Sunday, 16 March 2025



Here’s a summary table of the main quotes and concepts from the passage:

Topic Main Points
Brain's Signal Processing Our brains process sensory input to guide behavior. The physical processes behind this are well understood and ordinary, with only minor stochastic influences.
Feelings vs. Physical Processes Humans feel strongly about their experiences, and many scholars believe in "philosophical zombies" that mimic our brain processes without actual feelings.
Non-Physical Feelings Feelings are seen as non-physical facts. While brain processes explain the content of feelings, the existence of feelings may be a non-physical phenomenon.
Perception of AI Feelings Most people think AGIs and AIs mimicking human emotions do not have real feelings, but some believe that emulating a human brain could lead to actual feelings.
Empirical Data on Feelings Non-physical feelings don’t cause physical actions, making it hard to empirically measure what creatures feel. We rely on intuitions or theoretical arguments instead.
Moral Weight of Feelings People place more moral importance on creatures with real feelings. In a world with many artificial beings, it will matter which are attributed with actual feelings.
Funding Research There’s a push to increase funding for research into AI and feelings, with a proposed increase to ~$1.8B/yr. Effective funding methods like prizes are suggested.
Meta-Law of Feelings One approach is to find a meta-law that ties physical processes in the brain to the feelings computed by those processes. This could help define which devices feel what.
LLMs and Feelings If Nick Chater is right about "The Mind is Flat," LLMs might actually feel the emotions they express, according to the same rule.
Human Intuition on AI Feelings People tend to attribute feelings to AIs they like, and not to those they dislike. This aligns with human history of dehumanizing those they mistreat.

Let me know if you'd like a deeper dive into any of these points!


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