictionary at your side: you can develop your intellect. But spiritual transformation needs a great deal of struggle for many years. Many old vicious habits have to be rent asunder.

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